Thor let go of Izumi Masamune's neck and looked at Izumi Masamune happily.

Well, of course, but if you can continue to provide me with today's service, I will definitely be happier.

I have to admit that the four-hit combo is very powerful.

What a beautiful thought.

Erkoya looked at Izumi Masamune indignantly.

Quetzalcoatl has always felt that he was the most aggrieved one.

He obviously wasn't prepared for anything, but he ended up accompanying a few other guys to prepare for the so-called four-hit combo.

I still wanted to see what to say, but the man had already pulled me over, and I didn't have time to think about these things.


Well, thank you very much. You are a good person.

Hands together.

Eluma had a bright smile on her face.

The gleaming light in it even made Rafael feel like he was a devil and the guy in front of him was an angel.

I just let you have a full meal, and there was no hostility in an instant.

Your favor is too cheap.

Rafael complained in his heart, but a new idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

After all, although Izumi Masamune's promise to Thor was not told to Raphael, he still got some understanding through Erkoa.

Although he was confident in his own men, he still had to worry about the Emperor Zhen Yan who could fight with the Lord God.

He sighed inwardly.

Raphael, who felt that he was still too soft-hearted, continued to look at the guy in front of him.

You should know that different countries have different cultural legends.

Rafael deeply understands that if you want to fool someone, no, if you want to guide someone, you must be good at it.

Directly telling someone what to do will often only lead to resentment from the other person.

Even if you are an angel.

Recalling what he had heard in class about how to guide believers, Raphael was now fully engaged.

Yeah, yeah.

After eating a piece of tempura, Eluma nodded wildly.

And Mr. Zhengzong is actually very interested in the culture of a certain ancient country. It just so happens that there is a very suitable way for you to apologize in that ancient country.

Raphael covered her mouth with her little hands.

Covering her pretty face, she also covered her uncontrollable smile.


Eluma was still eating at this moment and was completely speechless.

The blinking eyes showed that Eluma was listening.

Please forgive me for bearing the thorn bush.

Raphael finally couldn't suppress his smile and managed to remain calm, Raphael explained.

Pleading for forgiveness?

Yes, it means to apologize to the other party while carrying a thorn stick, and you can let the other party pick up the thorn stick to punish you at will, which means you are admitting your mistake and making amends. This is a widely circulated legend.

Rafael is now very experienced in the tricks he has learned from Satania.

But things like thorns can't hurt me.

Eluma finally finished eating and said to Raphael very seriously.

No, this itself represents a thought. As a feared dragon, he handed over the thorns and signaled the other party to deal with it. This kind of sincerity is really sufficient.

I'm going to prepare the thorns.

Eluma was already excited at this moment.

No, no, no, compared to gold bars, I can prepare other more suitable methods for you.

Stopped Eluma directly.

If this dragon lady is allowed to prepare thorns by herself, how can she atone for Zhengzong's sins and make herself happy?

I'll prepare it for you!

Thumbs up.

Raphael said with a smile.

The two people who agreed looked at each other with cheerful smiles.

Everyone is very satisfied.

At this moment, panicked voices from passers-by suddenly appeared outside the restaurant where the two were working.

Well, haven't you arrived yet?

Yawning, Izumi Masamune asked Yazawa Somi who was driving in front of him.

He stretched his body and took a deep breath.

Although Masamune Izumi often behaves like a humanoid in his normal life because of his boring days, in fact Izumi Masamune feels that he is doing serious business.

Today is a Tuyao day, so the five sisters’ original teaching and Nino’s applause and play were all postponed.

The construction of the Crystal Palace of the Izumi family, who I had been dating seriously before, was no joke.

But really start thinking about it.

On the street of the Izumi family.

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