Sighing softly, Erkoya walked over from behind with his hands behind his back.

Isn't this normal? If the Crystal Palace's basic configuration doesn't even have a qualified house, then it's nothing.

Zhengzong turned around and looked at this guy who was also doing nothing.

You are really speaking from a super scumbag harem. Do you really think Hinata-chan's harem paradise plan is possible?

With a smile on his face, Alkoa looked at Masamune, Hinata and Sagiri's plans, and naturally they couldn't hide them from this guy who liked to eavesdrop.

Although the dragon clan also has settings such as lust and so on, they are male dragons.

Regardless of male or female dragons, they actually have a habit common to the dragon clan, which is absolute domineering possession.

I'm telling you, there really is. It's a magical weapon that's specially designed to deal with scumbag playboys. It stabs you once, then the knife falls in your hand, hiss, it's so miserable.

The palm of his hand was stroked on the neck, and the grin looked very interesting.

Are you really sitting around with nothing to do?

Speechlessly looking at this guy who looked serious and threatening to him, Zhengzong moved quickly and walked straight ahead.

Erkoa noticed it and quickly wanted to step back, but the next moment his squinted eyes widened in an instant, looking at the guy who had already arrived in front of him.

It's getting faster again. It's not good for a man to be too fast.

Erkoa, who was a little frightened by the authentic speed and had already opened his eyes, felt slightly guilty and thought about places to hide around, but his words were still unforgiving.

Looking at this guy who still didn't realize his mistake until now, the next moment Zhengzong hit him to the corner of the balcony with a bang.

The temperature on the originally cool balcony suddenly rose.

Erkoya twisted his body uneasily.

As a dragon, a dragon standing at the top of the food chain, at this moment, she suddenly felt ridiculous that she was being stared at by a terrifying beast, as if she was going to be eaten alive the next moment.

The biological instinct makes it a little fearful.

Well, Masamune-kun, I was wrong.

Put your hands together and then lower your head slightly.

Fully show your European style.

Can be straight or flexible, has a good attitude, and will never be stupid.

As an adult dragon, Erkoa's moral integrity is not lacking, but it is absolutely wrong. At this moment, he apologized very directly.

If an apology helps, why do we need the police?

He directly grabbed Erkoya by the waist.

Erkoa's waist is really tender, even through her clothes, you can feel the difference in it.

To be honest, Masamune has been in contact with so many girls, and actually found that among the areas that cannot be touched, the waist is actually ranked after the final place of desire for men, and even oupa In fact, they are not comparable to a girl's waist.

The scientific explanation is that there are many nerve endings in it, which can cause an itchy feeling.

It seems that it is also a critical position for the Dragon Clan. At this moment, just by following the authentic movements, you can find Erkoa's sudden tense state.

I've always felt that whether you're a human or a dragon, you have to be responsible for anything you do wrong.

He held Erkoa tightly in his arms, and then felt Yue Xiong's suffocating feeling. All he could say was that he was worthy of being a dragon.

It's ridiculous to say that.

Until this time, Zhengzong dared to truly hug Erkoa. The most he did in the past was to feel comfortable with the two indescribable magnificence in front of him.

Elsewhere, you are really afraid that this guy will inadvertently give you a thrill.

It's like after the Saiyans came to Earth to get married, the fairy beans withered and disappeared without a trace in an instant, and they had to be broken open to eat.

Do you know why? It's not because Akirobe ate too much alone, but more because Saiyans and Earthlings get married and use more.

According to the strength of the dragon clan, if he accidentally fights with you, it will kill someone.

When I played with Vinay not long ago, it was also thanks to him.

As a female devil, even a female devil who is actually as kind-hearted as an angel, when she really encounters these things, she will activate her racial talent and show her unique charm.

Have you ever seen an ordinary man who can keep calm for seven or eight hours a night?

Facing these extraordinary creatures is really a test in all aspects, and only Zhengzong can digest it.

But I think I still have a chance.

Realizing that he seemed to have lost his temper, and lamenting in his heart that this guy was becoming more and more powerful, Erkoa raised his palms to show that he still wanted to struggle.

She has been a female magician for tens of millions of years, even for her own sister. Now she suddenly has to change jobs and become a mount. She is a little uncomfortable with it.

No, do you still remember the story I told you about how things are better than three? I think I have given you a lot of opportunities.

The two of them were close to each other, their breathing was very stuffy, and there was a feeling that made people feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable. Zhengzong urgently felt that he needed to exercise to relieve his mood.


Erkoya watched as he put himself directly on the edge of the balcony. His whole head sank for an instant, and he hung his head just in time to see the vast night scene on the ground.

It was already eleven o'clock in the evening, and there was no one around. Looking down from the second floor, it felt unexpectedly exciting.

Don't move. It would be bad if you accidentally fall.

With a smile, he helped Erkoya disarm, and then tied him to the guardrail to prevent him from falling.


Who do you think I am? Even if I fall hundreds of meters, nothing will happen.

He complained helplessly in his heart, and was speechless at Masamune's actions, but Erkoya did not stop Masamune's actions.

They are really enemies.

A hard bite on Masamune's shoulder.

That kind of pain really doesn't distinguish between races. The real dragon moaned and stayed on Zhengzong's shoulder, but it just destroyed the short sleeves.

Erkoya took a quick breath and hugged Zhengzong.

From the very beginning when he kept compromising, Erkoya had understood that there was no possibility of his escape.

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