
So why do girls, who are born to bring endless joy to men, have such weird days?

Moreover, isn’t your life at this time?

Izumi Masamune was extremely sure, because once before, after the five sisters made up for a lesson, when Izumi Masamune wanted to have fun with Nino, the girl had already said it at that time.

It's definitely not the right time.

Well, you know, it's bad for people's health.

Speaking in the girl's ear, Izumi Masamune felt that there was a fire in his heart because of the performance just now, and he had to find some suitable way to release it.


The girl was a little flustered and seemed to be struggling with silence because she couldn't satisfy her boyfriend.

Besides this, there are actually other ways.

Looking at the flustered girl, Izumi Masamune smiled hintingly.

With his methods, why not let the girl obediently plead and take the initiative?


An insignificant voice sounded, the girl put her fingers on the collar, and the buttons slowly fell off one by one.

Oh haha! Ruined!

Izumi Masamune, who was looking at the beautiful scenery expectantly, was amazed in his heart at the next moment.

Because the situation is different.

Recently, Nino has transformed into a love-struck girl, but she always wears underwear, which comes in many styles.

But it will never be this color.

He went up with trembling hands.

feels good.

It's almost the same as Nino's, of course, they are quintuplets after all, quintuplets who are just as cute.

But Masamune Izumi was extremely sure because the girl's reaction was different.

The one with this shy expression is definitely not Nino!

Izumi Masamune is extremely certain.

Who is the blue in front of me?

Izumi Masamune, who just recently said that he would never admit his wife by mistake, feels that today is really his FLAG recycling day.

Long hair.

So Ichika can be ruled out.

The body weight is a perfect fifty kilograms, so May can be ruled out.

She looks shy and has no stupidity, so Yotsuba can be ruled out.

Isn't it Sanjiu?

Izumi Masamune thought of a joke from before.

The man's girlfriend has a twin sister. After playing with her sister every day, the man would play with his sister again. He thought they were perfect. It wasn't until he got married that he learned that his girlfriend didn't have a twin sister at all.

I have forgotten the general process, but only remember the individual contents.

But that's it.

Izumi Masamune always thought that kind of joke was silly. How could a man not be able to tell such a thing apart? He was completely carried away by his own yu.

But now he hopes very much that he can be so stupid and don't need to worry about the current problem.

Looking at the girl who had closed her eyes, all her buttons fell off, and looked like she was at her own disposal, Izumi Masamune fell into silence.

What, what's wrong?

the girl asked cautiously.

Nothing, fine.

Izumi Masamune took a breath and calmed down.

No matter what, let’s play first.

After all, the decision hasn't been made yet.

Plus this is an outdoor resting place.

I don’t want to deal with the five sisters who are eating less and less, just in a pitiful place outdoors where you think I don’t know your identity, but in fact I do know your identity, so it’s just an addiction.

A self-taught person, he became the most talented pianist, and then he fully displayed his talents on the piano named Nakano Miku.

Although they didn't prepare the music score in advance and were able to go to the audition early, the two of them still played the song perfectly.

The relationship between the two parties has deepened a lot at this moment.

The palm of his hand reached the back and tried to button it up. The girl was about to stand up and leave, but she was held down by Izumi Masamune on the shoulder.

Drink some water first, don't get thirsty.

Izumi Masamune looked at the girl tenderly.

After all, it's Sanjiu, and it's an emergency, so he needs to be comforted.

The girl lowered her head and said nothing.

I feel thirsty, who caused it?

My sister called me, so I left first.

After glancing at the phone and noticing that the girl was fully dressed, Izumi Masamune breathed a sigh of relief and walked away.

Sanjiu watched the man's back disappear into the sea of ​​people, then looked away.

The drink placed in the palm of the hand is still as cold as when it was taken out.

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