I'm back.

Shouting into the room, Koizumi Hanayo bent down, took off his shoes, then took out his sandals from the shoe cabinet and put them on.

I went directly to the bathroom. In the summer, even if I walk on the road, I can't help but sweat.

First, he took off the contact lenses he had put on.

Previously, due to idol activities, it was inconvenient to wear glasses while dancing around, so I chose contact lenses.

For girls, wearing contact lenses is always a bit uncomfortable.

The water hit her face, and her whole body was soaked in the pool, which made the girl calm down a little.

In the activity room just now, she was actually very excited about it. She signed a contract, and after graduation, they all debuted together as professional idols.

Even if it doesn't work, she can continue to be an idol.

But after Ayase Eri wanted to think about it on the other side, the girl calmed down a little.

She couldn't help but think of what she had seen at Honoka Takasaka's house.

I thought of Izumi Masamune, who was handsome and attractive but gave him a vague impression of uneasiness.

Obviously he should be in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship with Minami Kotori-senpai, but he does seem to have a relationship with Honoka's mother.

As Koizumi Hanayo, who is responsible for collecting information about the muse, he seems to be shy, but he is actually very confident inside.

She has always paid attention to various situations in the muse.

He is also the one who discovered the complicated relationships between Izumi Masamune and Nishikino Maki, Wano Sonoda Umi, and Minami Kotori, etc.

I want to explain it, but I am afraid that it will cause stress to everyone, destroy the original intact relationship, and make the originally pleasant daily life gone forever.

But on the other hand, I always feel that it would be very dangerous to sign such a contract when facing a complex guy like Izumi Masamune who looks like a meat-eating demon.

Hmm. She probably won't be interested in me. I'm an ordinary girl. Yes, she doesn't talk to me much on weekdays.

Talking to himself, he thought of some thoughts that made his heart beat fast.

The whole person's head was buried in the water, and the calm water surface caused ripples as the palm entered.

Hua Yang, are you finally out?

Koizumi Hanayo finally calmed down. When she walked out of the room, she found another mature woman sitting on the sofa.

His face is similar to Kayo Koizumi's, but he appears more mature.

The plain apron could not hide her beautiful figure. She was sitting on the sofa, tapping her legs, wearing strappy sandals on her delicate feet.

It is Koizumi Hanayo's mother, Koizumi Dieye, who is also a full-time housewife and takes care of Koizumi Hanayo's daily life.

At this moment, she was looking carefully at the contract she had placed on it.


I saw it. This is Firm 346. It must be a contract from Firm 346.

Koizumi Dieye, who had been sitting there quietly just now, looking peaceful and sweet, now walked up excitedly and hugged her daughter.

Ignoring the water vapor still existing on it, he raised the contract in his hand high.

Ah, that's about it. Didn't you and your father, grandpa and grandma go to watch it a while ago? I played a match with my partner's Muse team, and now someone wants to sign a contract with me.

Feeling his mother's uncontrollable excitement, Koizumi Hanayo sighed softly in his heart.

As a native born and bred local.

Kayo Koizumi’s whole family has the attributes of an idol otaku.

Her mother, Koizumi Toye in front of her, almost became an idol, but was captured by her father first.

Because of the so-called prohibition on love, Koizumi Toyo had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​becoming an idol.

Among the nine girls of the Muses, so to speak.

Even for Nico Yazawa, at the beginning, Sumi Yazawa was worried about whether it would affect her daughter's grades, and was not too supportive of Nico Yazawa's participation in Muse activities.

On Koizumi Kayo's side, the whole family supports him.

Even because his idol otaku setting was exposed too early, his parents persuaded him to take the UTX exam and become an idol when he was in junior high school.

Grandpa and grandma both said that if Hua Yang was admitted to UTX and became an idol, they would buy a large number of albums to make Hua Yang the center.

But so far, Hanayo Koizumi has not achieved this in Muse, and there is only one center song Oh! Love \u0026 Peace by 9 members.

This is Firm 346. It's no different than the firm your father works for. It's super powerful and famous for its ability to create female idol stars.

Koizumi Dieye said excitedly.

When the two of them were together, she looked even more like a daughter.

Because her past dreams were ruthlessly destroyed by her husband.

I had to give up my dream.

On this side, I saw that my daughter had hope, how could I not be happy about it.


Koizumi Hanayo said nothing more.

With my mother like this, there is no need to ask about whether to sign a contract.

Izumi Masamune's appearance came to mind, and the girl's body softened slightly.

Maybe, it's pretty good.

A sneeze.

Izumi Masamune sneezed and looked around with some confusion, wondering who was thinking about him, but in the end he found no results.

After arriving here, you started to change your mind. Are you looking for a new target for your attack? Izumi-san, the walking mobile turret in the world.

The cold voice, with a hint of ridicule, suppressed the girl's joy and excitement deep down.

I just finished class and ran over from Sobu High School out of breath to find our talented girl. If she responded to me like this, I would be very sad.

Not being called a fort in the slightest, and the embarrassment from the shy gazes turned to frightening, Izumi Masamune walked forward.

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