But now, when things have changed just because of Masamune, Yukinoshita Yono was confused for a moment.

Who am I, where am I, and what do I need to do.

After this period of time, the goal I had been working hard for was achieved so easily.

Her parents, who had always treated Yukino coldly, also asked her thoughtfully.

It was supposed to be a fate of being married off as the second daughter, but it also changed and she could find a man she likes.

Suddenly, Yukinoshita Harano was caught in three consecutive attacks on herself.

It's really interesting to see you like this.

It was interesting to see Yukinoshita Harano who was now in a state of decadence. The guy who had always been considered very boring and terrible finally became a little bit cute at this moment.

This is how a normal female college student should behave.

The way he acts like a little fox and likes to play pranks on others really makes Zhengzong dislike him.

Have I ever told you, Izumi-kun, that you have a very bad taste?

A little far away from Masamune, suppressing the strange desire to get closer to him that was constantly rising in his heart at this moment, Yukinoshita Harano looked at Masamune with a complicated look.

Naughty taste, don't you know, you were the worst one in the past. I just think Yukinoshita Yono is very interesting now. If you feel confused and have nothing to do, that's the most ridiculous thing. Ah, just because the appearance of my side has changed Yukino's future, you look like you have lost your purpose?

After noticing Yangono's movements, Zhengzong realized that she was not cold-blooded.

Because of my relationship, Yukino will definitely and will only follow me. What about yours? In fact, your destiny can only be to inherit the Yukinoshita family, and then pathetically choose one you don't like very much, but can Are you really willing to accept this fate when an honest but talented man gets married? Being confused and unable to find anything to do is really the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. In other words, even here with Yukino, in fact you are It’s not finished. For example, even if you know that I am so carefree, even if it is to help your sister, you still have to find a way to make me feel at ease.”

She slowly came closer to her who was meditating, and hugged Yukinoshita Harano from the other end.

To calm you down? Do you think you can?

He sneered and looked at this guy.

Yukinoshita Harano should be the first person who knows the depth of Masamune’s complicated and confusing relationship.

I just want you to find something to do, but I don't have to ask you to do it. And if normal methods don't work, why not try to use your own charm to win me over? Believe me, this kind of thing can definitely make you It takes a lifetime to try.”

The navy blue yukata is made of very good material, and the palm of your hand feels smooth and delicate on it.

Also, the Yukinoshita family is really very conservative and traditional. They actually don’t wear any underwear inside.

Today, Shiyu and Xiaohui are well wrapped inside.

Looking at Yukinoshita Harano who felt the man's palm and widened his eyes in vain to say something, Masamune directly went up to him and blocked all the words he could say.

The confused Yukinoshita Harano is also very interesting.


I didn't expect that Senior Shiyu would actually let Masamune-kun and that woman leave like that.

At the other end, the two people who were arranged by Masamune were sitting on the spread cloth, looking at the scenery on the Sumida River.

In silence, Kato Megumi suddenly looked at Shiyu and said,

Why, is it right for me to shout loudly and show my jealousy and hostility? Masamune-kun will not have any ideas about a woman who likes to cause trouble like that.

With his legs together and standing aside, Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at Kato Megumi in front of him and quietly raised his flag.

Let's leave aside the matter of that woman. As long as her temper does not change, she will not be favored by Masamune-kun. On the contrary, Kato, I really didn't expect that you would invite Masamune to participate in the fireworks display. It was originally the so-called drawing material. , in fact, I didn’t even take a few pictures.”

At that time, she had been criticized by Masamune for a while, so Kasumigaoka Shiyu was still confident.

On the other hand, it was this side who stared deeply at Megumi Kato.

Ordinary, really just ordinary, with an ordinary face and an ordinary figure. Even if you stare at him like this, you will sometimes have the illusion of being an ordinary person and ignore him.

But for this kind of girl, her fireworks display was interrupted today, and the twosome turned into a threesome, which put a huge amount of pressure on her throughout the whole process.

There was always a feeling that when facing her, he was like a little pet trapped in a trap, unable to escape.

What's wrong with me? Or does senior think that I can only continue to be a transparent person, say nothing, do nothing, and watch you interact with Masamune-kun? For example, we can conceive a novel together, such as going back and forth under the table.


Kasumigaoka Shiyu was speechless for a moment. When did he discover this guy?

Have you installed a dead circuit?

She thought of a setting that Masamune jokingly mentioned to her at that time.

Is there anything wrong with this? Masamune-kun and I are boyfriend and girlfriend, so there is nothing wrong with doing those things.

Her rose-red eyes were shining with a cold gaze at the moment, and her slightly straightened body carried a decisive sense of oppression.

Kato Megumi's inexplicable indifference made him extremely unhappy.

Even though you haven't done anything yet, what do you mean by your attitude of saying that you are determined to win and not to lose? You are even more annoying than Mai Sakurajima, who is confident that she knows more about Masamune.

The so-called relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend is just one-sided, right? Although Zhengzong-kun's flirtatiousness sometimes makes people uncomfortable, it is precisely because of this that he has not acknowledged any girlfriend yet.

He put away the cell phone he was looking at, raised his head, and looked directly at Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

That's just a matter of time. I like Mr. Zhengzong, so in the end, Mr. Zhengzong will also be mine.

The palm of my hand was placed on the picnic cloth, and I didn't know when I had quietly grasped it.

That's really a coincidence. I also like Masamune-kun.

Fireworks shot straight into the sky on the other side of the Sumida River.

Fireworks burst out suddenly, brightening the entire sky.

Growing up, due to the nature of the thing, people would often ignore it. For example, when a family of four was traveling, they would be left alone at home for a week. For example, they would enjoy activities in the swimming pool. I would be hit by a volleyball that suddenly came over for no reason, such as when collecting homework. At the end, I knew the teachers of all the subjects, but none of the teachers knew me.

In a calm tone, he told about his past experience of men silently crying while women cried. Except for the slight redness left on his cheeks, it was a bit like how he should behave after confessing his love just now.

It’s really hard for you to be able to live till now.

Even though Kasumigaoka Shiha had always been wary of Kato Megumi, she couldn't help but feel angry and ridiculous in her heart at this moment.

Gradually, I got used to it, silently watching everyone's activities, silently not saying a word, watching things gradually pass, sometimes I thought, maybe I will just be an ordinary female high school student That's fine. But now, I found that things are different. Masamune-kun appeared. He is obviously a very famous novelist, but he has a kind of personality that is unique to me. Sometimes I don't even know it. familiar.

You call me naive or boring. At that time, I thought about it. Maybe for me as an ordinary girl, this is the biggest surprise. Originally, I wanted to slowly make Mr. Zheng Zong feel at ease step by step. But what happened to my sister taught me that girls have to fight for their own love.

He spoke calmly, but extremely firmly.

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