Well, this way?

Machida Enko originally came out to take a walk and sober up.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he came out, he saw Akane Benisaka walking into the room with Izumi Masamune.

The good-looking brows are also slightly wrinkled at this moment.

He and Akane Benisaka were good friends at first, but later they couldn't stand the way each other developed in the industry.

Unexpectedly, Masamune Izumi was invited in this time.

Machida Enko, who originally just wanted to wake up, couldn't help but followed quietly at this moment.

Okay, please come in.

Accompanying Akane Benisaka in, Izumi Masamune could notice that the table directly opposite the room was already filled with white papers.

Many of them have been crumpled into balls and thrown to the ground.

If it is a boy, it may give many people some bad associations.

But for girls.

I can only say that on the other side, the three women who started writing novels under the guidance of Izumi Masamune really need to reflect on it!

You are really embarrassed!

It's really rich.

Izumi Masamune looked at the scene in front of him.

Well, sometimes when nothing happens, I will continue to do some creations on my own, but compared with Mr. Izumi, there is still some gap.

Said with a smile.

Akane Hongsaka used to be a writer and created a lot, which was why he was able to establish his own fan club in the first place.

If you are not a person in the industry, it is simply impossible for you to successfully develop the association so quickly.

Okay, this is it. Teacher Izumi, you can take a look.

From the briefcase next to him, Akane Benisaka took out the contract that he had already prepared.


Although Masamune Izumi had long known that the girl in front of him who looked like a rare virgin, Bichi, was unlikely to be an invitation in that sense, it was always an unexpected disappointment.

Teacher Izumi, do you have any questions? Well, these contracts may be too restrictive in terms of rights and interests and seem a bit tight, but the actual profit sharing will not have any impact on you.

Noticing the disappointment in Izumi Masamune's eyes, Akane Kurisaka couldn't help but said aloud.

After all, as the most popular writer today, Masamune Izumi has such qualifications.

The woman put her hands on the table, then leaned forward slightly, and through the thin edge of the dress, she could see the faint beauty.

Izumi Masamune's eyesight is very good now. Through those small gaps, Izumi Masamune can see the differences.

Women's skin is very good. No matter how carefully you look at it, you can't find any flaws.

It still looks fresh and untouched.

Izumi Masamune was actually very daring to be the first.

No, no, in fact, men just like tight things, but I didn't expect that only Ms. Benisaka's club here needs me. I thought it was Ms. Akane Kuron who needed my help.

Directly refuted.

Men just like tight things, there is nothing wrong with that.

Huh? Mr. Masamune Izumi, I think there are some issues on our side that need to be discussed. Is there some misunderstanding?

The smile that was still bright at first has changed in an instant.

The palm placed on the table was now pressed on the contract, and he successfully grabbed it and balled it up.

The man's gaze seemed to be tingling all over his body, and he suddenly felt that he had really misunderstood something.

In the slightly half-squinted eyes, the cold gaze projected at him at this moment had a lot of power.

But for Izumi Masamune, these are of no use at all.

A woman who has only worked hard in a small fan club, in fact, compared to Yukinoshita Harano on the other side, who has successfully established herself with her mother in the complicated and cruel upper class society, she has a lot of abilities. Small gap.

Not to mention that Masamune Izumi still faced the gaze of Thor's Lily Dragon from the top of the food chain without any change.

The look in Kurisaka Akane's eyes showed that this kind of thing was too light and would not work at all.

Miss Akane Benisaka? Is there any problem?

Shrugging his shoulders, Izumi Masamune looked at Akane Benisaka and said.

Suddenly a woman came out to chat with me, and then said that she needed me. What do you think she was thinking? Well, maybe Miss Akane Hongsaka doesn't have any direct understanding of her dirty and bad body, so maybe I can express it I will use my time to tell you how charming I am.


At this moment, Akane Hongsaka felt that her heart was about to jump out of her chest.

Instead of jumping out of shyness when this man stared at her, she burst out in anger.

Growing up, due to his family's background, he had never encountered such a man.

After doing this for a long time, do you think of me as one of those guys who have nothing to do but are shameless and take the initiative to have fun with other men?

Ever since I was little, I have never signed with any boy of school age.

Inexplicably, I thought of the sadness of being at the dead end of my thirties as a result of my hard work in the industry.

Akane Benisaka suddenly felt very tired, and then her eyes towards Izumi Masamune became more and more fierce.

I think there is nothing left to talk about between us, Izumi Masamune, since that's what you think, forget it and go.

He grabbed the contract next to him and crumpled it into a big ball.

Throw it directly into the trash can next to it.

It seems that this is the only way to keep my hands cleaner.

As expected, this terrible guy who only has H thoughts in his head is still unable to join his own club.

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