Kasumigaoka Shiyu was sitting on the bench directly in front of her.

It was obviously supposed to be a resting place for the many students rushing over, but there was no one around.

One hand is holding a small hardcover book, very quiet. The so-called literary girl was probably born for such a girl.

The charming glow of those smooth black pantyhose under the light is enough to make most people feel ashamed and run away.

But obviously, Kasumigaoka Shiyu was already familiar with this situation.

There are often two types of girls that people respect and like.

It is a kind of cold and mature flower that is out of reach, and it is also a pistachio that is arrogant and cute.

She, Kasumigaoka Shiyu, would naturally not want to be the second type.

Looking at the girl sitting there quietly, Izumi Masamune felt that such a scenery was beautiful.

Worth making a 1080P HD wallpaper.

But looking at the girl, she had already moved her big fat legs with black stockings calmly, leaving behind a spot that still contained the girl's residual warmth.

This expression is also great.

For example, it is called a scene where you are obviously very happy in your heart, but you still pretend to be aloof and scream in your heart that you cannot get it.

It’s also very interesting, especially since the protagonist in this one is Kasumigaoka Shiu.

However, Izumi Masamune felt that if he didn't go up, he would probably have to face a poisonous woman with full firepower in the next few days.

Thinking of this, Izumi Masamune decided to sit on it obediently.

Although my personality has become much better than before, I no longer simply regard the girls I know and the people in this world as NPCs who can be ignored if I don't agree with them, but as real living lives that I am willing to get close to.

But when faced with an attribute like a poisonous tongue, one can say that one can happily lick one's face and then smile.

That's the biggest problem.

In front of the other people she was watching secretly, Izumi Masamune ignored these things and walked up.

He naturally sat next to the girl.

The position of the girl's leak was obviously carefully considered.

If you don't want to get half the position just to experience the hard and suspended feeling of the edge of the chair, then the two people must be close to each other just right.

Izumi Masamune could feel the cleansing and comfortable touch from the black skin after the two people's legs touched together.

This fairy has already clearly grasped Izumi Masamune's favorite type and thickness. Just a touch at this moment made him feel as comfortable as returning home.

I want the comfort of holding a girl to bed.

Smelling the girl's fragrance, Izumi Masamune turned his head and looked at Kasumigaoka Shiu who was reading quietly.

Although the two have established a connection very early on.

There are also all kinds of charming girls in the back, who look like the queen across the river.

But on the charm alone.

Even the lustful and mature big sister Erkoa, who is famous for her big round softness that wraps everything up, and Kato Megumi, who is good at taming you into a piglet by gently setting traps step by step, can be both cute and adorable by relying on her absolute advantage as the number one sworn sister. Izumi Sagiri, who can draw pictures, and Sakurajima Mai, who has the attributes to completely replace Kasumigaoka Shiha's black stockings and poisonous tongue, and is even an idol star BUFF.

These are all irresistible charms of Kasumigaoka Shiha.


With a slight sigh, Izumi Masamune moved closer to the girl.

In the middle of summer, it's still quite hot, which suits the situation.

Um, wait?

Izumi Masamune, who was enjoying the indescribable comfort, looked at the hardcover book in the girl's hand.

He thought it was some kind of novel before, but now he realized that it was actually an English booklet similar to a summary of knowledge points? !


Your image in my mind has completely collapsed.

What, what's wrong?

Girls have very keen eyesight on men.

Just now, Izumi Masamune looked very appreciative and a little lustful, as if he was going to invite himself to eat chicken in the evening.

But now it has suddenly changed.

That kind of dumbfounding and teasing look made Kasumigaoka Shiyu immediately realize that something was wrong. She noticed where the man's eyes were staring, and Kasumigaoka Shiyu became unusually embarrassed.

What, what's wrong? I'm just reading a book. As a student, what's wrong with studying seriously?

Being stared at by Izumi Masamune in such a weird way, Kasumigaoka Shiu, who clearly felt that everything was normal, could not help but put on an I-love-to-study.jpg look at this moment, telling him that there was nothing wrong with her.

Don't worry, I understand you.

He touched the girl's head in a daze.

Kasumigaoka Shiu's sudden appearance is also very interesting.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu came here this time, actually to make up lessons.

Although she is a homebody and has a place to apply to Hayao University, in fact, it is really not that good here.

The deviation value is extremely high. Sobu High School is famous for its excellent teaching quality.

Not to mention special classes for children studying abroad like Yukinoshita, there are nearly a dozen Tohoku students in the entire Sobu High class every year.

Don't think this is less.

You must know that Dongda recruits 3,000 people in the entire eleventh district, and they have to be evenly distributed across the country.

And Toyosaki, where Kasumigaoka Shiu is located, is not bad either.

But after all, it is only a school established in recent decades.

The so-called freedom of school spirit is not only reflected in the fact that An Yilun can also play cartoons in the activity room, but also has no big requirements for students.

One can imagine how good the students' results will be.

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