Cheng Xunxun's delicate and pretty face was filled with enthusiasm.

Turn your head away and blink.

It's completely impossible to tell that this is a third-year student council president.

Although his own mobility and execution ability are not very good.

But some people make people feel motivated just by standing there.

This is the case for the city tour in front of us.

The warm and sunny smile makes people unconsciously let go of the guard they have in their hearts.

Just watching such a reassuring city patrol.

However, Izumi Masamune's mind couldn't help but think of some things that Yangno had told him before.

The mood just couldn't help but become weird.

Masamune-kun, hurry up and try this dress.

Senior, something needs to be corrected here.

Ara, I think this is better.

Ah, it's so big...

Senior, come and see me.

In the large and spacious classroom, preparations for rehearsals are currently taking place.

The girls were excited to prepare for the sound, with some weird topics mixed in from time to time.

In Miura, Yui was packing her clothes, while she and several girls from the drama club who were summoned by the city patrol to help with makeup and makeup were surrounding Izumi Masamune.

One girl is equal to five hundred ducks, and two girls are equal to a thousand ducks.

When they are gathered one by one at this moment, the power produced is simply like a nuclear explosion.

As we all know, humans are social creatures.

Even a certain dead fish-eye has a cute sister and a transvestite boy who is eyeing his companions.

Girls have taken the gregarious nature of it to the extreme.

Not to mention the people on the road who walk arm in arm with the same girl without any scruples and don’t need to worry about being treated as a privilege of the same sex.

In the classroom at this moment, when you meet Miura Yuko, who started out as the most violent with Izumi Masamune and has thoroughly played in all kinds of things, you will often have some negative reactions such as blushing, being shy, being soft and talking softly, etc. The manifestation of the Queen's characteristics.

But once they are together, nuclear fusion begins.

It's like the difference between a lone wolf and a pack of wolves.

At this moment, those guys looked at Izumi Masamune with excitement, fully demonstrating that being a woman can actually be so scary.

...Okay, we're going to start rehearsing, and anyone who doesn't have anything to do with it can leave first.

Miura Yumiko looked at the girls in the drama club looking at Masamune Izumi with aggressive eyes in embarrassment.

As the Queen of Fire on campus.

The pinnacle of current charging.

In terms of its own majesty, it is more powerful than the city patrol.

At this moment the girl questioned angrily.

The little magic wand waving in his hand seemed to be really releasing explosive magic at this moment.

Hehe, don't be so domineering, Miura-senpai, you belong to the seniors, but seniors belong to the world.

Yes, yes, aren't we friends? Is there anything wrong with sharing it with Quan-sang?

A girl said with a smile, seeing that Yuko Miura really looked like she was angry, she screamed and screamed.

Okay, Miura, be careful, your hair is going to explode.

Finally came out from the crowd of girls.

Izumi Masamune acted very calmly.

After taking the black tea brought by Saki Kawasaki, who was playing the role of the Demon King's maid, Izumi Masamune took a sip before comforting Miura Yuiko.

After all, he is so handsome, and he has an angel and an evil dragon teaming up, which is a charm that is hard to suppress.

It’s not like I haven’t encountered all kinds of situations on my daily walks.

In addition, I have experienced many times of falling asleep and hands-on experience with Kasumigaoka Shiwazawa Village Sayuri Nakano Nino. Because there are other girls around me who are trying to work up the courage to mess around, I have seen a lot, and it is nothing at all. .

This kind of thing surrounded by four girls is nothing.

Huh, you don't mean anything. I'll just come and help with makeup next time. Those girls don't need to come. You have to refuse well.

Miura Yuko will not be easily convinced by Izumi Masamune.

After looking at each other with Yui, Miura Yuko had made up her mind.

Sobu Taka's love rivals can already form a table to play mahjong and there are still people waiting in line. Do you still want to form two tables?

Those drama club guys have to work hard to exclude them.

My heart ached with anger.

The kind that would be impossible to cure without Izumi Masamune's kiss.

People always have good intentions. Senior Sister Shiro Egami specially invited us here. It's not good for you to refuse like that.

Handing the quilt to Kawasaki Saki, Izumi Masamune nodded.

The girl in the maid outfit really looks like a maid in every sense of the word.

As expected, he came from a part-time job.

As for what Miura said about rejecting those little girls in the drama club.

While they were helping him trim his eyebrows one by one, they also didn't forget to put two steamed buns close together to help you put in some benefits.

When I was sorting my clothes, I kept moving my little hands up and down to promote blood circulation.

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