The person pressing on him was Erkoa who entered the battlefield from behind.

On the left and right beside him were Kangna and Sagiri.

Poor Hinata, although she had just found a new ally and started a combination of sisters who use their heart and their sharpness to defeat the gold.

But he was still restricted by a more terrifying combination called his parents, so he could only regretfully accompany his other frail sister back to Wu Geng's house.

Thanks to his own terrifying talent, the feeling Erkoa brings to him is very good at his super elastic size.

So much so that Zhengzong could hardly feel any discomfort in breathing.

Both sides, one on the left and one on the right, fully demonstrate what is called childish charm.

Let Zheng Zong feel no uncomfortable pressure at all.

Just when he was sleeping together like a Transformer, a spiritual power suddenly began to flow into his mind at a strange angle.

Erkoya, who was lying on his neck and breathing, suddenly opened his eyes.

The other end who felt the power couldn't help but smile in his eyes.

The mature dragons on my side all became the ones being ridden in front of this guy.

You actually dare to come up and cause trouble on your own. You are really stupid and don't know what to say.

Noticing that he was not the only one who noticed it, Erkoa took the opportunity to hold down Masamune's left side, who also woke up. The plug-like tail was swinging vigorously and there seemed to be flashing electric light.

Don't worry, nothing will happen.

The smiling general seemed to be about to transform into a dragon, and Kangna comforted him first as he removed the guy who dared to inexplicably invade Zhengzong's spirit. At this moment, Erkoa was already very curious about which little girl dared to use Fafnir's power to deal with Zhengzong.

How could a guy who was constantly changing and almost perverted, who had no choice but to obey, be hurt so easily?

Thinking about it, Erkoa lay on Zhengzong and chose a good position.

On the other side, Masamune is still sleeping.

He who has good sleep quality usually doesn't have any dreams.

Often they fall directly into that blank space.

However, today, he suddenly discovered that everything had changed.

Time seemed to be net worth, and the black flames around him seemed to be solidifying and forming, and finally surrounding him.

Then there were people wearing black cloaks, eh.

No, isn't this the Ayase Aragaki?

Zhengzong finally discovered this guy.

Judgment, take action against Kirino, commit the crime of treason and injustice, heaven punished, heaven punished.

Seven identical Ayase Aragaki surrounded Masamune, holding black codes in their hands, and then stared at Masamune with anger in their eyes.

The sight of the burning flames and the extra fruit knife in his free hand made Zheng Zong twitch the corner of his mouth.

To be honest, as a scumbag who admits but does not deny it, Zhengzong knows that sometimes his methods are too radical.

In other words, there are many times in daily life that for the sake of the comfort of their own homes, many girls directly join the arhat and walk on the dry road.

Similar to the supreme state where no leaf touches the mountain among thousands of flowers, he prefers to use his powerful abilities to keep all those guys in front of him.

It's not like those so-called harem male protagonists who dare not start a harem one by one. Instead, they are a harem group that pretends to be ignorant and works hard to maintain the toilet smell.

What Zhengzong always insists on is that if you have nothing to do, play in bed, and if there is something to do, talk about it in bed, and there is nothing that cannot be solved in bed.

Under such circumstances, the man sitting alone on the boat, floating in the sea, holding the empty-eyed head on his head, had been reminding Zhengzong of the possible consequences of doing so for a long time.

However, after successfully relying on the Bronze Tree to eliminate all the men under the so-called Zeyue Group and Zeyue Zhi, Zhengzong gradually relaxed.

Think that everything can be changed.

Didn't you expect that you would suddenly encounter such a situation today?

Wait, I want to know why you stabbed me?

Masamune said that he was very curious. As for Ayase Aragaki, he seemed to have never done anything.

Although I know that this girl is the type who easily turns into a yandere, there is something wrong with this situation.

I heard that the Curse Anthology sold by that guy Fafnir has some curse abilities, but it won't work unless the user has enough resentment.

How much do you hate me in this situation?

Did I expose you, or did I expose your mother too?

Forcing Kirino, seducing Kirino, a capital crime, punishable by God.

Aragaki Ayase's eyes seemed to be empty.

Only after noticing Zhengzong, a trace of anger will flash.

The meaning is now very clear.

Authentic: ...

Although I know that this girl is a yandere towards Kirino, you shouldn't be like this.

Just stay in knife hell and repent for what you did to Kirino.

Aragaki Ayase couldn't help but feel angry when she saw that this guy could still look leisurely and content in such a strange situation.

The seven of them all showed their weapons and walked forward.

Although I really like playing games with you, Ayase, I'm sorry if it's like this.

Masamune looked at the situation in front of him that was about to develop toward Tsukuyomi, and sighed.

With a slight exertion on his arms, the rope originally tied to his body was broken.

Haven't you ever thought about it? There is no free pie in the sky when you get something like this out of nowhere.

Looking at Ayase Aragaki.

Fafnir, also known as Dashan Meng, has been absolutely malicious towards humans for a long time.

It was only in front of Xiaolin and Takitani that he reluctantly accepted it.

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