Such as rubbing each other's backs.

The two of them sat on the stool together, and Shiyu was sitting behind to help Zhengzong clean himself.

He took out the shower gel and poured it on Zhengzong's body. With the movement, a large amount of foam was produced.

Enko? Machida Enko? She was the one who introduced us to each other at that time.

Listening to Shiyu's explanation, Zhengzong also became interested.

Yeah, if it wasn't her.

Thinking of the past, Shiyu's voice also became gentle, full of nostalgia.

Female editors are also among the hardest-hit areas in the second dimension where adults hate marrying women.

The Lightning Strike Bunko where the authentic Yamada Fairies and Senjumura Sei are located, and the Fusugawa Fantastic Bunko where Kasumigaoka Shiu is on the other side belong to two completely different companies.

There was a competitive relationship with each other for a long time.

That's why the Masamune side appeared, and then Kasumigaoka Shiu, a talented female writer, also became famous.

Then a fierce struggle ensued between the two.

It wasn't between the two of them, but it was caused by the fans of both parties and other spectators.

It was also because of this that the two of them got to know each other by chance.

Then Zhengzong was struggling with whether to lick off the long black legs or to be tangled in anger.

Because of his poisonous character, Zhengzong doesn't want to get along with him.

But the relationship between the two did come from this.

Otherwise, if one side is in Chiba and the other is in Dongjing, by the time Zhengzong really gets acquainted with him, An Yilunya's plot on this side will no longer know where it is going.

But now, everything about the girl belongs to him.

I still remember very clearly your indifferent attitude, Izumi-san.

I thought about how shocked I was when I thought the other person was the type to deliberately attract my attention, but was actually ignored.

Izumi-san is also the earliest name.

As a more formal and formal courtesy title. Its application is the widest.

All relationships can be called mulberry. However, there will be a sense of distance between people who are familiar with each other.

It's a very unkind name.

It was also a title used by Kasumigaoka Shiyu to express her dissatisfaction with Masamune.

Isn't it good now?

Feeling the method that Kasumigaoka Shiyu behind him used to help him spread the shower gel, the soft feeling made Zhengzong feel very good.

At this moment, he was also comforting this girl who seemed to have a little temper.

The looks from so many people don't seem to be good.

Said with dissatisfaction, but at this moment, Kasumigaoka Shiu's oupa, which was already covered with foam and shower gel, had automatically attached itself, thus helping Masamune continue rinsing.

Haha, isn't everyone interested in the plan I proposed?

The novel part of the LOVE LIVE project that the agency collaborated with its own LL competition involved the creation of many girl idols.

Muse's side has to wait for the start of school to explain the plan for the time being, and it will take a while, but the other girls who have been signed do not need to let it go.

You must know that in Zhengzong's previous life, there were many combinations of LL, and Muse was just one of the more successful ones.

Carrots and greens each have their own preferences, and other new girl combinations can also be added to them.

Anyway, it’s just a matter of establishing a royal persona of striving for dreams, and then selling songs.

But this is actually not very easy to do.

After all, this kind of group drama is actually the most troublesome.

To find a way to create good characters, you also need to ensure that they overlap with each other.

And when there are more people, there will inevitably be a relaxation of the severity.

These things take a lot of time.

Anyway, as an ordinary novel that relies on the memories of previous lives and slowly grinds them out, this kind of multi-player drama is the most troublesome.

Fortunately, my girls are still here.

It’s so comfortable to eat soft rice.

And it’s something you can eat with peace of mind.

In fact, being able to unite so many girls now really relies on the vast scope of authentic friendships.

Otherwise, everyone would be a different talented female high school writer who became famous.

How could they, who are the backbone of the library, work together to create an official novel for the event?

Among them, the chief editor of Kasumigaoka Shiha is a woman named Machida Enoko.

Like the editor-in-chief of Masamune's side, Kagurazaka Iris, she is an older woman who hates marrying in the form of popular strong women.

By the way, Kagurazaka Iris no longer counts.

Because of the existence of authenticity, the female editor has a happy life and a smooth career. She works very fulfillingly during the day, and when the authenticity sounds at night, she can have such a fulfilling day that she can't get out of bed.

It can be said that career and love have been harvested, and this period of time has been very enjoyable.

It has completely gotten rid of the original pitiful situation.

The topic continued to turn back to the female editor-in-chief of Kasumigaoka Shiu.

Machida Enko seems to be very interested in the two parties joining forces to create novels.

What a rare gathering of geniuses over the millennium.

What exciting thoughts will eventually give birth to the ultimate perfect novel.

A once-in-a-millennium spectacle.

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