Still the more fanatical kind.

It’s also been a long time since I last saw you.

I was a little nostalgic, knowing that Yukinoshita Yono was dissatisfied and stepped on Masamune's foot and pulled it back.

Izumi Masamune, I'm really angry at you for being like this.

Yukinoshita Harano, who was originally stimulated by Masamune's words to marry you two sisters, was nervous and looking forward to it, found that Masamune's side actually started to get distracted, and was thinking about other women, which made Yukinoshita How can Xia Yang not be angry?

Sure enough, there is something wrong with this guy.

You want to marry me? It's impossible for my parents to agree.

Sneering, suppressing the throbbing in her heart, Yukinoshita Yono couldn't help but hit Masamune.

Then how about we cook the rice from raw to cooked, that's fine.

He pulled the woman over with a smile and put his arms around her waist.

Although he hated Yukinoshita Harano's self-assertion, Masamune decided to forgive her because this woman had just been filled with him.

It’s not easy for women, especially those who have just had enough to eat and have nothing to do.

As for what the future will be like, that is also a matter of the future.

It is not that easy for the Yukinoshita family to rashly leave the Tachibana family.

I have seen the beauty of Tachibana Chika on the other side.

Even if this side is just a branch of the Tachibana family, Masamune does not have any expectations for the Yukinoshita family.

It’s not that he looks down on the Yukinoshita family.

But the strength gap between the two sides is really too big.

It can no longer be transferred by pure personal will.

By the time Masamune and Yukinoshita Yono walked in, they could already see the banquet hall.

Many people gather together and engage in social activities that are very boring in Zhengzong's opinion.

The most central among them are naturally Eiri, who ran back angrily just now, and Sayuri with a smile.

Although she is also a home girl, she also doesn't want to socialize like that.

But Sayuri's performance undoubtedly completely crushed her daughter.

Eiri was just as bored as an eggplant battered by frost. When she noticed Masamune approaching, her eyes flashed with joy. She just noticed that Yukinoshita Harano was still following her.

Yinglili, who was still happy at first, immediately became angry again.

Seeing this, Sayuri raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

Just talk about why your daughter suddenly ran over like this.

Sure enough, there is a reason.

I thought of the girls I met at the comic show who clearly showed their affection for Masamune.

She sighed deeply.

If my daughter doesn't work hard, she will be desperate.

I've obviously created such a good environment for you before, so why can't you do it?

Sayuri, who even dared to take drugs directly against Masamune, felt extremely helpless in response to her daughter's failure.

I've already put the food to your mouth, but you can't seize the opportunity to eat it. What else do you want to do?

What else can be done.

I feel a little helpless in my heart, but there is nothing I can do at this time.

If the daughter is not strong enough, then she will have no choice but to be the mother.

Sayuri just pulled Eirili up.

You are a child of the Yukinoshita family, right? Do you know Masamune as well?

Sayuri came directly in front of Yukinoshita Harano, blinked at Masamune, and then continued to look at Harano.

Yukinoshita Harano, the eldest lady of the family on the Chiba side.

It seemed that he wanted to develop in Dongjing, so he came here looking for an opportunity.

In recent days, he has become quite famous in this circle.

Although many people take the attitude of watching a joke.

Sayuri's Sawamura family belongs to Tokyo.

But she doesn't have those old-fashioned guys' discrimination against outside families.

On the contrary, he maintained a very calm attitude.

Of course, this was before Haruno had touched Masamune.

Yes, Sister Sawamura.

Yukinoshita Haruno noticed Sayuri's scrutiny. For the host of this banquet, this seemingly gentle woman was putting pressure on her to face her mother at the moment.

At this moment, he had no time to care about Yinglili on the other side.

You kid, you are really good at talking.

Sayuri held her little hand in front of her mouth with a smile.

How about today's banquet.

With an eager smile, he pulled Yangno and said.

When Yukinoshita Harano came back to her senses, she saw Eiri who was with Masamune.


Looking at Sayuri who is still so eager.

Yukinoshita Harano feels that she is still too young.

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