The man who was holding his stomach and wailing just now, his expression immediately became miserable.

Even though the air conditioning in the venue was turned on to the maximum, sweat was still dripping from the man's forehead, as if he had encountered the most horrible monster.

Take him out.

He said to the security guard running towards him.

In this world, there are many successful people, but there are even more losers.

There is no denying that there are kind people, but most of them are scum who should be reborn as Gabriel said.

Some guys are unable to communicate with their idols normally, and they will like some disgusting things about themselves due to their psychopathy.

For example, first go to the bathroom to prepare certain things, and then come over to get psychological satisfaction by touching and shaking hands with the idol.

This is even more terrifying and disgusting than the normal situation where I never wash my hands for the rest of my life.

Well, although Zhengzong sometimes feels that he is a bit of a scumbag.

But who makes him the protagonist and has the strongest sense of immersion?

The security guards took him out, but they wouldn't just leave it like that.

This guy's fate will only be to be buried in Jingwan.

Masamune-kun, why did you kick that guy away?

The honest and quiet Koizumi Hanayo asked cautiously.

With so many people together at once, she felt that Zhengzong's behavior was not very good.

This feeling as if the muse only belongs to me, and no one else wants to touch it, makes him feel a little flustered.

Seeing how cautious Koizumi was at this moment, Masamune also became interested in teasing.

Let me tell you a story. One day, a girl shook hands with a boy, and then she became pregnant with the boy's best friend's child.


Next to her, Nishikino Maki, who was holding her arms around her and keeping aloof, was the first one who couldn't help but break the skill.

As for the other girls who had a relationship with Zhengzong, their expressions were also weird at the moment.

What do you mean, meow?

Xingkong Rin looked at the many friends around him who had changed their appearance curiously, and the curiosity in his heart could no longer be suppressed.

Although Koizumi didn't say it clearly, his eyes looked at Masamune full of inquiry.

All I have to say is that I am very curious, really curious.

Nishikino Maki, who couldn't bear it anymore, whispered in her friend's ear.

Just saying a few words made Koizumi Hanayo's eyes bristle, and he fainted towards the ground.

Okay, don't worry too much. Disgusting guys like this are actually rare, but you have to be careful. I blocked it this time, but it may not happen next time.

It was funny to look at Koizumi Hanayo, who looked like his body was overloaded at this moment. He never expected that this guy would have such a reaction.

After giving the girls some popular science, Masamune let go of Umi Sonoda.

They are also the shy type, but Haiwei has improved a lot now. Perhaps this is a sign of the results of his training?

Zhengzong was thinking wildly in his heart.

You have to learn to reject others in the future, but you won't be so lucky every time.

Speaking to Umi Sonoda, she noticed that this guy had a ruined expression on his face at the moment.

Will shaking hands like that make you pregnant?

Umi Sonoda looked horrified, looking at Masamune and hesitated to speak.

In the past, she was teased by Kasumigaoka Shiyu like that.

Could it be that she is already pregnant with the real child.


Although he didn't know what was going on, Zhengzong knew that this guy must be thinking too much.

Zhenji, I'll leave it to you to popularize Haiwei's knowledge. Aren't you all good at studying in physiology classes?

Pushing Sonoda Umi to Nishikino Maki's side, he asked the girl to give her a good shout.

What do you mean, please ask me?

He was fiddling with his hair a little awkwardly.

Although I have some knowledge about medicine and even deeper knowledge because of my family background, I don’t want to lose face.

Nishikino Maki looked at Masamune, her favorability level -1.

But I don't know why, but when I noticed Zhengzong's gaze, I didn't have any intention of rejecting him.

Come up quickly.

He pulled Sonoda Umi, who had not yet recovered from the strange thing of being pregnant with a real baby, over and whispered.

Masamune was speechless as he looked at Rin Hoshizora who was also curious and had listened to her before, and Nico Yazawa who looked like I am a senior and I know the best, but just barely put her ear to it.

I feel that I should officially put it on the agenda to teach these girls correct physiological knowledge.

Look at the other people who have had fun with me. Not all of them stayed there and had nothing to do.

I was thinking wildly in my heart without listening to the few people in Teacher Zhenji's small class and looked at each other.

But at the same time, he turned his head guiltily and stopped looking at each other.

With the nine muses together, some things are often exposed unconsciously.

He didn't stay on the field for long, he grabbed a few people and walked directly outside.

Special personnel separated the enthusiastic fans one by one, got directly into two cars, and the large group quickly headed outside to the restaurant that had already been reserved.

A banquet always follows success.

The girl of Muse, plus a Masamune as the invisible tenth person, naturally needs to be celebrated.

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