Guli shook her head and firmly refused. She accidentally put Qianshi Qianhiro in just now. You can see Izumi-kun's eyes, as if he really wanted to eat someone.

Why? Will Mai-chan be angry? It's your body inside, too. Besides, it's too late to go now.

He smiled, the little tiger tooth on the left shining brightly.

After a long time, the door finally opened.

After arranging his clothes and walking out, Izumi Masamune looked at his sister-in-law blocking the door in confusion.

She was the one who had been making the noise just now, but Izumi Masamune, who was in high spirits, had no time to take care of this guy. Now he finally had the time to take care of her.

Brother-in-law. He just said the title, but the next moment he held it back.

Sakurajima Mai was a little confused at the moment.

Sister, is she in there?

Even without looking, Sakurajima Mai could imagine that her expression at this moment must be very strange.

Yes, she is inside. Do you have anything to do with her?


Not caring about talking to Izumi Masamune anymore, the girl hurried through the door and entered.

He glanced doubtfully at his sister-in-law who was acting inappropriately.

Feel the inadvertent waves that pass by.

Izumi Masamune walked towards the theater outside.

Okay, don't peek. The sisters want to chat about something urgent. What are you looking at?

After knocking on the guy who was sitting on the ground and looking at him curiously, Izumi Masamune found that he still didn't repent and had no choice but to leave and go to the theater.

Sakurajima Mai looked at her body and Qianshi Qianhiro who were hugging each other with complicated eyes.

Two heroines of equal size, huddled together at this moment, with a heart-stirring change.

The familiar yet unfamiliar cheek was full of confusion at the moment, as well as a blush and satisfaction that could not be concealed.

elder sister?

Toyohama Kazuka felt the strange gaze, and the girl who originally wanted to pretend to be dead raised her head.

Looking at her appearance, although she didn't know, but for some reason, at the first glance, she knew that it was her sister Sakurajima Mai.

Japanese flowers.

Ning choked, and she originally had all kinds of questions, but in the end they all turned into a sigh, I'm sorry.

Hug your sister, your actual self.

He couldn't care less about the various filth that appeared on the other party's body due to Izumi Masamune's actions.

It looks like a younger sister is comforting her older sister, but there is a strange sense of coordination.

The sisters, who originally had many problems and conflicts that could not be reconciled, are finally getting closer now.

It's just that the price is a bit high.

Only Qianshi Qianxun was still pretending to sleep with her eyes closed at the moment.

As a teacher, she actually competed with a little girl for a man. Her performance just now was not as good as Sakurajima Mai. All kinds of things made her feel that she could not afford to lose this person.

Outside the door, Gu Li left and returned.

He looked at the two sisters in front of him very curiously.

Guli is an angel, a devil, the Goddess of Love, and the next possible god or devil.

But she doesn't understand love, and she doesn't understand why Mai is suddenly angry at this moment.

Why are Toyohama and Hana crying?

I want to understand, but I don’t know how.


Looking at the size of Sakurajima Mai and Sengoku Chihiro who just finished playing with Izumi Masamune.

Lowering her head, she hesitated, put her hand in front of her heart, and pressed it gently.

He had always been an optimist, with a silly and pretty face that made people bully him, but now he looked a little shy.

He whispered as if he was extremely shy.

It turns out... I like that...

Because of the unintelligible voice, there were three girls in the room who had different thoughts about each other.

Sister, what should we do now?

The title was still a bit awkward at first, but when faced with Mai Sakurajima using her own body, Toyohama Kazuhana relaxed.

He asked quietly how to solve it.

It looks awkward to use my sister's body.

Although it makes me happy that I can't see the soles of my feet when I lower my head.

The sister I have always envied, whom my mother always said was so good, also directly owns the other person's identity, body, and all the interpersonal relationships.

But there was nothing joyful about Toyohama and Hana.

Just thinking about the experience I had with Izumi Masamune just now, which made me almost lose control and act completely without shame.

Toyohama Kazuhana suddenly felt lucky that this was using her sister's body, otherwise, she would have died.

This cannot continue.

Otherwise she would definitely be broken.

He completely lost his dignity and became someone's toy, coming and going as soon as he called it.

He is Sweet Bullet's C-position idol Toyohama Kazuka, how could he be so shameless?

There's nothing I can do about this.

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