Hang yourself on a hook and it won't change for a hundred years. Those who lie will have to swallow a thousand, no, a hundred needles.

The little finger struggled to lift Masamune's fingers, and then Sagiri did not forget to threaten him with super fierce words.

Zhengzong naturally accepted it with a smile.

There's also a kiss note. I want to write my name on it too.

Realizing that Zhengzong was suddenly so talkative today, Sagiri blinked her eyes and looked at Zhengzong in anticipation.

Kiss note? I am not responsible for this matter. If you can get approval from your sister Mai, I will agree.


Not knowing that her affairs were actually known to Mai, Sagiri's face was a little tangled.

A good child should know how to advance and retreat. If you want to write more of your name on the kiss note, then you have to ask for it.

Although you can ask for it directly from Mai, Masamune himself is very reasonable. He usually asks the girls to do things in bed to make each other happy, but when it comes to real business, he is still very respectful.


The voice was elongated and somewhat dejected. Sagiri knew that she could only go to see if there was anything Hinata could do.

We'll think about it later. Now you should eat your food quickly, or you won't be hungry.

He took the lunch box next to him and handed it to Sagiri, but Sagiri didn't take it. Instead, he jumped directly to the ground and put his little hands on Masamune's knees.

I'd like something to drink.

Although she wants to rely on Hinata, Sagiri herself also has to work hard.

The Izumi family’s meal is absolutely amazing.

That's probably what happened. According to the young master, the foreign girl named Satania may have just happened to pass by. In fact, there is no intimate place.

In the magnificent room, Fujikura Yu, who came out of the Izumi family, crossed his hands in front of him, lowered his head slightly, and explained respectfully.

That's good. Although he is a very energetic child, there is always something... If Zhengzong is really as stubborn as her mother, that would be a headache.

Recalling the past, the old man's voice also became long and distant.

The complexity of Satania is also clear.

But, Masamune must have a lot of good feelings for him, otherwise he wouldn't take the initiative to contact us like that. We can also prepare the reception at the end of the month, don't let him down. Of course, now that it is a misunderstanding, then Okay, let's go talk to the Tachibana family.

The old man was lying on the bench and giving instructions silently.


Nodding, Fujikura Yu slowly backed away.

When I woke up in the morning, the weather was just right, very consistent with the summer season.

After covering Sagiri with the quilt, Masamune picked up his luggage and walked out of the room.

After Hiratsuka Shizuka made an agreement with Masamune at that time, she had already announced the activities of the service department that night.

We are going to Plateau Chiba Village.

Now that everyone is here, let's set off!

The female teacher wore a big green hat, black sunglasses, a red shirt, and travel shoes that looked like hiking boots.

It seems that because of the summer vacation, Shizuka Hiratsuka is more relaxed and gets along with Yui and Yukino normally.

Although in fact, in school on weekdays, this guy didn't show much of the so-called majesty of a teacher.

Why are you going to the mountains in the summer? I really don't understand your activities.

Masamune hates heat and would rather die of cold than heat.

Of course, the girls' enthusiastic hugs were so warm that Masamune didn't refuse.

The life of students in District 11 is really rich.

The emergence of each club also has its own low class hours. As long as you don't do any tutoring yourself, you will have enough time to play.

For Masamune, this was especially true after he didn't have to spend a lot of energy studying to prepare for Tokyo University's medical entrance exam.

Okay, this is a rare practical activity. It will give you extra points in college. If I didn't know you, I wouldn't have brought you here.

He gave a thumbs up, very proud.

It's just a pity that Yukinoshita and Masamune don't need the so-called extra points, as for Yui.

This guy has already started bridal training with Mrs. Yuigahama, and plans to consider getting married to Masamune after graduating from high school.

In fact, if the two girls hadn't known that Masamune was coming, they wouldn't have showed up at all.

Let's just look forward to it.

Masamune sighed.

The name of the activity is to volunteer as a safety guard for a bunch of sixth-grade kids who come to summer camp.

Of course, it is actually a simple recreational activity.

It's like going to a mountain village to teach, and the support turns into a blind date meeting or even a life-threatening activity.

Masamune looked at Yukino, who was currently wearing white short-sleeves and cropped black pants, and Yui, who was wearing a pink hat on the other side and had an equally bright expression, and thought silently in his heart.

We’ve already exhausted all the places to play in Sobu High Energy, maybe there can be some surprises outdoors?

The place we went to this time was also within Chiba, but since it was a summer camp, there should be some differences.

Led by Shizuka Hiratsuka, he walked forward and soon saw the shapely and handsome black car parked on the edge of the road.

Unlike the sports car Shizuka Hiratsuka and Masamune drove when they went out to eat ramen before, this time it was a gray sedan.

It seems that this guy still knows the impact.

A guy who drives a sports car to do volunteer work is basically the same as driving a Ferrari to sell tea eggs.

Opening the car door, Hiratsuka Shizuka was naturally at the front as the driver, but looking at the door that suddenly appeared on the other side, Masamune saw Yui and Yukino standing in the back seat.

Zhengzong chuckled and said: The passenger seat is uncomfortable, so we have to sit in the back.

Yukino looked at the back where there were only two people, and glanced at the guy with malicious intentions, his face turned slightly red.

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