Anyway, it was this opportunity, because everyone was busy with various things, so Zhengzong was finally able to stay and have a good rest.

In fact, with so many girls, Zhengzong felt that even if he was a rice insect, he could be raised with peace of mind.

Although such a thing will not happen, Masamune finds it interesting just thinking about it.

After all, if you can eat soft rice, you also need to pay attention to ability.

He thought he could write a new novel, called On the Feasibility of Eating Soft Rice.

I believe that in this era where Heisei abandoned houses are prevalent, a novel like this will definitely attract people's attention.

It can satisfy the imagination of many people and will definitely be a hit book.

Various things were constantly echoing in his mind, making Zhengzong feel that he could start writing properly now.

Boom boom.

There was a sudden knock on the door.

Let Zhengzong, who was about to get rid of the salty fish state as a normal struggling high school student, wake up.

come in.

There's nothing surprising about it.

In my situation, shouldn't it be normal for a girl to come over and want to have a pleasant communication?

He said to the outside of the house, and the door of the room had been opened directly.

He thought that there were many people, such as the restless Hinata, and the playful Erkoa in the city.

Unexpectedly, what came out on this side was Kasumigaoka Shiyu wrapped in a bath towel?

Isn't this guy still outside discussing the plot of the crossover novel planned by LOVE LIVE with Yamada Fairy Senjumura Sei and the others?

Masamune had no intention of playing around with the plan he mentioned with Yazawa Sumi before.

After all, it involves 994 and whether Zhengzong in the agency can be confident as the boss to give personal and interesting guidance to the girls of other idol groups.

Because this time the project has a wide scope, and the main focus is on otherworldly battles.

Ask him to write about how to put a girl in eighteen different poses. Zhengzong can still explain some of it without exposing the girl's privacy.

Or he can consider those little emperor uncles who are just playing around.

But that kind of painting can depict all the delicate inner feelings of women, and then start to sing their dreams.

Oh, forget it, spare him.

What is the delicate heart of a woman?

For his fanaticism and the tangled heart that wants to push it?

Zhengzong thought about this topic for a while, and realized that this is the ultimate YY article that surpasses the novice article.

I didn't see that even Izumi Masamune sometimes had to go into battle and speak tenderly in order to unlock a happy mother-daughter illustrated book.

The type of novels that are good at writing simple stories about women who aspire to be idols should be left to professionals.

So I specially called several female writers I knew over and started discussions.

Of course there will also be an authentic role.

He is not as smart as An Yilun.

When the girls are called over to help, they will naturally provide their own reward.

He would talk to everyone about big business worth hundreds of millions in vain. If he was not satisfied, Zhengzong would talk to them again and quickly make these guys settle down.

What is the result now?

Why are you coming in now?

Is this because Kasumigaoka Shiyu herself feels dissatisfied and wants Masamune to comfort her?

Turning around and noticing the man's gaze, Kasumigaoka Shiyu just smiled softly.

Open the bath towel to reveal your own accessories.

Beautiful and touching.

Except the one below has the characteristic pantyhose.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who knows her own advantages very well, will naturally not let it go.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu's own equipment is definitely the highest level.

This has been seen since the earliest novelist symposiums.

At that time, when Masamune was pushed out by his own library to play against Kasumigaoka Shiyu, he had already visually assessed the size of this guy.

Definitely the most suitable one.

With the tireless efforts and help, the girl has developed into a terrible angle.

At this point, even Ying Lili, a newcomer, still has a long way to go.

Why, would you be surprised to see me? Isn't it inconvenient for you to take a shower alone? So I'm here to help you. Considering that I'm prone to shivers, I'd better just come in without going to all the trouble.

Noticing that the man's eyes were always on her, Kasumigaoka Shiyu smiled with satisfaction.

For a woman, the best thing is that her charm can be noticed by the person she likes.

When you first meet someone, you need to wear a swimsuit to maintain the hazy beauty and attraction.

After we already know each other, we need some decisive and unhesitating visual impact to maintain each other's feelings.

As the key figure in our entire joint project, Zhengzong needs to take good care of you. Yuanzi specifically asked me to have a good chat with you before.

There are many customs in District 11, none of which are actually acceptable if they are authentic.

For example, one uses up the water in the same bathtub and the other uses it.

Even if it's his own cute loli and pretty girls, Masamune doesn't have any interest in them.

In some respects, Zhengzheng is unexpectedly mysophobic. Things like I can drink a bottle of water will not happen to him.

But he will still accept whatever is useful.

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