Zhengzong said with a smile, but his palm was already very dishonestly placed on the girl's waist.

There was a swimsuit inside, and a loose robe on the outside. It was very comfortable to wear at the moment.


Naturally, you can feel the man's palm, but Zhenji doesn't know how to refuse.

As the music gradually changed, Zhengzong simply put his arms around the girl's waist and slowly started to dance the love dance.

The so-called lover's dance can also be said to be a close-up dance.

Masamune-kun, you jumped wrong.

Zhenji's breathing was a little rapid, and she had no problem practicing in the Muse before.

Where did I guess wrong? Every dance has to be tried. Wouldn't it be good for you to give it a try this time, Zhenji? And it's not like this, but it's hard to compare the two of them. , the other party is holy, we naturally need something else.

Zhengzong said this, and his hands were slowly holding Zhenji in his arms, making the two of them even closer.

Because Raphael and Gabriel were dancing in the center, everyone was huddled in the surrounding area at the moment.

In addition, under such an environment at the moment, no one noticed the situation of Zheng Zong and Zhen Ji at this moment.

The holiness blooming in the middle of the bonfire, and the beauty under the shadow at this moment.

You are such a big bad guy, how can anyone see you?

He gently hugged Zheng Zheng Bo with both hands and cooed softly.

Even severe patients who do not have an authentic body.

However, under the already experienced Zhengzong on this side, it only took a while for him to feel that he was making it difficult for him to move.

It was as if, during the last game, my whole body was burning with excitement.

But at that time it was for the competition, but this time it was for the man in front of me.

Zhenji's eyes widened, as if this was the only way she could remember this man who was still taking advantage of her.

A piece of music gradually comes to an end.

The revelers gradually stopped, and each dance group separated.

It wasn't until this moment that Zhenji, who had already lost her composure, came to her senses. Looking at the man who was still bowing his head over her heart, the slight pain finally gave her some strength to push him away.


Just as he was about to do something else, he found Qianqian's thin fingers standing straight in the middle.

Looking at the surrounding situation with some regret, Zheng Zheng could only give up.

Why does it feel good?

Helping the girl wipe away the glistening sweat on her forehead, she didn't stop there, but pulled it back and let it slowly fade away, Zhengzong asked with a smirk.

Humph, I finally understand now. Regarding your situation, Masamune-kun, you must not be the only one among us who has been bullied.

Turning around uncomfortably, Zhenji raised her eyebrows and finally discovered the problem.

Haha, haha, everyone is so cute, sometimes some problems will naturally arise.

Zhengzong said a little embarrassed.

It's really hard to talk about this kind of thing.

Hmph, I'm suddenly very curious. I wonder what Mr. Zhengzong thinks of us.

While walking with Zhengzong, Zhenji suddenly looked over with interest.

The deep purple pupils were full of expectation and curiosity.

There is also a trace of indescribable tension.

Of course, I'm just curious. After all, we have been together for so long. If you are worried about Xiaoniao, don't worry about it. I don't care.

Being stared at by Zhengzong, Zhenji, who was quickly defeated, turned her head and said in a panic.

He crossed his arms, trying to make himself more powerful.

Then at the same time, he pushed away Zhengzong who was holding him at the moment.

The nine people of Muse, in my opinion, are all very good.

Zhenji, who had just pretended not to care, now almost had her ears perked up.

But, if I have to make a comparison, I actually think...

Zhen Ji, and Masamune?

A surprised voice came, interrupting Zhengzong's words.

Zhenji's initial thoughts shrank back in an instant.

Masamune-kun, this is my mother.

Pulling Zhengzong over, Zhenji wanted to introduce him, but was interrupted by Zhengzong.

No need, I know Aunt Ruifei very well. In fact, I have known her for a long time.

The expression is a little strange.

Just now, Masamune was still thinking about whether he could rely on an opportunity to make an appointment with Maki about the room number for the night. He never expected that he would meet Nishikino Mizubi.

I had already heard it this afternoon when I went shopping for swimsuits, but due to my usual habits, I was a little careless.

Mom, are you familiar with me?

Zhenji looked over curiously.

Although Mizumi Nishikino has always had the idea of ​​introducing Masamune, in the end she never really put it into action. At most, she just said some good things about Masamune in passing.

That's right. I happened to go to Nishikino Hospital to see a doctor in the past, so I have an understanding. My future goal is to go to Tokyo University to study medicine and then become a doctor.

Masamune responded with a smile, and found that Nishikino Mizubi's expression was a little uncomfortable when she was called her aunt, and she quietly changed her tone.

But fortunately, Zhenji didn't have time to care about this at this moment.

Because all her attention was focused on the authentic statement.

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