He had to wonder if it was because during the cultural festival, his side had captured Jojo Eguori and Kawasaki Saki, leaving only one unacknowledged rotten girl Ebina among the high-quality beautiful girls in the school. Did this incident arouse the anger of the students in the class?

Otherwise, there is no way to explain why he has not come for almost two weeks.

All the students in the class were laughing so excitedly.

Hey, Xia Chuan, what happened?

Izumi Masamune pulled Natsukawa Masamune out of curiosity, but the other party turned away and was unwilling to answer.

It seems that he is still angry about what happened before, but the most indispensable thing around Izumi Masamune is women.

I found that Zhenliang seemed unwilling to communicate.

Masamune Izumi poked Sagami Minami in front of him.

Suddenly someone called me.

There was joy on Sagami Minami's face, and she turned around and nodded towards Izumi Masamune like a pug.

Natsukawa Masuo, who still wanted to wait for the man to beg her again and then take action, fell into silence.

I want to continue chatting, but I don’t know how to get there.

Poor Natsukawa Masuo looked like he had breathed his last.

what happened?

Letting the man grab her hair and move it around like a toy, Sagami Minami replied with a smile: It's a school trip, Masamune, you came back to play, so I don't know, we are going to go on a school trip next.

Looking at the unsightly expression of Natsukawa Masamune behind him, Sagami Minami smiled happily, and then did not forget to say to Izumi Masamune.

Study trip?

Masamune Izumi had some enlightenment.

Just say what's going on, why are you so excited?

As a new time-traveler who just crossed over not long ago last year.

He really has never experienced a school trip.

This is a system that many people envy.

For the purpose of learning, it is convenient for students to learn knowledge from traveling.

You must go to a place far enough away from the school to be able to live outside for a good period of time.

School trips in District 11 are often subdivided into several categories based on different learning content.

For example, history learning mainly involves visiting historical sites and learning historical knowledge. You can go to big places such as Kyoto and Tokyo. There are also forest school trips and agricultural school trips to experience nature.

Anyway, it’s just one word, play.

And it’s still very enjoyable to play.

In Sobu High School, a place full of academic pressure and busy schedules, it can be said to be a rare happy moment, the kind that is full of the sour smell of love.

It is said that after every school trip, the small umbrella business in the area visited is booming.

Izumi Masamune was slightly distracted.

Sensing the gaze of people around me.

Mostly girls.

It's another bloody season.

His gun was ready for the challenge again.

765 Hiratsuka Shizuka’s little thoughts

Then, that's it. Everything that needs to be explained is explained. You have everything ready for me.

Hiratsuka Shizuka stood on the podium and said to everyone.

The place has been successfully announced just now, it is a three-day trip to Kyoto.

Depart tomorrow.

Yesterday, today's decision was made, and Hiratsuka Shizuka made the decision alone.

Simple and easy, never procrastinating.

Masamune Izumi looked at it in a daze.




A feeble voice sounded.

Because the location this time turned out to be not very satisfactory.

When a bunch of people were cheering, hoping to go to Okinawa and other interesting places, and then take a good look at the girls' swimsuits and the sea.

In the end, the place was decided, and it was Kyoto.

Tokyo is out of the question.

Strictly speaking, Chiba Prefecture is still within the scope of the Tokyo metropolitan area.

On the contrary, Kyoto is still far away.

As for going to places like Okinawa.

Although the trip was written as a study trip and read as an entertainment trip, Sobu High School still wanted to save face.

Going to Kyoto to observe the historical sites is finally a sign of historical learning.


Slapping the table, Teacher Hiratsuka Shizuka successfully attracted the attention of these guys.

Children, cheer up, we will gather tomorrow! What's not good about Kyoto? What a great location. You can fully appreciate the scenery and historical sites.

He adjusted the black sunglasses he was wearing, put one hand on his hips, and swung the other hand forward, seeming to be more energetic than the students.

Shizuka Hiratsuka, who showed the image of a domineering elder sister, and her sweet smile finally made these guys recall the fear that was once shrouded in iron fist sanctions.

Masamune, did you know? This time it was Mr. Shizuka Hiratsuka who specially applied to come to Kyoto. I heard that it seems that the teacher's hometown is Kyoto.

