She was about to sit in the seat in front of her, but before she could get into the car, she was pulled out by Masamune. Yukino looked at Masamune in a panic, but he was pulled by Masamune toward the back door.

Masamune first stuffed Yui in his arms into the car, leaned against the far left side of the car, and then got in. As for Yukino on this side, he pulled Yukino directly into his arms.

A car itself is not big, but at this moment, three people are crowded into this parking space that can only seat two people. Fortunately, the two girls are the type who exercise regularly, sitting in the back seat of the small car. It doesn't seem too crowded.

He directly closed the car door, and then picked up Yukino, who was so embarrassed that he lowered his head and didn't want to see anyone, so that the person who seemed to have a natural air conditioner was held directly in his arms, feeling that person Feeling the coolness of my son's body, smelling the refreshing fragrance emanating from Yukino in my arms, Masamune felt very comfortable for a moment, and felt that the boring feeling of having no choice but to go out to accompany a group of sixth-grade elementary school students had disappeared.

Just having Yukino, my next journey will not be boring.

Yukino-san has two words of snow in her name. She has a cold temperament, and she behaves the same way in many other aspects.

Zhengzong felt that if she suddenly told him that day that she was actually a snow demon, Zhengzong would not have any doubts.

At this moment, I feel the refreshing and cool breath. Even the air conditioner in the car cannot bring the coolness naturally brought by this cute girl on my body.

It is said that there are two heavens of ice and fire, but in fact the lovely Yukinoshita alone can give Masamune such a feeling with her own specialness. Thinking of the past experience, Masamune is also very comfortable. This is something that can be compared with a trace of w The bonus Kasumi Fei Fei competes with Yukinoshita Yukino.

From the moment she came in, her body had been stiff. She felt as if she was being judged in public by her friends and teachers at the same time. She suddenly felt the man's malicious intentions, and her lovely and crystal cheeks turned red in an instant.

After all, I have had close contact with Zhengzong, so I naturally know what the man's situation at this moment means.

Since the summer vacation, there have only been seven days without any messing around with Masamune, but for Yukinoshita Yukino, it has been like a year.

From the beginning, she was simply repelled by the authentic influence, but later on, everything turned against her. After being suppressed, Yukino, who really tasted the fun of it, already had a collapse reaction.

I don't know how much I yearn to be with Zhengzong in my heart, to be together all the time, especially after getting the approval of my parents inexplicably.

‘I didn’t mean this, it was him who bullied me. ’

Yukino, who had been unable to lose face, kept silently muttering in her heart, looking for excuses for herself.

It was originally as dense as the thousand-foot iceberg rising from the ground, but now it was quietly melting under the authentic temperature.

Yukino moved her body uncomfortably, but what she didn't expect was that the consequences of her movement would immediately send a different signal to Masamune.

Yukino only felt the restless movements of Masamune's hand holding her, but because Masamune had no strength to resist at all, he could only fall down.

The car was driving very fast, and only Yui next to him could notice the situation under the snow. Those big bright eyes didn't know which direction to look in the car, but he still couldn't help but be attracted by his friend's changes. Yi looked secretly at the two people beside her.

Although we are going to Chiba next, we still have to take the expressway. Are you curious why?

Shizuka Hiratsuka, who was spinning restlessly, holding the steering wheel tightly with both hands and transforming into a female driver, suddenly spoke out.

It's just a pity that the three people behind her didn't have the time to start a conversation with her. There are still a lot of interesting things now.


Yukino suddenly spoke up.

Ha, Yukino, you really understand me. Let me tell you, although we say we are going to Chiba, we still have to take the expressway. Because we are going to Chiba Village, so we specifically take the expressway. It is the so-called outsider, haha.

Suddenly hearing Yukino's voice, Shizuka Hiratsuka, who was sitting in the front driving pitifully and almost dying of boredom, excitedly continued to apply for interaction.

Driving alone without saying anything, Hiratsuka Shizuka couldn't control his temper at all.

