I don’t know how Masamune orchestrated her in her heart, but Sakurajima Mai was still seriously helping Kosaka Kirino to carry out follow-up measures, and by the way, she also helped the other party treat his physical injuries.

Treatment of the injury? Is everything healed, including the membrane?

Zhengzong looked at the scene in front of him in surprise.

Without saying anything, Mai Sakurajima just gave Masamune a look of disgust, leaving it up to him to understand the specific content.

Seeing Kirino Kosaka continuing her modeling shoot with a look of despair and confusion, the two people on this side looked away.

Now, I'm going to write her name on the kiss note.

Mai still felt a little guilty and suddenly spoke to Masamune.

?? Then do whatever you want.

Unexpectedly, Mai Sakurajima would do this, so Masamune thought about it and chose a normal explanation.

Pfft, don't worry. I'm either testing you or I really feel sorry for this guy.

Mai said with a smile, and then continued her shopping activities with Masamune.

As if she really wanted to express her depression about not being able to shop for several years, Sakurajima Mai spent the entire time in the mall shopping.

Then let Masamune take a look.

Occasionally, I would choose so-called couple outfits with Mai Sakurajima.

It's just a pity that after all, there is a certain gap between Mai and Makishima Saori. The slight gap between the two standing together always makes them feel like a little bird clinging to someone, rather than anything else.

That's enough.

Smiling and putting on new hats, the two finally managed to remain a normal couple.

Then I continued to look for other clothes.

It was just my first time and I spent two hours shopping.

By the time the two of them finished, it was already evening.

Shopping is over, so what's left is to eat. Masamune-kun, let's go.

Pulling up a strand of hair by her ear, Sakurajima Mai suggested.


Although I only had cake at noon, I still have an appetite now.

Walking outside with the girl.

There are many shops on the street.

Weird, can't we eat at the buffet?

Mai Sakurajima stood at a certain entrance of the facade with some regret, and then asked with dissatisfaction.

I'm really sorry, guest, it would be better if you came a little earlier, but because we have a little guest who came in, all the food was eaten by him, and there is nothing we can do. The boss has already suffered a heart attack. He was sent to the hospital, and the remaining cooks also had hand cramps and ran away. Let’s wait, maybe tomorrow, if the boss can come back.”

The only front desk clerk explained with a wry smile.

Sakurajima Mai was a little dissatisfied and could only walk to Masamune who was waiting in front.

When I went out to investigate in the morning, this place was highly recommended as a cost-effective buffet. But when I went there just now, I found that the other party said that a young customer had already eaten all the ingredients. It was really a terrible excuse.

Girls' consumption concept is always so strange.

Facing the tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on cosmetics, clothes, and bags, I don't care, but I always care about the little money I spend on food for no reason.

Mai Sakurajima was also regretful when she found out that the super-cost-effective store she had finally selected was closed.

She looked at Mai a little speechlessly, you don't need to tell me whether it tastes good or not.

This cafeteria was not the place Masamune left for Nanami today to appease the blue-eyed baby dragon.

Being able to make a Dragon Clan eat with ease proves the excellence of this buffet restaurant.

It's just a pity that the world is so unfair sometimes. Because you are too good and kind, you will be eaten into bankruptcy.

Not being able to eat the buffet that she had been looking forward to, Sakurajima Mai could only continue to look forward.

Just when Zhengzong was about to remind him that he could just find a well-decorated one, a startled voice stopped Zhengzong in his steps.


Sure enough, Zhengzong knew that when he went out on a date, the probability of unexpected events would continue to increase as the date went on.

The so-called god of romantic comedy always likes to joke with him.

As we all know, the world is small. The most typical one is the six degrees of separation theory proposed by Milgram. There will be no more than five people between you and any stranger. That is to say, you can get to know any stranger through at most five people.

And in a small place like District 11, with a population of 100 million, it's not just acquaintances on social networks.

Just walking around in any place will cause countless accidents.

Therefore, those plots in the game that happen at just the right time are sometimes not deliberately set by the writers, but accidental Shura fields really happen by coincidence.

Zhengzong turned away in embarrassment.

What I saw was the smiling Kasumigaoka Shiha, with a cool temperament and an aqua blue dress with pure white lace. It seemed that because it was a bit cold at night, she was wearing a blue coat. She was still wearing a blue coat on her slender thighs. Those black pantyhose.

Even if white silk forces are on the rise in the authentic harem, black silks are still showing their talents in various ways. The girl faction headed by Sakurajima Mai is chasing after her, and the madam forces headed by Nishikino Mizumi are not willing to lag behind. But no matter what, Kasumi Zhiqiu Shiyu can all leave a strong and colorful mark in it.

With his unique dress and exquisite charm, Zhengzong has attracted hundreds of millions of dollars in business with him from time to time.

Just standing there can attract countless eyes. Seven out of ten men will look over. Of the remaining three, two have girlfriends and one has a boyfriend.

If it were normal, Masamune would be very happy.

Because Xia's fat stockings and long legs are the most exciting to play with.

After a tiring day in the summer, what he needs is a simple and unpretentious woman like Kasumigaoka Shiyu to come over and soothe his tired heart.

However, it is not pointing to the present in any case.

Mai Sakurajima, who was originally holding hands with Masamune and was in a very good mood. She liked this kind of ordinary life, but her original smile also faded, and she exuded a cold aura.

It's someone you know, Masamune-kun.

Wu Geng Liu Li Qing Shan Qi Hai, in fact, everything is fine. Everyone has already met each other, and although there is competition between each other, they have already acquiesced that in the future they may really be entangled together and never let go. Kirino Kosaka, who came in, had no choice.

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