The doujinshi Curse Anthology he sells will not cause problems for normal people.

If it is used by someone with evil intentions, it may appear to be capable of inflicting various curses on others, but it is actually fragile and can be countered at any time.

Those who harm others will suffer.

Fafnir is sometimes full of malice towards humans.

This is why Erkoya is not worried.

Not to mention that Zhengzong's body and spirit have already transformed into a more terrifying state.

Want to punish me? Why don't you change the way I die?

Masamune snapped his fingers.

My own dream space has changed.

The large room turned into a heart-shaped pink water bed, and there were seven Ayase Aragaki in front of her who seemed to want to divide Masamune into seven equal parts. The clothes on her body also changed.

Teachers, doctors, flight attendants, students, professional OLs, policewomen, and the female slave who only has a few pieces of cloth on her body and two silver rings in front of her body?

You have one day now to let me carefully choose a way to die.

Zhengzong's eyes lit up when he realized that he was really in control of the dream.

Inside the hotel on the other side.

Takasaka Kirino was lying on the bed helplessly, affected by Aragaki Ayase's medicine, and has not yet recovered.

I could only turn my head and look at Aragaki Ayase, who had taken out a strange little black book that made people look uncomfortable, and then started to cross her legs as if she was sleeping.

The girl didn't quite understand Aragaki Ayase's sudden change.

Ayase Aragaki, who was talking about how she would teach her physically strong boyfriend a lesson, has been sitting like this since she finished speaking.

It's like the legendary ancient country's cultivation posture.

Why does this friend look like this?

Could this be the legendary Chuunibyou?

That kind of deep chuunibyou that has inevitably affected reality and cannot distinguish between virtuality and reality?

Kosaka Kirino thought in her mind.

It's like adding settings to oneself, shining the sun can increase the magic power for hundreds of years, holding a small notebook can determine your life and death, etc., and the delusion that you are invincible.

She felt that Aragaki Ayase was more similar to another dark guy she knew, and he had a more severe form of Chuunibyou.

To be honest, after seeing Aragaki Ayase's collapse just now, Kosaka Kirino was really afraid of what this guy would do.

After all, Aragaki Ayase's family background is also very good.

My father is a member of the House of Representatives, and my mother is the president of the Parents' Association.

If this side really wants to cause trouble to Zhengzong, she is really worried.

Unexpectedly, Ayase Aragaki looked like she was having a chuunibyou attack, but it actually made Kirino feel relieved.

Uh-huh, don't come over here!

Just when she was planning to wait until her body was almost ready to move, she suddenly heard Ayase Aragaki shouting loudly.

It was as if he had encountered some terrifying ghost.

Ayase Aragaki, who was lying on another bed, seemed to be hit by a force on the bed. Her whole body curled up like a shrimp, and she couldn't help but make a sound of pain and a little joy.

Kosaka Kirino:......

Can your body tell me what happened?

Kosaka Kirino said that he is confused now.

Just when Kousaka Kirino was panicked and overwhelmed by Aragaki Ayase's sudden performance, the real Aragaki Ayase on the other side was still experiencing her own nightmare.

Ayase Aragaki, who had just discovered the power of the Curse Anthology written by Dashan Meng and tried to stir up trouble on the side of Masamune, failed to achieve the seven-person dismemberment strategy of teacher Kasumi Shiko that she had seen. As a result, this On the one hand, it is already directly controlled by Zhengzong.

Facing seven identical girls who were separated and could change their shapes at will, and then processed them, the stimulation to him was also very great.

It can be said that a long time ago, Zhengzong was actually very exclusive about going shopping with girls.

Because the other party's almost endless motivation and interest in running around in various places really made Zheng Zong feel a little overwhelmed.

However, it didn't take long for Zhengzong to get used to these things because he found new fun.

Take the girls to the store and pick out suitable clothes for them to change into.

Add laces, add bows, and remove ruffles.

Choose clothes one by one, and then make the girl look beautiful in your mind.

In addition, the fitting room is a place where many accidents occur, which naturally makes Zhengzong have the pleasant thought of playing in it.

Look at the girl wearing the clothes she chose and looking shy.

It's also a very good experience for the authentic ones.

Why else would those pretty girl dress-up games be so popular?

Why are so many unscrupulous District 11 manufacturers so shameless that they sell clothes as expansion DLC, and so many people fall into their trap?

This is a big part of the reason.

It's fun to watch cute girls change their outfits according to their own arrangements.

It is even more interesting to lift up the dressed girl directly and go up.

But it’s limited by the hassle involved and the types of clothing stores.

There are many things that need to be carefully prepared.

This time Ayase Aragaki has become the most interesting one.

Just tell me what clothes and outfits you want, and Ayase Aragaki on this side will appear directly in an authentic dream.

Seven of them have finished dressing up according to Zheng Zong's intentions, as well as looking panicked.

It can undoubtedly ignite the biggest fire in a man's heart.

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