Each one of them still expressed their favor with a smile and a generous expression.

There is simply no reason to refuse.

Because you are definitely going to attack those girls.

There are familiar people around.

The only one who secretly watched Kawasaki Sahina was discovered by Miura, so the girl would not shy away from it at this moment.

And it's definitely not one person's action, but a completely ridiculous and super bad move where the entire drama club is role-playing.

Miura Yuko crossed her arms, full of momentum, and what she said made all the girls present blush.

Kawasaki Saki swept the floor silently, legs trembling

Just like how Miura and Izumi Masamune met and got along very early on.

But at that time, he was questioning Yui.

The scene where Miura Yuko denounced the heartless man was staged.

The arrogant and cute look makes Izumi Masamune want to hug him more and more and perform another class performance after class at dusk.

But I haven't taken action yet.

Izumi Masamune raised his hands to show that he was somewhat innocent.

After being innocent, I felt no guilt when I tore Miura's clothes off.

Hmph, it doesn't happen now, but it will definitely happen in the future. No one knows your temper yet?

Miura Yuko snorted proudly, as if a golden lion was occupying the chassis that divided her.

Looking at Yuigahama Yui, it seems that she wants Yui to come and help her support her.

However, the girl didn't notice.

At this moment, Yuigahama Yui had already noticed something was wrong early, and hid behind Izumi Masamune with a dry smile.

Yuigahama Yui, who is good at observing words and expressions, has already discovered Miura Yuko's darkened Yintang today.

It was a miserable future in which I would be so exhausted and severely dehydrated that I would be unable to move.

Anyway, you will definitely have it in the future, so I must remind you.

Izumi Masamune was speechless at this moment.

Where did that proud Miura go?

You can say this.

Do you know what is unnecessary?

It just speaks volumes about this guy if he wants to be blamed.

Do you know how many people are like this? You will definitely get killed.

He tightened his grip on the contact information that the girls from earlier had stuffed into his pocket.

Izumi Masamune, who felt that his personality had been underestimated, decided to invite the girls from the drama club out on the weekend.

Let’s all have a good rehearsal of the drama together.

The rehearsal content starts with nurses, teachers and flight attendants, and they are all practiced carefully.

If he doesn't practice thoroughly and sweat enough, he will write the word Izumi backwards from now on.

what's on your mind?

Miura Yuko suddenly felt a little green in her head.

Seeing the man's malicious smile, he asked angrily.

Yuigahama Yui took a deep breath.

Miura is really not suitable to play a magician.

Miura looks like a warrior today.

How dare you provoke Masamune Izumi like this.

I took out a water glass from my school bag.

Well, there is still some water, which should be enough for her to drink.

It’s not good to be thirsty in the middle of summer.

I didn't think anything of it. It's just that you can talk about the drama club's affairs. I won't care about whether they come or not.

Izumi Masamune shook his head and said that it's fine as long as you are happy.

Anyway, the contact information is there.

Miura pouted with some dissatisfaction, but when he saw the man's malicious palm, he stopped obediently.

Sorting out his Demon King outfit this time.

The class exhibition samurai uniform that Yuuki Ringo used to actually measure Izumi Masamune's length with his own body and then customized it has not yet arrived.

But a simple Demon King server is easy to make.

After all, no one has ever seen the Demon King. He can do whatever he wants with clothes, as long as he looks good and looks handsome.

A black suit, a scarlet cloak that represents blood, and a completely black Western sword.

There is a red plastic bead on it that looks like a gem.

Yui is wearing a dragon suit.

The furry body has a tail that swings back and forth as if it is full of vitality.

It's a specially made prop suit. It looks big, but the inside is made of high-quality velvet.

But it also seemed like there was some applause.

Wearing a white dragon suit.

Just like a meattankanna.

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