But the girl's mood was warm.

Lower your head.

Sanjiu's eyes were stunned.

Matcha soda.

And it's my favorite brand.


He slapped himself on the face, causing the sudden high temperature that suddenly exploded like nuclear fusion to cool down.

This must be an accident, it must be an accident.

I must have grabbed a random drink, so I got matcha soda.

Sanjiu kept convinced herself of this in her heart, but later on, her tone became weaker and weaker, and she didn't even believe it.


Nakano Miku screamed.

Originally I was just curious.

I am curious about the sister who wants to act alone, the sister Nakano Nino who is specially made up to look like she wants to meet her sweetheart, and how far she has progressed with Izumi Masamune.

For this reason, he disguised himself as Nino and went to meet Izumi Masamune, but he unexpectedly discovered something new.

The teacher Masamune Izumi, who seems to be extremely cheerful and sunny, is actually a wolf with two legs.

And according to that performance, Nino must have had many indescribable relationships with Izumi Masamune. Otherwise, he would not have made so many requests just now. In fact, if it weren't for Sanjiu's wit, he would have been Got it directly.


What if the other party really discovered his identity?

I heard that men are all wolves with big tails.

The Nino who dressed up herself, no, her five sisters were all so cute, and normal excuses could not stop her actions.

Especially when, after just a few strokes, he was already very unsatisfied, like an obedient puppy obeying his instructions.

If it can be stopped like this?

Sanjiu's head has never been so hot, nor has it been running as fast as it is now.

Matcha soda stopped the action just right.

All prove one point.

Am I so unattractive?

The girl thought about it, and finally a thought that made her feel disappointed suddenly came to her mind.

I took out my mobile phone and on it were the photos I took yesterday.

All of them are pictures of Izumi Masamune dressed as a military commander.

Each one is from an angle carefully selected by Sanjiu.

Every picture doesn't need to be retouched, it all looks so handsome.

If Mr. Izumi is riding on two boats, can he step on a few more?

Such a bold idea suddenly arose in Sanjiu's heart.

Nino, where did you go?

The calls of other girls from the Nakano family came from the distance.

On the way, I met Izumi Masamune, and several people who received the other party's instructions headed here.

Hastily turning off the photos on her phone, Sanjiu straightened her clothes and walked towards the direction of the sound.


Brother Izumi, you don't even know how unsatisfactory my brother is. I'm going to make Komachi angry to death.

At noon, the sun is hot.

Hikigaya Komachi followed Izumi Masamune and kept complaining to him about his brother's failure today.

Ultimately, its source lies in the drama performances of Hayama Hayato and Totsuka Ayaka, two grown men who work part-time as princes and princesses.

The woman Ebina Himina was unable and did not dare to promote the CP of Izumi Masamune and Hayama Hayato, so she focused on the two boys Hayama and Totsuka.

Poor Hikigaya Hachiman suffered an absolute blow right away.

Komachi next to him looked very helpless and could only sigh at his brother's failure.

Then he started complaining to Izumi Masamune.

Don't worry. If you're worried, Komachi, I know a lot of people. Eita Kidou, Toruya Aki, Kyousuke Kousaka, I know a lot of people, either with excellent grades or with strong mobility. Invisible and now recharging, I will definitely introduce a few more good 'friends' to your brother.

Izumi Masamune is quite fair. He took away most of Hikigaya Hachiman's heroines. Izumi Masamune didn't even feel like a benefactor to help him eliminate the possibility of Shura Field. Instead, he took the initiative to help Hikigaya Hachiman find a boyfriend. .

The other protagonists are all stealing girls, and the original protagonist is lonely all his life. There must be very few new-age male protagonists like him who help them form a gay relationship.

As for Ichijo Raku, the only one among them, it was an accident.

After all, it was Takatsuki Izumi who took action, and he was too late, right?

But these names all sound like boys.

Hikigaya Komachi was a little confused.

Do you think it would be possible for your brother to survive if he had a girlfriend?

That's right. After all, my brother has you as his classmate.

With a smile on her lips, the girl tilted her head and said funny.

Then ushered in the iron fist sanction of Izumi Masamune.

Behind him, he looked with envy, jealousy and hatred at Hinata and Sagiri who had taken away their status.

Returned to Izumi's house.

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