Arms tied, Izumi Masamune looked at Chika Tachibana who was satisfied with the goal in front of him, and asked with a smile.

I'm really tired.

Tachibana Chika rolled her eyes at Izumi Masamune.

Then he leaned forward obediently and helped Izumi Masamune change his clothes.

The head of the Kyushu samurai family, the Tachibana family, can be said to be the most powerful woman in the entire eleventh district before the two heirloom families of the Shinomiya family and the Sanzenin family. However, at this moment, she is truly like a little maid. Helping Izumi Masamune change clothes.

I believe that if people saw it, they would be surprised and speechless.

The first thing Chika Tachibana raised was her top.

The entire set of armor has no armor pieces on the chest and back, but is painted with geometric colorful patterns. It seems to be made of a kind of hard brocade. Of course, it may also be made of leather and then painted with patterns.

The shape of the armor is that the hem of the front chest is sharp and the hem of the back is straight, with a wide border around it. It is also made of brocade or leather.

The weight seemed very heavy, and Chika Tachibana, who was already in poor physical condition, seemed to be shaking just by carrying it.

Come one at a time, don't worry.

He said to the woman jokingly, and was greeted by that beautiful frown.

He tried to put the armor on directly as if he was angry, but he failed to stand firm and fell onto Izumi Masamune in front of him.

Today, it feels great!

Masamune Izumi hugged the woman and said with a smile.

What greeted him was the woman's red cheeks.

A mere commoner dares to bump into a great samurai. He must be taught a lesson.

Grasping it tightly, Izumi Masamune felt that he must take care of this guy.

It took a long time.

Putting the useless woman on the sofa, Izumi Masamune put on all the inner clothes and outer armor one by one.

Then he picked up the Kaifeng sword specially given here.

The sword pointed at the woman who was panting and unable to lift her fingers.

Being too invincible and unable to find an opponent is also the sadness of being invincible.

Tachibana Qianhua: ...

I'll kill you.


Therefore, sometimes time travel is actually very boring.

It’s no wonder that many people like to move all kinds of things from their previous lives to this world with great pains and hardships.

Because you have traveled to a new world, there are many jokes that you simply cannot play by yourself.

Things like chicken you are so beautiful, press f to enter tankuo, meat tankanna sauce and so on.

When a person is smiling happily and watching others look confused, it is actually very boring.

There will also be a touch of sadness.

Even though there are cars, houses, and girls in this world, I still sleep in turns every day for a month without ever feeling the same again.

But sometimes it is inevitable to miss it a little bit.

It's not hypocritical or not, and Izumi Masamune didn't complain about the so-called time travel. It can only be said that while it is boring and absurd, it seems to be a sudden nostalgia.

Sensing that something was wrong with the man's state, Chika Tachibana was very smart and did not continue to say anything.

Instead, he continued to use his body to warm someone.

The iron-blooded warrior finally turned into the soft underside of his fingers under the gentleness of a woman.

But it was never a joke.

Even Tachibana Chika, who is physically weak, can still surprise people after she works hard.

By the time this side was over, it was already very late.

However, the two of them did not have time to rest, because next, Izumi Masamune and Tachibana Chika met some people.

They are all partners of the Orange family, or simply branch relatives of the Orange family.

It was originally part of the highest level under the three wealthy families.

The Orange family implements a multi-line layout.

Just like Izumi Masamune and Tachibana Chika who were discussed by our family, Tachibana Wataru and Sanzenin Nagi were planned to separate their families.

Successfully connecting the two giants, it makes itself stable and even reaches a higher level.

But later on, on the one hand, there were conflicts between the Tachibana family and the Yukinoshita family, as well as various reasons, which led to the cancellation of the engagement with the Sanzenin family.

In addition, the recent attacks on Orange Rock have made many people worried and shaken.

At this moment, when the head of the Tachibana Chika family personally took action and successfully led Izumi Masamune up, the subsequent supporters of the Tachibana family breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, after learning the news that Izumi Masamune was here in Tachibana Chika, these people also came over and worshiped obediently on the top of the mountain, hoping to leave an impression on Izumi Masamune's heart.

But just by looking at the time when these guys arrived, it happened that the two of them had almost finished playing, and Tachibana Chika was so desperate that she wanted to get on top of her.

In fact, these are all under the arrangement of Tachibana Chika.

As the most powerful woman in District 11, Chika Tachibana has never been an ordinary little girl.

Okay, that's probably it.

After giving a stern expression to the last guy, who was extremely eager for Izumi Masamune and even wanted to send his daughter's family out of the house, Chika Tachibana gently walked up and helped. Izumi Masamune pressed his head.

Noticing the man's renewed anger.

Chika Tachibana was also a little scared.

It is said that a woman's waist sharpens a man's knife.

But the man in front of me is an ox that can plow bad fields.

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