The general content is that you have a really wide range of friends.

...I promise, this time it's really an accident.

Somewhat speechless, Zhengzong looked over.

It turned out to be Yukinoshita Harano, and this guy was greeting Masamune on the other side.

At this time, Zhengzong discovered that the people had been separated unknowingly.

There are more people on this side than Zhengzong, but there are ropes dividing the positions on the other side.

On one side are the crowds of people, and on the other are scattered individuals.

No matter when or in what aspect, there will always be a stark gap between people.

Zhengzong looked at the scene in front of him and thought silently.

Long time no see, Masamune-kun.

Yukinoshita Harano, wearing a navy blue kimono, came to the Masamune trio with a smile.

My eyes swept over Shiyu and Kato Megumi, and I once again felt deeply frightened about someone's complicated network of relationships.

This is Yukinoshita Yono, a college student and the sister of my club classmate.

Masamune noticed at the first glance that there was a trouble-making emotion hidden in Yukinoshita Yono's eyes, so Masamune showed the matter very decisively and directly.

Don't let the girls have random thoughts, then just make things clear.

Why are you so unfamiliar? I am Yukino's sister. Masamune-kun can just call me sister.

There is a slight depth in the voice, which can be said to make the listener sad and the listener weeping.

So she's my sister? I really can't tell. I almost thought she was my aunt.

Originally, she was still holding on to Masamune's arm, but suddenly she relaxed. Shiyu looked at Yukinoshita Harano in front of her, and her expression froze with just one sentence.

Are you an acquaintance of Masamune-kun? It's really a coincidence that we arrived here. Do you want to watch the fireworks together?

Although Kato Megumi didn't fight back like Shiyu, she still put forward her opinions very thoughtfully at this moment, as if she didn't care about you at all. Using retreat as an opportunity to advance made Yukinoshita Yono feel like she had punched cotton in the cotton wool.

Okay, you two, do your best there now. I'll have a chat with him, and then I'll come over. You have to watch your position carefully and don't let anyone else take it.

Although there is no misunderstanding about Shiyu and Xiaohui's side, Zheng Zong feels very good, but Yukinoshita Harano is such a troublemaker.

The best thing to do is to isolate the two people.


At this moment, the two people nodded in agreement without any doubt, which made the smile of Yukinoshita Harano next to her become even stiffer. .


Yukinoshita Yono was suddenly alert and looked over, and what he found was Masamune who had taken the photo.

The expression you had just now was really interesting, so I thought I should take a photo of it.

Masamune was in a good mood when he saw Yukinoshita Harano, who was being tortured by Shiyu and Xiaomei's combo.

Do you really not have any ability like hypnosis or common sense replacement?

Her body seemed to relax, Yukinoshita Yono waved to Masamune, and the two sat down on the stool next to them.

No, the two of them had some arguments not long ago. It's just that they are both smart. When they found out that you were deliberately trying to cause trouble, they naturally attacked you first, because they You know, I wouldn’t like a woman like you.”

Masamune said directly.

...Okay, maybe I've been a little out of control recently. There was such a big loophole. I should have jumped over to you and hugged you and called you darling.

Yukinoshita Harano actually admitted very seriously whether she had done well or not.

The fan in my hand was fanning gently, watching the fireworks gradually rising in the sky.

You guys have changed a lot.

He glanced at Yukinoshita Harano speechlessly, and Masamune sighed.

It is obviously the type that should give you a sunny temperament no matter what time, but in fact it is the type that makes you laugh or cry.

I just suddenly felt a little bored, wearing a mask like that.

He opened the fan with a flick of his hand, covering that half of his cheek, looking very mysterious.

Did you know? Today is the fireworks display. My father was supposed to take me, the Yukinoshita family, to meet acquaintances with whom our families have interactions.

Yukinoshita Yangno said mysteriously.

Then what?

He grabbed this guy's fan directly, ignoring his angry look.

Then there is Yukino. This time, for the first time, my father violated the rule that only the eldest daughter can participate in important occasions such as fireworks displays, and brought Yukino here.

Yukinoshita Harano spoke softly, looking directly at Masamune, not knowing what he was thinking of writing.

because I?

He wasn't stupid, he naturally noticed the complicated look in Yang Nai's eyes at this moment.

Of course it's because of you.

Because of previous incidents, the Yukinoshita family had taken action against Masamune.

As a result, Takatsuki Quan and others directly counterattacked, and even the Kondo family on the other side did not take action.

This kind of thing taught Father Xue and Mother Xue a good lesson.

The result of the incident was that Yukinoshita Yukino's side was constantly being arranged, and they even hoped to use this to get in touch with Masamune, so that the original Yukinoshita family could break through the original Chiba circle, but they were suppressed by Yukino It's just down.

So you feel abandoned and jealous?

Masamune looked at Yukinoshita Harano in a funny way.

No, I just feel a little...sad.

Yukinoshita Yono's youth was dark, and she matured early. Then under the guidance of her mother, she put on a mask to hide her thoughts, and faced others with that fake sunny smile every day.

All I did was to make my mother look more satisfied, so that my lovely sister would not have to follow her own old path.

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