Shaked his head.

Although under the leadership of Naguli, I went to heaven to practice as a little angel.

But among the spells practiced, most of them are spells on how to make two men and women who have emotional foundations fall in love with each other.

Then there are the endless rules.

There is no such thing as body transformation.

Moreover, because she had experienced the adolescent syndrome of loss of existence and knew how powerful it was, Mai Sakurajima was very suspicious at this moment that her current situation was actually caused by Toyohama Kazuka.

Only my sister, who suffered from puberty syndrome due to her own problems, could successfully ignore her own blessing and cause a body swap between the two people.

Of course, based on how drowsy I was before, it was very possible that I could have defended myself.

In the end, it was because of the power of love that was bewitched by that guy Gu Li.

Facing a certain enemy, he was so agitated that he completely lost control of his body, causing himself to go completely berserk after he should have been recovering well.

But it was naturally impossible for her to tell Toyohama and Hana these things.

He has already experienced so many strange things, and the other party's attitude towards him has always been this way.

If you tell Waka that you are Cupid, the girl's mentality will be unbalanced.

And until now, Sakurajima Mai's own mind is in chaos.

My sister used her body and had a relationship with her boyfriend.

What kind of bloody relationship is this?

Even if it is a novel, I would not dare to write it like this.

Mai Sakurajima had a terrible headache.

Perhaps, just tell Masamune directly.

Although I think this is a problem, telling someone will make him feel more proud.

But after thinking about it, she decided to find Izumi Masamune.

It was when she was most desperate, Izumi Masamune helped her and led her to find people for help, from Gabriel to the daughter of a god like Gu Li.

I have experienced a lot of various things, although I have always been a little sad about someone's bad character, greedy and dissatisfied situation like a dragon.

But Mai Sakurajima firmly believes that as long as she recruits Masamune Izumi, she will be able to get a solution.

As long as Izumi Masamune is here, no matter how troublesome the problem is, it will definitely be solved.

Then go ahead, sister.

Toyohama and Hana looked a little dodgeful.

I always feel that if I leave now and the other party hooks his finger, she will immediately rebel.

The girl was still a little afraid of Izumi Masamune due to her completely out-of-control experience just now.

Noticing the changes in her sister, Mai sighed in her heart, knowing that it still had an impact, and things really couldn't go away like that, but now she can only go to Izumi Masamune with a smile on her face, That's okay, just wait for my good news. .”

Knowing that her sister still needs to calm down and think, Sakurajima Mai decided to go by herself.

It's rare to see a sister so dependent on him.

Mai Sakurajima feels very motivated at the moment!

No! You can't do this!

Suddenly a voice sounded, and there was that purple stupid hair.

Sister, sister!

Toyohama Kazuhana was so frightened that she threw herself into Sakurajima Mai's arms.

Then he couldn't help but cover his head.

Somewhat painful.

As a result, Toyohama and Hana became even more depressed.

It's okay, it's just a special situation. My dear senior Guli, stop pretending and come out quickly.

There was no other way. Knowing Guli's special Mai, she could only let her sister come into contact with something special.


In the surprised eyes of Toyohama and Hana, a girl wearing a death robe appeared in front of them.

I glanced at my sister and found that she looked calm, so I finally calmed down.

Senior Guli, do you have a solution?

Mai was a little excited.

I don't have this anymore, but anyway, you can't find Zhengzong first.

Whistling and looking around, it looked like he was lying.

Guli, who wanted to verify something, naturally would not allow the two of them to go to Izumi Masamune.


Mai stopped Kazuya, who was a little excited, and asked aloud.

Because, well, because you know, Zhengzong's physical condition is very special. The reason why you are now is a puberty syndrome. It will get better as time goes by. But Zhengzong, with his strength, if he recognizes it, he knows this One point, and you will never think about correcting it for the rest of your life.

Gu Li, who had never shown any signs of panic, felt a little uncomfortable at the moment.

But, isn't the problem of lack of sense of existence that I encountered before good?

Sakurajima Mai frowned, not being deceived by the guy in front of her.

That's different. At that time, Mai-chan, you had no sense of existence at all. It was also a bad thing for Masamune, so he didn't approve of these things in his heart. But what about now? A sister with a sister's body, a sister with a sister's body, When you want to play with your girlfriend, which one should you go to? Gu Li spoke more and more smoothly.

According to the authentic character.

I want it all.

No need for Guli to say anything, Mai Sakurajima already knew the answer.

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