
Raphael, who was still thinking about how to deal with Eluma, suddenly widened his eyes.

Almost as soon as she heard the first name Eluma said, she already understood what was going on.

It rained all night yesterday, but now the temperature has risen again.

Under the intense sunlight, La Feier didn't show any disdain.

But a mood called joy emerged.

Masamune Izumi.

Unexpectedly, I would meet people Izumi Masamune knew at this time.


In other words, according to Izumi Masamune's peculiarity, he could meet these guys.

Please let me help you.

Raphael, who had kept a distance just now, was now in front of Eluma's panicked eyes. With a quick step, Raphael had already arrived in front of him.

The right hands and slightly squinted eyes are like beautiful crescent moons.

That kind of sacred and pleasant feeling that brings joy to people.

But, like this?

Eluma was a little hesitant at this moment.

Raphael's performance was so enthusiastic.

It's okay, leave it to me. I'll tell you how to apologize to Mr. Izumi, trust me.

Raphael's smile at this moment was brighter and more sincere than when he faced the girl just now.

God, no, authentic.

It really gave me something very interesting.

Raphael was very happy at the moment.

Just when Raphael was happily fooling Eluma.

The war between the Izumi family has just come to an end.

There are two dragon ladies on one left and one on the right.

Feeling that it was enough to cover the whole thing, even the fingers could seep into it one by one, which made the man very satisfied.

In front of her was Mai Sakurajima.

As the newly minted Cupid.

While Mai Sakurajima has mastered a variety of skills that can bring happiness to lovers, she also has many special skills that can be used.

Cupid brings love and blessings to others, not only emotionally, but also physically.

These abilities also began to be used this time, as well as Erkoa and Thor, who were already half-dragons with dragon horns and tail.

As the three people with the highest combat power in the Izumi family, and the fact that Sagiri, who was serving as a dessert next to him, was already encouraging Kangna so much, Izumi Masamune finally relaxed completely today.

I feel satisfied after a long time, it’s great.

This feeling of contentment.

For Izumi Masamune, who has always been physically strong and has no problem crushing others, at this moment he can finally fully understand what an opponent is.

Thinking very shamelessly, Izumi Masamune touched his leg to the restless guy next to him.

Sagiri, don't make trouble.

Izumi Masamune said, and then he saw the little guy's aggrieved expression. He raised his head slightly and looked, and Izumi Masamune discovered that it was Kangna.

The little guy was not affected, so he is full of energy at the moment.

Looking at Kangna speechlessly, Izumi Masamune decided to let the girl be happy.

Hey, Masamune.

With a smile, Thor hugged Izumi Masamune's arm.

As for Erkoa, there is no need to speak, a maximum is enough, and no extra movements are required.

My performance was good today. Sure enough, there must be some problem at home.

I can't help it, I just played too much and I'm a little tired of it.

Of course, there was also the reason for Kangna's delay.

Izumi Masamune looked at this guy with evil intentions at this moment.

No, nothing's wrong.

Thor said embarrassedly, stood up directly, and tried to use the most direct way to block Izumi Masamune.

There was something wrong with the bed today. With the worried look on your face, could it be that the house was blown up?

Izumi Masamune, whose heart was as calm as water, felt that he needed a pair of glasses at the moment.

Eliminating all possibilities, the only result is this.


Seeing the aggrieved looks of several guys, Izumi Masamune smiled.

It's okay. In fact, this house will be demolished after it is demolished. It just so happens that I can prepare a new big house. I have long thought about renovating the house. Then I will give it a good makeover.

Izumi Masamune didn't care. After all, this room was bought a long time ago for himself and Sagiri to live in.

Although there are good spare rooms, they are still lacking.

Otherwise, the earliest Yamada fairies would not be allowed to live outside.

Every time I want to play a fairy, I have to go to a room, which is very troublesome.


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