What follows is the normal announcement and award ceremony.

Although because of his own intervention.

The LOVE LIVE competition has already been different from the original plot.

But I already knew the authenticity of the result, so I didn't pay much attention to it.

Just waiting for the next event.

But while he was watching An Anxin, his eyes suddenly changed.

Because the mysterious guest who presented the award turned out to be the familiar Mai Sakurajima.

This guy.

Zhengzong was a little dumbfounded.

But I probably understand.

If a former female star like Sakurajima Mai wants to make a comeback, she will naturally need more attention.

As a result of his intervention, it was naturally the most suitable match for the 11th district.

Take this opportunity to make a debut, and then release some small news later, and you can basically get started directly.

It's just that Zhengzong didn't expect that there would be such a coincidence here.

No, maybe it's not a coincidence, it's just because this side did it deliberately.

He hesitated, but Zhengzong didn't dwell on this problem anymore.

As they walked down, they could see Honoka picking up the final championship trophy, and she felt happy for the girls in her heart.

He took out his cell phone and took a photo of the excited muse and Sakurajima Mai, who was wearing a gorgeous formal dress.

It can be regarded as the end of the last paragraph of this event.


After coming down, Nan Xiaoniao jumped up excitedly and hugged Zhengzong.

He hugged the girl, picked her up and spun around. Zhengzong was in a very good mood. The remaining people who came close to him were several other people. In such a cheering environment, apart from the girl who was still a little distanced from Zhengzong, the others included Tojo Nozomi, Honoka, and the excitement were so excited that they didn't care about the other Eri who had already taken turns to hug them.

Let's go out and celebrate.

Nico Yazawa can be said to be the most excited one in the team at the moment. With this huge victory in the competition, if she wants to continue to be an idol in the future, this kind of thing is undoubtedly the best choice.

The champion of LOVE LIVE naturally needs to celebrate at this moment.


I had already changed my clothes from the locker room on the other side early, and finally the feeling of shyness and oppression was gone.

Sonoda Umi saw that his friends were all so excited and had no intention of refusing, but at this moment, someone suddenly broke in.

Hi Wei-chan, hello, I have been following you for a long time...

Stuttering, a man in his thirties stood up at this moment.

He is not tall and does not fall into the passing grade in the entire eleventh district. His hair looks messy and he is wearing a Muse support uniform, which was actually made by the fans below.

He was not wearing glasses, but his eyes were still narrowed subconsciously, and there was an unspeakable sense of decadence.

It can be said that it is very consistent with the image of an otaku in the minds of the general public.

In the Muse group, there are all kinds of girls, and it can be said that the charm appeals to both young and old.

But these are two different theories, because Zhengzong found that after the other party rushed in at this moment, besides being excited to see his idol, there was something else.

Pushing Minami Kotori, who was currently holding his arms, completely ignoring the impact it might have on the people around him, away, Masamune walked towards Sonoda Umi's side.

He directly grabbed the girl's wrist and pulled her to him.

You, what are you going to do, scare me.

His own personality is like this. At this moment, Sonoda Umi, who was at a loss to deal with the sudden appearance of a fanatical uncle fan, was suddenly pulled into Masamune's arms and bumped directly into the man. The masculine aura of the man frightened him. One jump.

Umi asked stammering, thinking that this guy was showing off his wolfish nature and wanted to do something bad.

Even if I have to do that, I have to do it when no one is around. How can I face the bird when you are like this?

The girl was wailing in her heart, but she didn't notice the sad fact that she had already unknowingly failed to do many things.

However, Zhengzong's expected move did not come. Instead, he kicked away the male fan in front of him who was trying to shake hands with him.


Sonoda Umi's eyes widened as he watched Masamune kick him out.

He rolled his head several times on the ground, just like a super shot in a movie.

Are you jealous of your own affairs? Is that why it’s like this?

Thinking of this kind of thing, Sonoda Umi felt a little unspeakable fear in his heart.

I don’t know if I am afraid that my friend Xiaoniao will find out the problem, or if I am afraid of how to face my relationship with Zheng Zheng.


what happened?

The sudden change attracted everyone's attention. The girls walked over quickly and worriedly looked at the situation on the field.

Looking at Sonoda Umi, who was huddled in Masamune's arms like a bird at the moment, and the man on the other side who fell to the ground and wailed.

In an instant, things like jealousy, Umi and Masamune emmmmm appeared in the minds of these lively girls.

Among the muses, except for Nicole, who is still passionate about idols, and the first-year group of muses who have not had much contact with Zhengzong, the others who have had close relationships all have other imaginations at the moment.

There is even a way. Could it be that Zhengzong is finally going to expose the matter?

Such a kind of tension and surprise lingered in the hearts of several people.

You just came out of the bathroom, didn't you wash your hands? It's disgusting.

He didn't pay attention to those people who started to have many fantasies because of his sudden actions, but continued to look at the man in front of him with a serious look.

What did you say, I don't know.

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