Do you know that if you are discovered to be a crazy person, you will die socially?

For Zhengzong, Wei Nai was angry and helpless, so she could only give up the idea of ​​leaving and continue to follow Zhengzong.

Zhengzong secretly laughed in his heart. Sure enough, for such a guy, he just needs to be a little rogue, otherwise he won't be obedient at all.

Masamune-kun, this is not good.

Wei Nai said to Zheng Zong earnestly, and she wanted to turn around to help Zheng Zong in some embarrassment, but found that the movement made the two of them more in touch with each other.

I can't help it. I don't know why. Ever since I met you, Vinay, every moment, I can't help but think of you, Vinay. Otherwise, do you really think that I would be like this and not know the importance of it? ?”

He blew a breath into the girl's ear, looking at her pitiful look but not daring to let go.

Vinay is so fun, bullying Vinay is so fun.

Well, there's no other way around this, but you have to solve this problem properly. You can't just let it go.

Holding back her embarrassment, Wei Nai said to Masamune seriously.

Because of the huge funds given by Hell on the other side, they did not understand that the reason for all this was because of the special nature of Zhengzong itself, which caused problems in the judgment of the recorded magic device. They just thought that things like this would have a huge impact on Zhengzong and would The guilt in Vinay's heart that created such a city demon, or affected Zhengzong and caused more tragedies in his future life, so she had so much living expenses, has been tormenting her for a long time.

Seeing Zhengzong like this at this moment, Wei Nai's heart skipped a beat, and she suspected that it was really because of her influence on Zheng Zong. After all, the devil was so seductive and depraved that sometimes after hearing it too much, Wei Nai herself believed it.

I will solve it in the future, but the current situation will not stop for a while. Vinay-chan, I need your help now.

I'm a little surprised that Wei Nai is such a good calligrapher, but that doesn't stop Masamune from taking this opportunity to have some fun.

What should we do?

It's very simple. Have you ever heard of the story about Dayu of the ancient country who controlled the floods? It's better to clear the block than to block it. We are together, Wei Nai-chan. Just work hard and it will be fine.

Seeing how Zhengzong was making serious suggestions at this moment, Wei Nai really seemed to want to punch this guy hard.

Do you really think she doesn't understand what blocking is worse than blocking means?

Young people, do you know that movies and TV are movies and reality is reality?

Although there are a lot of train-obsessed people here, so-called women-only carriages have even been created because of this.

But in fact, that is only for certain types who like to touch and touch, that is, it is limited to a little touch. It is impossible for those who really start to play with me!

As a result, you are still thinking about this kind of thing now?

Is Vinay thinking about something?

Lowering his head, Masamune asked with a smile.

Are you still laughing? This kind of thing is impossible, okay? Something will really happen if you are found out.

Vinay said angrily.

But this is all caused by Wei Nai. Who made Wei Nai's body so obscene? As a devil, don't you have any temptation to people like this?

Although I don't know why Vinay has such a good attitude this time, it doesn't prevent Zhengzong from bullying this guy further.

These demons and angels are all brought here in Dongjing, and they are still in a relatively far area. It is rare to encounter them. How can they be let go like this?

Anyway, this is all Wei Nai's fault. If you don't help me here, when I go out for a while, if someone sees me, it will probably leave a psychological shadow from now on, and then I will become decadent in anger, or even I did a lot of bad things and then went astray. When I go to hell, I must tell them that this was all done by a demon named Tsukinose Vinette April. By then, I can Giving Vinay a slight increase in performance may be the only thing I can do for Vinay.

A regretful tone sounded in Vinay's ears.

This made it even worse for Vinay, who was already guilty of seducing Masamune and was judged by the magic instrument on her body to be rich in living expenses.

Just, that's it for now, I will try my best.

Taking a deep breath, Wei Nai, who had broken the jar, just shrank into Zhengzong's arms.

The tram moved forward gently, and there would be turns from time to time, but the two of them were no longer affected by anything, and they drifted along with the swaying rhythm.

By the way, Vinay, you should be able to use those barriers, right? For example, to isolate others from sight.

What do you want to do? I tell you, it's impossible. At most, you can do it through clothes.

Wei Nai was very alert to someone's thoughts and immediately warned them sternly.

No, I just thought it would be better to be on the safe side. Vinay doesn't want to be seen by acquaintances.

Just like the big bad wolf facing Little Red Riding Hood, Masamune showed a kind smile.

Then let me listen to you.


I, I'm leaving first.

The deep purple eyes were still a little confused at this moment.

Following the sound of the tram arriving at the station, Wei Nai walked off in a hurry, leaving Zhengzong speechless who wanted to remind the girl that she forgot to mention the vegetable bag.

Tsk, Vinay has a problem.

Seeing this Vinay staggering out, she just hurriedly stuffed the small piece of purple cloth that she couldn't wear into her pocket and left.

Although he tricked Vinay into setting up a barrier to prevent others from seeing it, Zhengzong was really just doing it as insurance for the two of them at the beginning. However, later on, this guy's original actions turned into real contact. and go into battle in person.

In the end, he looked guilty, as if he had taken advantage of him.

However, Zhengzong does not exclude this.

This kind of thing between men and women depends on attitude, doesn't it?

Wei Nai felt that she had taken advantage of him, and Zhengzong didn't think so.

Since being in the wild, Masamune finally succeeded in unlocking another scene.

Deep down in my heart, I decided that even if I still couldn't practice magic, I must learn this kind of barrier that eliminates the sense of existence.

After happily playing the tram game, Masamune no longer had any interest in the female students or office workers on the other trams, so he just found a place to rest, and the time was soon reached.

As soon as I got out of the car, I heard a timid voice.

Brother Izumi.

From the platform next to him, Ayase Arisa, who had been waiting for a long time, jumped out at this moment.

A childish voice sounded. She was wearing a yellow top and a dark skirt. Her blond hair had been trimmed to just above her shoulders, and she had a pair of eyes that were slightly light-colored and gave people a dull feeling.

Arisa, are you here so soon?

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