Because of the serious exchange just in the afternoon.

Therefore, Sagami Minami gradually relaxed his attitude towards getting along with Izumi Masamune.

At this moment, he turned his head and whispered.

This kind of sitting at the front and back tables, close to the man, feeling the breath and the strange eyes of the people around him from time to time.

She let the man's fingers scratch her back and playfully opened her bandage.

Sagami Minami felt extremely satisfied.

The sound of chairs shaking.

Holding the legs tightly, I recovered a lot.

As for Natsukawa Masuo’s strange sight.

As a girl, you are not afraid of that guy.

My hometown is Kyoto?

When Izumi Masamune heard this, a chill suddenly rose up from his back.

We also had a lot of exchanges with Hiratsuka Shizuka.

In his opinion, although the other party also belongs to the wife generation.

But there is a huge difference between the two.

That is, women of this generation are able to let go and no matter what else happens, but verbally at least they will not disturb you when you are with other girls.

But these guys who are twenty-nine years old and several dozen months old still have relationships with the purpose of getting married.

I heard that the destination Kyoto mentioned by Minami Sagami was Hiratsuka Shizu's hometown.

Izumi Masamune suddenly had a bad association.

Izumi-kun, do you actually have any guesses?

Sagami Minami, who was just mentioning it casually, noticed Izumi Masamune's gaze, and his expression suddenly lit up.

Is this a new discovery?

Sagami Minami's eyes were dimly shining.

Although she has a stronger desire to show off than ordinary girls, her performance in many aspects is also better than that of humans.

But one thing about Sagami Minami remains unchanged.

That is the endless gossip mind.

At this moment, Izumi Masamune seemed to have guessed something, which really aroused Sagami Minami's thoughts.

Sagami Minami-kun...

What's wrong?

Your back.


Shizuka Hiratsuka walked over with a kind smile, wearing sandals, and lowered her head.

Under the shadow, his face looked very dark.

After school.

Kasumigaoka Shiu, who refused and wanted to attend the class with him, but actually wanted to know about the filming of the movie, and Sagami Minami, who just started looking at each other with Natsukawa Masuo and shooting lightning.

Masamune Izumi, who was going crazy when the crew was filming, felt that there was no guarantee that the news would not spread in the face of Kasumi's fat black stockings, so he decided to kill that guy.

Izumi Masamune, who had nothing to do for the time being, decided to participate in the activities of the service club.

In the ministry activity room.

Counting the previous cultural festival time, I haven't been to the service department for half a month.

Izumi Masamune felt that he needed to stabilize the interpersonal relationships in the service department.

However, what is unexpected is that in the service department, everyone is here today by coincidence.

Ever since Izumi Masamune began to flourish this semester, and Yukinoshita Yukino was taught by the five sisters, it was rare that there were so many people in the service department activity room.

Uncharacteristically, it was not the orange scene where Yui Hama pulled Yukinoshita Yukino to stage a team attack.

Very unexpectedly, at this moment, Yui was grabbed by Yukinoshita Yukino and pinned down on the table.

My grades aren't too bad. I'll be fine if I take the exam seriously and go to Morningside University, so I don't need to worry about these things.

Yuigahama Yui's face was almost full of unhappy emotions.

It was obvious that school was over, and it should be a relaxing time to combine education with fun, and several potted plants in the service department also needed her to take care of. Playing with Xiaoxue is also very nice, but why do you have to add studying!

Yes, yes, our little Yui can work directly. I will raise her and I will be able to make her fat and healthy.

I originally came in wanting to have a pleasant chat with everyone.

As a result, I found this strange atmosphere, and Izumi Masamune decisively came up to interrupt it.

The girl who was cheering at this moment held Yui in her arms and sat on the chair together.

Her plump breasts stick to her body.

You can feel the bulging highlights rubbing against your body comfortably.

This guy actually doesn't wear underwear.

Izumi Masamune was extremely critical of Yui's incident.

Then his palms were already inserted from the collar to punish him properly.

Let the softness change shapes in your hands, just like being the best stylist, constructing the beauty in your heart.

Dumpling girl’s dumplings have become more and more nutritious recently.

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