Masamune wants to be a doctor in the future?

My mother has always asked me to become a doctor, so that I can take over the family business.

If there was an authentic existence on this side, wouldn't everything be convenient?

In just a moment, Zhenji thought of many things.

Her mind was so filled with surprise that she didn't even notice the smiles that Zhengzong and his mother were looking at each other.

He gently wrapped his palm around the woman's back, then directly moved downwards around the woman, squeezing her.


Mom, are you okay?

Zhen Ji woke up from her blushing thoughts and looked at her mother worriedly.

It's okay, I just feel a little uncomfortable.

Nishikino Mizubi never expected that Masamune on this side would be so bold.

Ah, is that so? Why don't you go to the hotel and take a rest first.

Maki said worriedly.

Nishikino Mizumi, who was fine in her own right but was just being teased by someone, was about to refuse, but she noticed Masamune's gaze.

After feeling the enthusiasm and thinking of all the past events, Nishikino Mizuki was in a very agitated mood at the moment.

Then I'm going to take a rest first. You have a good night and don't waste your hard-earned vacation.

She said softly to Nishikino Maki, this kind of thing to do bad things alone behind her daughter's back was really beyond the expectations of this beautiful wife.

I'll go and be taken back by her too. It's not safe to go alone at such a late night.

Masamune said to Maki.

Okay, then Mom, Masamune-kun will take you there, so it's convenient.

I have my own thoughts in my heart, and I naturally hope that Zhengzong and his mother can have a good relationship.

In addition, she had just learned that a certain person was not a vegetarian during the dance. She was a little afraid that she would make a fool of herself if she continued to stay together, so she naturally nodded in agreement.

Little did he know that his behavior had just fallen into the trap of these two people.

Masamune and Nishikino Mizumi, who had already had thoughts about each other, nodded to Maki, and then hurriedly disappeared into the crowd.

Masamune-kun, what is the situation between you and Zhenji?

Under the dim street lights, Nishikino Mizumi was still a little worried as she walked with Masamune's support.

He stared at Masamune tightly, fearing that he would lie.

What's the relationship? Guess.

Lowering his head, he seemed to be able to feel the breath from the woman's mouth.

He picked it up directly and pressed it against the street lamp.

Today, I really had a good time playing with Yu Fujikura for a while, and I had to be careful not to let him go too much for the first time.

The remaining Vinay and Raphael just relaxed in a different way. This time they finally found a suitable target.

As a wife in her thirties, this is definitely enough. Compared with little girls, this is always the best thing.

Lifting it up directly, Zhengzong felt that all the cells in his body seemed to be jumping for joy.

No, no, how about we go back? When we get back to the hotel, I can just listen to you in whatever I do after I get back.

He quickly stopped Zhengzong's movements, shook his head slightly, and begged Zhengzong softly.

There were some doubts about Zhengzong just now, but now with the man's response, there is no time to think about it.

It's just that Nishikino Mizuki, who was already working in the upper class, never imagined that she would carry out her activities in such a terrible place.

Do you listen to everything you say?


The sound was like an ant or a mosquito, echoing in Zhengzong's ears.

They hugged each other on the other side and reluctantly walked all the way back to the hotel for activities.

On this side, the bonfire party is still going on.

Gabriel, who had just a slight taste for food in his heart that he didn't want to admit, had just pushed Vinay and Rafael away.

Very quickly, he evolved from the original angel into a useless angel.

Panting and drinking Coke, he returned to his original position and sat.

Although Vinay was a little worried about Masamune who had lost his trace.

But after what happened with Gabriel on this side, he was embarrassed to go find Zhengzong for a while.

Maki Nishikino, on the other hand, was sitting alone on the ground, drinking juice and watching the eager scene off the field.


Being tapped on the shoulder, Nishikino Maki turned around in confusion and found a silver-haired girl wearing a blue gown.

Surprisingly, it was the angel-like girl who was dancing in the audience just now.

The other party's silver hair was now tied up.

Less delicate and more heroic.

It looks even more moving.

Hello, do you have any questions?

Zhenji looked at Raphael in confusion.

But because of the girl's extremely deceptive and kind appearance.

So Zhen Ji's current tone is also very good.

He didn't have the same momentum as in school, and even relied on his innate courage to dare to cause trouble with the senior sisters.

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