Masamune-kun, good morning.

He said to Zhengzong in a panic, with an apology in his eyes that even Zhengzong couldn't understand, making him confused.

Why are you here?

Noticing Vinay's strange state, Masamune raised his hands to show that he was not a threat.

In fact, of course, there is no threat. Vinay-chan's power is not only shown in successfully creating the longest duration with an authentic opponent in bed, but also in terms of resistance to many things, it is very powerful.

Maybe it's because he is a tempting and depraved demon?

I'm here to volunteer. There is an event at a nursing home, and I'm going to prepare lunch here. Those elderly people are lonely and helpless. The food in the nursing home is not bad, but the nutrition is still a little behind. Where is Masamune-kun?

After discovering that Zhengzong really wouldn't come close to her, Wei Nai breathed a sigh of relief and then showed Zhengzong the bag in her hand. They all contained some very common ingredients.

I am also a volunteer, but I think children are the future of the world, so I went to the summer camp to help.

In the summer camp, he helped them alleviate the fights among the group members, and told them what the length of a big brother meant. He also helped them supplement a large amount of protein, and even tasted authentic ancestral treasures. In this world, no one could think of anything better than him. People.

That's great.

She was really happy for Zhengzong. She clasped her hands together and made a happy gesture. At this moment, Vinai's smile was like an angel, just like when she took Zhengzong to the hospital for a physical check-up.

Vinai, I'm really curious. With you like this, are you really not going to deduct all your living expenses?

Once again sighing at Vinay's situation, Masamune asked curiously.

Demonic angels all have special magic devices on their bodies, which collect information about good or evil things and make judgments.

Living expenses? This is okay.

Not willing to look directly at Zhengzong, how should Vinay explain? When the living expenses were paid recently, Hell was very happy and gave him a large sum of money.

Money is bright, and people* interact with each other for temptation.

Unfortunately, because of his own persistence, or the gods' pranks, Vinay has been pitifully at the bottom of the class ever since he became a demon.

Everything is deducted every month for reasons such as helping an old lady cross the road, rescuing stray cats and dogs, etc.

If there wasn't another person who brought pain to Angel (Gabriel) (not allowed to play games), her daily living expenses wouldn't even be half of what Satania, the guy who got the inspirational life bonus, could get.

Really? In fact, if Wei Nai is really short of bonus, you can ask me for help? Let's do some bad things together, which is actually enough.

Looking at Vinay's look, Zhengzong thought this guy was short of money.

Knowing that this guy couldn't be as unscrupulous as Gabriel, Zhengzong kindly gave Vinay financial support by doing bad things together.

No, no, that's enough, that's enough.

Vinay waved her hands wildly.

From not having enough to live on at all, to being much richer all of a sudden.

In such a pitiful state, this time he went against the flow and gave him enough living expenses to survive for a year. He said that because of his devilish actions, he successfully achieved a hell of a massacre of thousands of people. They are all so terrible that no one can do it again.

Vinay, who was feeling dizzy, only regarded this matter as a matter of authenticity.

Vinay, who has always linked the level of bonuses to the size of the bad deeds, after learning about it, the first reaction in his mind was that his behavior would have a lifelong impact on Masamune? That's why I gave so much.

Vinay, who felt inexplicably guilty, tried to do various good deeds every day to distract her attention after the summer vacation.

Why do I always feel that something is wrong with you today, Vinay?

Looking at Wei Nai suspiciously, Zhengzong always felt that this guy was a little weird.

No, it's nothing.

If you are an ordinary person, you may be shameless and even think that things like Zhengzong are taking advantage of you. In fact, this is indeed the case, but after seeing the huge funds obtained, the kind-hearted Vinay already thinks that this Everything is wrong with me.

At this moment, he noticed that Masamune was approaching and wanted to step back and get away. But at this moment, the tram suddenly turned.

Although trolleybuses have already appeared now, the streetcars that exist in District 11, that is, trams, have existed for a long time, so even if they can be regarded as antiques, they are still used here.

As it turned at this moment, the inevitable centrifugal force caused Vinay to be thrown directly outward.

At this time, it was Vinai who felt guilty and wanted to leave, but with Zhengzong's cooperation, she accidentally ran into Zhengzong's arms.

The girl is wearing an ordinary knee-length skirt. The thin summer skirt can completely make Zheng Zong feel the exquisite figure inside.

The devil is the devil. The last time I was comfortable with Vinay, but the six-person party last night was an incomparable ultimate enjoyment.

That is a pure racial talent. Even when faced with it, Vinay cannot control his instinct.

At this moment, due to her height, Wei Nai happened to bump into Zhengzong's arms and hugged the girl. There was an unspeakable tacit understanding of cooperation.

Vinai-chan, are you so eager to fall into my arms?

asked with a chuckle.

Although it is a coincidence, it does not prevent Masamune from coming to play with Vinay.

That's not true anymore. Let me go quickly.

The guilty girl wanted to push Zhengzong away, but she was hugged tighter.

I always feel like there's something wrong with you, Vinay. You're not just angry, but you feel guilty towards me?

Zhengzong found that he could faintly feel such emotions.

It's like, obviously he is taking advantage of him at this moment, but Vinay does seem to be taking advantage of him?

A somewhat ridiculous idea flashed through my mind.

Don't move around, Vinay, there are a lot of salty uncles in the tram, especially when it's so crowded.

Masamune said softly.

Rolling her eyes at Masamune, Vinay looked around.

Of course, we know that the trams in District 11 are crowded, and the so-called subway pushers have even been born because of this, specifically to help office workers who can't squeeze into the trams, so Vinay specially avoided the rush hour this time. , there are not many people in the tram now.

It's not that I don't want to let you go, Vinay, but in this situation, if you are let go, I will be in a lot of trouble.

Masamune moved forward slightly, expressing his current state to Vinay.


Vinay's eyes were wide open, as if she couldn't believe that this guy actually reacted in the tram.

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