I have met someone else, but why do you care about Yinglili? In other words, what attitude do you want to use to care about me?

Pushing this guy away who was about to lean in, Zhengzong was suddenly really worried. This guy couldn't even ask about the taste of Vinay earlier.


Yinglili was speechless for a moment, opening and closing her mouth.

I wanted to explain the selection for my stepfather, but as soon as I said it, I felt an unspeakable heartache.

A kind of heartache that made him panic and didn't know how to explain it.

The panic made him scared in his heart, and he didn't want to face it. He just wanted to continue being the camel with his head buried.

Okay, I won't argue with you anymore. The wound just exploded. Stop riding in the car. I'll carry you home.

Seeing the way Yingli lowered her head, Zhengzong comforted her.

Although it was only the knee joint, there were bruises and bruises in other places.

It would definitely be uncomfortable for Yinglili to ride back alone.

You can make girls suffer, you can make them feel wronged, but there can only be one place, and that is on the bed.

Other times, they must not be allowed to suffer.

Authentic obsession may be strange sometimes, but it will never change.

not good.

Seeing the man turn around, Yinglili subconsciously wanted to refuse, but in the end she nodded dully.

Her weak look was completely different from her usual appearance.

In contrast to each other, they look even cuter.

What will happen to my bike? Just leave it there? It will be towed away.

Burying her head on Zheng Zong's back, feeling the man's breath blowing against her face, Ying Lili felt her face burning hot.

Whether it was because of the close relationship between Masamune and Sayuri, or something else, she couldn't tell.

No, I'll buy you a new one.

It's really a scumbag's statement. If you don't want it anymore, just buy a new one.

He said in a muffled voice of dissatisfaction.

At this moment, Eiri is not fighting alone, Kasumigaoka Shiyu's poisonous tongue automatically possesses her.

Don't worry, Yinglili won't let her go, because Yinglili is one of a kind.

Humph, wouldn't you put me in the car and push me away? Sure enough, I still have indescribable thoughts.

Yinglili, do you feel comfortable carrying the iron plate on your back?

I'll bite you! Ugh...

The furious girl pointed directly at the white shirt, and she screamed in pain.

Yinglili, are you back? Hurry up and give me Kangkang's new book.

Sawamura Sayuri's cheerful voice sounded, and at first glance, it sounded like a play between sisters.

At the same time, he also let Zheng Zong know that the original Lily was bought by Sayuri.

With a cheerful smile, Sayuri pushed the door open, as if she couldn't wait to see what was going on.

However, what he saw was not the daughter he expected, but Zhengzong standing there.


Looking at the majestic figure standing in front of the door, Sayuri leaned against the door and gently called her name.

She just felt that her whole body was soft. She had experienced Zhengzong before, so she found that she seemed to be addicted. At this moment, just looking at Zhengzong's sudden appearance, the surprise was like a warm current, making her feel comfortable. Don't want to leave.

Mom! I'm here.

Eiri, who was being carried on Masamune's back, noticed that Sawamura Sayuri was looking like she was in a state of mind and happiness, so she couldn't help but remind her with some embarrassment.

Such a crazy look is super embarrassing, don't you know?

Yinglili reminded her with hatred, and there was also a hint of hidden anger and jealousy.

Ah, Yinglili, you are here too.

He clenched his right hand into a fist and hit it on the palm of his left hand. He looked like he had just discovered Yinglili, which made this guy tremble with anger.

I'm injured. My knees are bruised. You don't even pay attention. You just look at others.

Hmm, your knee is scratched? It's okay. It will heal slowly. And isn't it true that Masamune-kun is here to carry you?

Sayuri said with a smile, with Zhengzong here, Sayuri was naturally relieved that nothing would happen to her daughter, but it was just that her heart was chilled by Yinglili.

Listen, is this what a mother can say?

When you have a man, you don’t care about your daughter?

Let me go in first. Ying Lili accidentally fell down today. I happened to meet her and sent her over.

Feeling the excitement of Yinglili behind him, Zhengzong pressed his palm on his buttocks and immediately calmed the guy down.

After all, it’s still a piece of iron, so it’s not interesting at all.

Even if it was replaced by Sayuri, it would be better.


Looking at the two people carrying each other with satisfaction, Sayuri made way for her.

He walked to Ying Lili's bedroom with ease, came to her bed, and slowly put her down.


Suddenly the world was spinning, and Yinglili instinctively hugged his neck with both hands. She was about to protest something that someone didn't remind him properly, but she felt Zhengzong's generous chest, which was like the warmth of the sun, and Yinglili felt in her heart. , but it is full of security.

Are you leaving?

Yinglili suddenly felt reluctant to give up.

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