The only thing that can be better for both parties is that the cars in District 11 all drive on the left side, and the front view mirror on this side cannot see the situation of Masamune and Yukino at the moment, otherwise it would be interesting for both sides.


Thinking of the special situation here, Xueno was suddenly aroused, as if he had lost his vitality.

I can't tell you how long it took. Feeling the cold wind blowing from the air conditioner, the temperature dropped. Yukino just recovered a little bit of energy. She thought that her embarrassing appearance just now must have been noticed by Yui in the car, and When looking at Yui, Yukino could clearly see the smile in Yui's uncomfortable eyes.

Xiaoxue is also very cute like this.

Although Yukino is shy, after all, she is no longer the kind of innocent girl who knows nothing, and she even fulfills her real service duties in the service department with Yui, so thinking of this, Yukino has nothing to be ashamed of, what a shame. Yukinoshita Yukino was devastated. She just felt that after going to her destination, she had to put on some clothes. Fortunately, she was more prepared at the time, otherwise it would have been really troublesome.

Yukino glanced at Masamune, and there seemed to be fire burning in his dark blue eyes.

This was his anger towards Zhengzong for almost embarrassing himself, and he decided to take revenge on Zhengzong.


Masamune was suddenly speechless. It turns out that Yukino can be so bold. Is this an angry girl?

Although Yukino did this because he wanted revenge, Masamune felt a little weird, but more of it was pleasure. He seemed to know that this was not very effective, so he left directly from Masamune. Yukino turned around and looked directly at Masamune. , there is a touching smile that is different from the expression on that cute and charming face.


After seeing Yukino's reaction with her own eyes, Yui couldn't control her surprise and screamed. She immediately covered her hand with her little hand, with a look of disbelief in her eyes. Yukino's usual cold and insurmountable temperament , but it left a deep impression.

Although she could approach her nonchalantly on weekdays, Yui still understood the difference with Yukino in her heart.

It is Yukino's unique temperament that gives her such a high reputation. Otherwise, she would not be hailed as the legend of school girls together with Miura Yuko by the students of Sobu High School, just like the goddess in everyone's heart.

Even if the two of them sometimes do activities together, it will never be like this.

But if those students knew that Yukinoshita Yukino, who was regarded as an iceberg beauty and a rare snow girl in millions of years, would behave like this at this time, I wonder if those guys' jaws would drop to the ground.

Hey! What are you doing?

No matter how little Shizuka Hiratsuka paid attention to, he couldn't help but turn his head at this moment, and then he almost saw it going up the roadside without paying attention.

Just now, it was because he was the only one driving in front, and there was no one on the passenger seat next to him to chat with. If it was boring, then Hiratsuka Shizuka's mentality was so unbalanced that it exploded.

There are thousands of roads, safety is the first priority. Driving is irregular and relatives are crying. Xiao Jing, you have to be careful now.

Zhengzong, who was leaning on the back chair, had no choice but to remind him loudly at this moment.

Under such circumstances, he was fine, but the other three were in trouble.

Even if there is an angel behind him, nothing will happen to him, but when he thinks about his and Yukino's current situation, even if he is just a useless angel, Zheng Zong still feels a sense of shame, just like Gabriel who simply feels embarrassed when he loses in a game. The urge to destroy the entire world.

You guy, this is my car! You are so embarrassed!

The palm of her right hand slammed the horn in the middle of the steering wheel in front of her. The sharp whistle made Hiratsuka Shizuka feel much better.

Hearing the conversation between the two, Yukino raised his head instead. Yukino glanced at Hiratsuka Shizuka.

Teacher, if I'm not wrong, can you help Masamune-kun do the same? There's nothing to worry about.

Kawasaki Saki once secretly took photos of Masamune and other girls, and the employer of the photos was actually Yukinoshita Harano.

After getting the photos from Yukinoshita Yono, Yukinoshita's parents had not yet discovered the problem. Yono still wanted to help Yukino solve the problem privately, so she gave all the photos to Yukino directly.

So the girl actually already knew about Hiratsuka Shizuka.

Yukishita, how, how did you know.

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