Yukinoshita Harano is very experienced.

The social skills accumulated by attending various meetings and banquets under the leadership of her mother allowed Yukinoshita Harano to successfully meet people as the face of the Yukinoshita family.

In comparison, Yukino, who is also cold and cold, will not be able to reach this point even if it takes another ten years.

But many things take years and months to accumulate.

At this moment, facing Sayuri who is not weak at all, and is fighting for the happiness of her own daughter, no, for the entire Sawamura family, she shows a unique motivation.

It was easy to attract Yukinoshita Yono, thus creating an opportunity for Eiri.

You had a lot of fun, alone with that Yukinoshita-san.

Dancing with Yinglili, with a bright but unceremonious smile, Yinglili moved forward slightly and shouted in a low voice.

Obviously she was worried that Zhengzong would not be able to adapt to being called to such a banquet alone, so she took Zhengzong to rest at the fountain, but it was interrupted due to various things.

After seeing Masamune and Yangno walking side by side just now.

Yinglili felt that her mentality had exploded.

Miss Yingli, who was not mine, just abandoned me where I was. I was left pitifully alone facing a woman who was eyeing me covetously.

Zhengzong's explanation without a red face and a heartbeat made Yinglili stunned for a moment.

It must be very uncomfortable for a man to suddenly stop at the critical moment like that, and that annoying woman.

Thinking of these things, Yinglili couldn't help but feel guilty.

Although she is often said to be arrogant and not easy to get along with, the real girl is actually very kind.

It's just that Yinglili on this side hasn't been like this for a long time, and she just noticed the man's smile.


You guy.

Ying Lili smiled and launched a continuous stomp attack on Zheng Zong.

It is indeed the most annoying.

The two of them were doing a very awkward dance like this.

Fortunately, the party didn't last long.

Soon it will be over.

Yinglili just lay on the bed without any image at all. She looked like she was lying down, as if she was about to completely lose her color.

The high heels were taken off, and the cute little toes covered by the white socks were stretching hard.

It was as if he had just been touched deep and jumped up with excitement.

Noticing Masamune's gaze, Eirili stared back in anger.

Why are you glaring at me? It's not you who wants to step on me.

Yinglili had just insisted on causing trouble on Zhengzong's feet, and the result was naturally very miserable.

Even the Dragon Clan was helpless in terms of physical fitness. This guy insisted on moving, but the result was that it did not cause Masazong any injuries, but caused Eirili pain.

No, rub it for me.

Yinglili, who was lying on the bed, suddenly handed her calf over and said with a wicked smile.

you sure?

Zhengzong raised his palm and looked to the other side maliciously.

Evening dresses also have the benefits of evening dresses.

At least this guy won't wear those very anti-human safety pants.

At this moment, Zheng Zong only needs to go up from this side. He can guarantee that Ying Lili will definitely die of thirst.

╭(╯^╰)╮, forget it if you don't want to. I'm so tired that I won't be able to draw for the next week.

Yinglili quickly gave up, but she didn't forget to threaten.

This side will accompany the authentic comics and still have to continue.

Is that so? There's really nothing we can do about it. Just let me have a good rest.


Ying Lili looked at this guy, her fangs showing.

Although it is wrong to draw a notebook, if you continue to talk about my notebook like this, I will be angry!

Yinglili was about to show off her weapon.

However, he found that Zhengzong had gone directly to bed and subconsciously wanted to escape. However, he found that Zhengzong just hugged him and didn't do anything more, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

How strange!

Don't move. It's impossible to rub your feet, but it's okay to give you a hug to help ease your tiredness.

Masamune explained softly.

Jean Yinglili was also stunned.

Damn machismo.

He muttered dissatisfiedly, but he approached Zhengzong very carefully and chose a better angle to fall asleep.

Hey, Zhengzong, tell the truth, I don't want to draw a book anymore.

Yinglili said suddenly.


Masamune responded.

It’s not like I really need to waste my energy with Ying Lili’s books, there are plenty of girls’ Masamune around me.

There is no intuitive understanding of this matter that is enough to cause a big stir in the book world.

Hey, what's your attitude? If I don't draw the notebook anymore, won't you express some opinions?

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