Yazawa Sumi, who was immersed in chatting with her little man, was startled. She turned around and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw it was Yazawa Nico.

Are you talking to someone? Who is it?

With such a sweet smile, it must be someone important. Nico Yazawa does not object to having another father in the family, but on the contrary, she wants her lonely mother to find a good home.

Then, in fact, he is a friend of the company.

Yazawa Somi hesitated, her daughter's best friend of the same age ended up chatting like this, how could she say such a thing.


Containing and overwhelming her mother, Nico Yazawa had already narrowed her eyes and smiled evilly.

Next to them, Kokoro Yazawa and Kokoro Yazawa discovered the problem. At this moment, the gossip instinct of young women arose, and they looked at Yazawa Somi with a smile.

It's so interesting that Yazawa Sumi, who has always been the backbone of the family and possesses absolute majesty, suddenly behaves like this.

Embarrassed, embarrassed.

It would be fine if Izumi Masamune was a little older and Yazawa Nico didn't know each other, but how could Yazawa Sumi say it now?

She felt like her heart was about to explode.

It's okay, Mom, I think it's fine. Regardless of us, it's normal to want to be in a love mood. I have it too, right?

He wrapped his arms around his jade rabbit.

Nico Yazawa said with a comforting look.

Well. This, it's actually you...

For example, I also have someone I like, Masamune Izumi. I have already told you about it to my mother before.

Nico Yazawa tried her best to use empathy to make her mother-in-law give up her resistance.

But the girl didn't notice that Yazawa Somi, who was still smiling dryly, suddenly widened her eyes at this moment.

Really, falling in love is normal.

Nico Yazawa put his left hand in front of his abdomen, supported his right arm, and threw his hands as if he didn't care. He didn't notice the black smoke rising behind his mother, and Yazawa Shinko, who had quietly retreated when he sensed something was wrong. and Sumi Yazawa.

Yazawa Nico! Tell me again!

The Yazawa family was extremely lively today.


One family is happy and the other is sad. Things in the world are always so wonderful. Nico Yazawa proudly let it slip, which then caused a big conflict between the mother and daughter of Yazawa Somi and Yazawa Nico. The originally intact When the family was about to witness a stormy mother-daughter Shura scene, Masamune Izumi continued to enjoy his life happily.

Yes, that's it.

Tachibana Chika happily looked at the scene in front of her, and then couldn't help but applaud.

There was only Izumi Masamune who looked helpless but could only look at the woman in front of him lovingly.

This is a villa in Dongjing. Recently, in order to achieve a deeper relationship with the Kondo family, Chika Tachibana, who had been living in seclusion, the real head of the Tachibana family, took action personally regardless of her own weakness.

Time and time again, through sweat and dedication, I was fully recognized by Izumi Masamune, the heir to the Kondo family.

Tachibana Chika's eloquence, no, her persuasive skills are extremely good.

As a result, many good agreements were reached between the two parties.

This weekend is the start of the college cultural festival.

Among them, the drama rehearsals of each class in the evening program were carried out normally and perfectly, but there was also a class that showed the Samurai Maid Restaurant during the day.

I originally asked Yuuki Ringo to help prepare a suitable samurai uniform, but this was mentioned during a leisurely exchange in the bed.

As a result, Chika Tachibana, the head of the Tachibana family, a Kyushu samurai family, enthusiastically put forward his opinion.

God knows where this family's armor came from, anyway, it was given to Izumi Masamune.

What Masamune Izumi always wanted was the kind of armor that resembled a modern beautified two-dimensional form.

In the end, the woman in front of me wanted to get a real antique.

The armor required is difficult to wear.

Seeing the woman panting and tired, Izumi Masamune couldn't say anything.

Normally, when the other party is in poor health, I would barely hold on and let him play comfortably. Now if I refuse, I always feel like a bit of a scumbag.

Although it's actually pretty bad.

This must be very suitable. This legendary samurai armor was worn by Miyamoto Musashi.

Under Izumi Masamune's worried eyes, Tachibana Chika raised a super large armor.

Miyamoto Musashi? Is it men's armor?

Seeing what was in front of him, Masamune Izumi couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Well, in fact, the real Miyamoto Muko is indeed a woman, but the opponent has always fought as a man, and all the armor that was restored later is also a man's armor.

Tachibana Chika looked at Izumi Masamune with some confusion, and explained seriously, making the man sigh in his heart.

There really is Fuyuki City in this world, so of course there is something wrong with the so-called Miyamoto Musashi's armor.

It's just that the other party's serious answers always make him feel a little weird.

There seems to be something wrong with this.

Looking at the clean fake antiques in front of him, Masamune Izumi still felt a little weird.

Is that so? I'm a little disappointed, crying.

Chika Tachibana became a little embarrassed and made Izumi Masamune twitch his horn.

What age are you women? Please give me the graceful and luxurious persona you had before!

It is said that appropriate and happy applause is beneficial to people's physical and mental health.

Izumi Masamune has never believed this, but now, I see that the person who was originally as gorgeous as the goddess of the moon under the moonlight has now become such a naughty person under his continuous education. Despite the mentality of a girl, Masamune Izumi still has a deep sense of accomplishment.

Although he knew that this guy might be pretending like this on purpose so that he could properly change into the armor, Izumi Masamune finally nodded.

But armor is more time-consuming. Mrs. Tachibana, can you help me change my armor?

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