Why do I always have a strange feeling.

Gently holding down the throbbing heartbeat, Nozomi Tojo turned to another phone. She didn't know why her friend always felt repulsive towards Masamune. At this time, she needed to come forward properly.

After hanging up the phone, Zhengzong had no intention of continuing to play for a while.

After picking up Arisa Ayase on this side and covering her with a quilt, Masamune didn't stop for much and walked out directly.

She was going home tonight, and Sagiri on the other side had been sending Masamune messages on LINE.

Walking out of the room, it was already evening. The sun was setting, leaving only the last ray of afterglow. Just as Zheng Zong was about to walk home, he suddenly saw a familiar figure.

If we really talk about familiarity, it's not that it's because the other person is wearing a green casual coat, a beret on his head, and black-rimmed glasses to cover his face. Looking at it like that, I believe it would be too hot if it wasn't If so, you must cover your face directly.

The other party had just come out of the next room. It looked like a bookstore. He was carrying something in a small bag, and there was a bicycle parked next to him. It seemed that he wanted to ride home.

My lovely Eiri-san?

Zhengzong asked aloud, and the girl who was slowly getting into the car suddenly became excited.

The whole body seemed to be stiff, like a robot, and the whole person was rushing towards the slope of the road unsteadily.

Somewhat speechless, he looked at the guy in front of him who had hurt himself and was on his back.

In the distance, the last ray of light has been extinguished. In the shadow of the wall, only the blond hair that can be called a work of art can allow Zhengzong to find this girl at once.

The bicycle fell to the side weakly, its wheels spinning feebly in the air.

You idiot, why are you acting like a thief?

Zheng Zheng walked quickly towards Wu Shi, first picking up the bicycle next to him and putting it away.

Blocking directly in the middle of the road will cause trouble for others, and then the attention will be focused on the two of them.

Then you will see the notebooks scattered on the floor and a disguised girl who is picking them up in a panic.

It's not like I don't know about you. Is it necessary to be so scared?

No, no, I just thought I met someone else from school, so my first reaction was to run away.

Yinglili raised her head and looked at Zhengzong, and then the girl lowered her head subconsciously.

It hurt a little, but he just didn't want Zhengzong to see his embarrassed look at the moment.

As a otaku herself, and with an even worse status as a book painter, Yinglili didn't want others to know her situation under any circumstances.

Zhengzong knelt down and helped Yingli pick up the notebook. Looking at the embarrassed girl, his eyes finally focused on the knee. On it, you could faintly see the small wounds scratched on the cement floor.

On that fair and smooth skin, there were wounds that made people sad just to see them.

Seeing the girl like this, Zhengzong felt a little distressed, and then he got up and went to the nearest pharmacy nearby to get this guy hydrogen peroxide, iodine, and bandages.

Actually, there is no need to be so nervous. People will know it once they find out. Be careful next time. Aren't you afraid of getting hurt?

Seeing Yinglili still clutching the scattered notebooks like that, Zhengzong could only comfort her.

You can't let my classmates and friends see me and my book.

Ying Lili sipped her Chun, and the super recluse girl who was very paranoid about her own face said firmly.

But the voice was vibrating.

Do you know how uncomfortable it is to pretend?

But even so, Yinglili will still persist, just like the problem that happened in elementary school.

Don't I already know? Don't worry, anyone who can laugh at you because of your hobbies, Yinglili, is not qualified to be your friend.

Zhengzong silently cleaned and bandaged Yinglili's wounds.

Hey, Luo Suo, you are different.

I sniffed, it hurt so much.

Really? Then I have to thank Yinglili very much. She actually thinks that I am different. So who am I? My boyfriend, my relative?

It was rare to see Yinglili looking like a wounded little beast, weak and weak, and Zhengzong also found it very interesting.

I finally understand why Kasumigaoka Shiyu likes to provoke Eiri so much.

Because this pitiful look of licking his own wounds is really cute.


Yinglili was silent for a while and then suddenly said.

Shameless, I'm going to bite you.

In the dimness, Ying Lili, who had been sobbing slightly just now, raised her snowy chin, and her pink lips were slightly parted, revealing the tiger fangs inside that shone with cold light.


The super cute Huya Yingli just opened her mouth, but she didn't actually open her mouth, and then her expression changed.

The original intention of biting Zhengzong's neck turned into a close contact, and the warm breath hit Zhengzong's body, slowly going down from his neck.

Summer clothes can't stop these.

Just when Zhengzong was wondering whether the isolation barrier designed by Torkoya and others on his side had failed, and whether Erili was affected by his body like those girls.

Ying Lili suddenly raised her head.

The smell of lemongrass is very strong, it should be the smell of shampoo, but there is something hidden underneath. It is the smell of a fourteen-year-old third-year junior high school girl. What on earth did you do?!

Obviously there are still tears in the corners of her eyes because of the accidental fall just now, but Yinglili is still very fierce now.


Your reputation as a loser is truly well deserved.

Is your nose so sharp?

You're overthinking, don't think too much.

After bandaging, I knocked the guy on the head to calm him down.

Don't try to fool me. It definitely smells like a woman. What did you do?

Trying to look fierce, Yinglili threatened.

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