It seems that the name of the fan club gives him incomparable confidence.

Just like Uncle Liu Huang's so-called identity after Liu Sheng, King Jing of Zhongshan, often attracted a lot of people to rush to defect, at this moment Akane Hongsaka seems to have such an attitude.

Rouge en rouge? Are you Akane Kurisaka?

Izumi Masamune was deep in thought, originally looking a little bored and tired, but now he suddenly sobered up.

It turns out to be the source of all evil.

Originally, the main culprit who was able to successfully poach Kasumigaoka Shiu and Eri Riri from the original doujin game club from the former male protagonist Aki Rinya.

I didn't expect that the other party would come like this.

But I do remember that the setting seems to be that Machida Enoko was a college classmate.

Is Mr. Izumi very familiar with our club?

The corners of Akane Hongsaka's mouth curved, and her eyes were full of pride and calmness.

Well, that's about right. Your painter, Demi Namishima, is awesome.

Izumi Masamune nodded.

Compared to hypocritical angels like Gabriel, Hashishima is really awesome.

That pair of double bombs is simply a man's ultimate paradise.

There are also those charming voices calling Mr. Izumi and Mr. Izumi. He is simply the best all-natural Wei brother.

Among the several painter girls in the family, Hashima Chuhai is the most conscientious among them.

Oh, do you know Chu Hai? That's good.

When Akane Kurisaka heard this, she also remembered that the sister of one of her family's very promising operators, Iori Hashishima, seemed to have applied to leave the club during this period.

After working on it for a long time, it turns out that this place is related to Izumi Masamune.

The communication between the two people was not on the same channel at all, but this time they were able to communicate unexpectedly.

Since we all know each other, it's easy to talk about it, Mr. Izumi.

Akane Hongsaka's expression also became serious at this moment.

Originally, this time I just accidentally saw Kasumi Shiko's novels. She has always been accustomed to attracting talents for her own fan club, and she once made an invitation to Kasumigaoka Shiu.

But at that time, he had already decided to keep up with his boyfriend and work hard towards Tokyo University, so he refused her invitation directly.

That's why I invited Machida Enko, hoping to persuade her through this good friend.

However, after arriving here, Akane Benisaka made a very unexpected and pleasant discovery.

In addition to her original target, teacher Kasumi Shiko, there were several other writers who impressed her with their incomparable talents.

Yamada Fairy Senjumura Sei and Izumi Masamune.

All three people became her targets.

Izumi-sensei, I need you.

I made the invitation directly. Since I have heard of rouge en rouge, I will definitely not refuse it.

Izumi Masamune looked at Akane Benisaka in shock.

What a shameless big sister, she actually said the words of needing a man in such a grand manner.

Miss Akane Kurisaka, do you need me very much?

Masamune Izumi asked again.


He raised his eyebrows, as a new star that has suddenly emerged in the past year.

Even the master who has completely led the new trend of light novels is naturally one of Akane Akane's favorites.

Yeah, well, it's hard for me to refuse, such a kind invitation.

Izumi Masamune said while looking at the woman in front of him with a smile.

That's good, then please come with me now.

Regarding the strange inspection of Izumi Masamune's gaze, he found that there was no annoying malice. Akane Kurisaka didn't pay much attention to it, but instead invited him directly.

Now that Izumi Masamune has agreed to join his team, he should hurry up and sign the contract.

Out of the habit of recruiting talents in the industry, Akane Benisaka often carries the contract with her to facilitate signing things.

The contracts often have a lot of restrictions. Not in terms of so-called benefits, every talent in the club can get a lot of benefits, but this guy among them has an unexpected desire to control, so he doesn't want to let it go. What kind of space does the author who gathers himself have his own space for activities?

Although this kind of behavior is a bit anxious, it is because of the failures he has experienced in some previous works, which has led Akane Hongsaka to have a very serious desire to control many times.

Go inside now?

Izumi Masamune was amazed again.

Although Izumi Masamune often has a strong mysophobia, he has no good impression of such a shameless woman.

But based on his experience of helping girls transform dozens of times.

Izumi Masamune could see that this thirty-year-old sister seemed to exude an adult atmosphere.

In fact, it is still a very pitiful and sad place.

Maybe this is the legendary virgin Bichi?

The two people are still talking about topics that they can communicate with but are unexpectedly not on the same line.

Well, maybe it's not an accident.

Izumi Masamune on this side looked at Akane Akane Kurisaka with malice.

Then let's leave now.

I originally thought that he was famous for being domineering in the entire industry (most light novel writers can only publish a single book, but he published a single book by himself), and that he was not easy to get along with (except for fun at fan meetings, The rest of the time is spent not interacting with other writers).

Such a being actually became the same immediately after hearing his invitation.

What happened still made her a little happy.

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