However, she was still a little reluctant at first. It was because she was proud of having power as a dragon, which allowed her to show a calmness that was different from other girls, but now her only excuse was gone.

There is actually no problem in surrendering to someone stronger than yourself.


Everyone gathered around the big table in the room.

Under the bright lights, there are all kinds of dishes.

Liuli cooks a certain ancient Chinese dish. Since she and Zhengzong were the first to know each other, she learned how to make these dishes from then on.

For example, the very common scrambled eggs with tomatoes and shredded fish-flavored pork are very simple and ordinary, but they have the authentic taste of my favorite hometown. Even those specialized restaurants outside cannot provide such authenticity.

What Nanami provides is naturally Okonomiyaki, a specialty dish from Osaka where it comes from. Vegetables, meat, seafood, eggs, fried noodles, and rich ingredients are gathered together and fried together. Even if they are placed on the plate at this moment, they are making a sound. The sizzling sound, the aroma of the dough and ingredients fills the air, and the thick okonomiyaki sauce makes people want to cut it into their mouths.

It can only be said that Yamada Fairy comes from a big family, and his preparations are also very high-end. Eels, shrimps, scallops, tuna, salmon, trevally, grouper, and golden-eye sea bream are all specially prepared from his apartment. The eight-course sushi has become the highlight of this lunch set.

A group of people sat together and started tasting after the sound of something starting.

The first thing Zhuxi noticed was the sushi provided by Yamada Fairy. This kind of luxurious cuisine that is rarely seen in home-cooked dishes attracted the attention of both of them at first sight. Sagiri, on the other hand, stood up for Nanami very kindly, and Hinata, who knew that she was in trouble, was obediently helping her sister to save face.

As for authenticity, of course it means equal parts pampering.

Facts have proven that even ordinary men have to be different when they want to start a harem.

Otherwise, if you don’t have enough stomach, you won’t be able to handle three portions of food at the same time.

The remaining Erkoya does not have such good skills.

Because at this moment, she was being targeted by three other people at the same time. As the most vicious guy in history, while bringing huge pressure to the girls, he was also the target of their attention.

At this time, Erkoya's obvious change was unusual from before. In short, it changed from the original attractiveness to a feeling that seemed to be extremely obscene.

It took these girls a moment to realize something was wrong.

This guy definitely ate it secretly.

The three girls who were preparing to cook just now did not expect that Erkoa, who had always been unpredictable and behaved unusually, would actually complete the transformation like that.

If there is a medicine for regret in this world, they will definitely take it.

He was only worried about the two guys who were still young and not yet a 'threat', but he forgot about the most terrifying Erkoa.

Ahem, it's rare for our family to get together, so let's have a good meal and don't just look at me.

Erkoya, who considers herself a mature woman, felt guilty for a moment when being watched by these guys.

Very scheming, one sentence brought the family closer together in an instant.

Who, who is with this guy? Don't talk nonsense.

Yamada Fairy stammered a little. From the beginning, she was just with Senjumura Zheng, to so many people in an instant, she couldn't accept it.

Nanami turned her head away, not knowing how this situation could happen.

Liuli didn't speak, but looked at Mai Sakurajima. To be precise, it was the kiss note in Mai's hand. She felt that she must lock this thing up in the future.

Looking at the scene in front of him with a smile, Erkoa, who eased the difficult situation in an instant, was in a good mood and planned to have a good meal.

As a result, it was discovered that Zhengzong had taken many things silently.


She was a little tired after exercising just now, but she found that all the delicious food had been taken away by Zhengzong, and the woman puffed up her face.

Sister Erkoa.

The little cutie, currently the only conscience in the Izumi family, Gotaki Taki, obediently handed over her palm-sized bowl of okonomiyaki.

Erkoya temporarily lives in Wugeng's house, and his favorite thing on weekdays is holding Wugeng Zhuxi.

Not only because of the kind and comfortable attitude, what you want is the warmth that makes Wu Geng Zhuxi feel extremely warm, as if she has returned to her mother's womb.

Okay, okay, Zhuxi, you can eat it yourself.

Seeing this cute look, Erkoa just hugged Zhuxi tightly and let the girl down with a exclamation that made me unable to breathe.

However, even though we are a family, there will inevitably be distance and distance. I wonder what you think of everyone? Masamune-kun.

After Erkoa's words fell, while removing himself, he did not forget to set a trap for Zhengzong.

I didn't dare to commit the crime again before, because my own people were still there, but now that they have been tricked, Erkoya let go of him in an instant.

He noticed that even the Yamada Fairy, who had nothing to do the least, was looking at him nervously and expectantly at this moment.

Zhengzong was a little flustered.

This is not alone. For example, Sagami Minami Senjumura Sei had a bad relationship before, and now she is more of a girl who prefers toys.

Everyone is so familiar, and they have feelings for each other after getting along for a long time. Now it will be a big problem if you are not careful.

Although he won't be dismembered, he will undoubtedly not have a good face for a long time.

After glancing at Erkoa, he was greeted with a fearless smile. Zhengzong silently decided to punish him with exhaustion and dehydration in the future, but he was looking at the girls seriously.

You are all cute and you are all my wings.

He didn't mention his wife. He didn't want to get married yet, so he had to carefully consider every word.

Zhengzong felt that he now felt like a leader. He had to speak carefully and judge the content carefully, otherwise he might give a wrong direction to the group of guys who were waiting for food below.

That's a really great answer.

Liuli breathed a sigh of relief.

She had obviously made up her mind at the beginning of the contractual boyfriend relationship that if there was a woman on Zhengzong's side, she would leave decisively. However, she didn't expect that she would have fallen deeper and deeper into it. From her firm opposition at the beginning, to now, even if My sister fell into it, still looking forward to it.

As for the Yamada Fairy, this guy's expression is very strange. She feels that Masamune's answer is of great reference value. She has already thought about the title of the next book. Let's just call it You Are My Wings.

But this is my true opinion. Each of you is very good, just like the wings of a bird, you can't live without any one of them.

Zhengzong spread his hands, showing helplessness.

Apart from the compatibility on the bed, everyone is actually very happy when we get along.

Without that kind of coquettishness and willfulness, even Liuli, who was originally more gloomy, and Liuli who liked poison, worked very hard to suppress all the problems when they really got along with Zhengzong.

Of course, there is now Erkoa, this guy who always likes to make trouble with shady tricks. There are really some problems that need to be solved and educated. The other girls are the kind that need to be cherished by Masamune.

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