After doing it for a long time, it was not just helping the boyfriend and girlfriend change clothes inside? Instead, we started doing it right away!

As a true otaku who doesn't care about continuing to play games that are banned under the 18-year-old rule, various cutscenes appeared in Kirino's mind in an instant.

This is simply the worst dressing room theater. I didn’t expect that the things in the game would actually happen in reality.

While blushing, he became more and more disdainful of Zhengzong.

Liuli is such a good girl, but you still don’t cherish her, and instead dare to cheat on her with another woman. Although the other woman is pretty good-looking, seducing someone else’s boyfriend must be a very bad type.

Such behavior, in the heart of Kousaka Kirino, is worse than the behavior of his brother Kousaka Kyousuke who suddenly fell in love with his good friend Tamura Iwano.

Really a huge scumbag.

Discovering that the bitch in his mind has not come out yet, Kosaka Kirino feels scared and wants to breathe a sigh of relief for Liuli.

He walked over quickly.

Even the female shopping guide next to her didn't have time to stop her before she saw Kirino Kosaka rushing over.


Being an all-around athletic girl, she hit hard and crashed right into it.

In the changing room, Masamune, who was continuing to deal with Mai Sakurajima, frowned at Kirino Kosaka who suddenly came in.

Sakurajima Mai, who was in high spirits and was feeling the pain of lovesickness in the heavenly world, found that the door of the changing room was pushed open and she looked at Kousaka Kirino's delicate face.

Mai, who finally realized that she had been seen, woke up as if a basin of cold water had been poured on her.


She simply disappeared, and Sakurajima Mai returned to her past undiscovered state.


Because there were so many people in the mall, when Zhengzong sensed someone approaching, he never thought that someone would break in.

Zhengzong was naturally very unhappy when someone disturbed him while he was in high spirits. It's a pity that he can't continue no matter how unhappy he is. Let's not talk about what will happen to Kousaka Kirino's side, but as long as Sakurajima Mai suddenly disappears and doesn't cooperate, Masamune knows that he doesn't want to play anymore.

Don't you even have basic education?

With a low growl, Masamune didn't even bother to put on his clothes, and walked forward quickly, directly grabbing Kirino Kousaka who was still about to yell angrily.

The clothes that Mai changed next to her blocked Kirino's mouth, making her unable to speak.

Do you know that disturbing someone's game is the most disgusting thing?

Although Kirino Kosaka is a type with outstanding motor nerves and very good physical strength among boys of the same age.

But facing a humanoid monster like Zhengzong, who even the dragon clan felt inferior to, he was immediately caught to death.

The pain in her wrist made Kosaka Kirino finally wake up from the terrible incident of Mai Sakurajima suddenly disappearing on the other side.

He wanted to struggle to threaten Zheng Zong and stop him from messing around, but he could no longer speak at this moment and could only make dissatisfied whining sounds.

Her wrists were tied tightly like iron hoops. What made Kosaka Kirino even more desperate was the sudden chill in her body at this moment.

Since you like to disturb others like this, then you should pay the price for me.

The other hand pressed directly on Kosaka Kirino's head, pressing his face directly against the wall.

The anger of a man who is suddenly disturbed will not subside, but will only grow stronger and stronger, and will not stop until all the guys who dare to come out to cause trouble are completely burned.

Tsk, this girl is really miserable.

The battlefield calmed down again, and someone's anger seemed to be completely extinguished.

Mai Sakurajima, a deserter, finally had the courage to stand up.

With lingering fear, he looked at Kirino Kosaka, who was lying on the round chair with his upper body lying directly in front of him, unconscious from exhaustion.

It was so miserable that I didn’t even finish taking off my clothes, and then I was forced to complete my first breakthrough in my life.

Although he is an all-purpose sportsman with good physical strength, it only lasts less than three minutes so that he can sustain a little more in the face of authentic attacks.

Later, because of her love for sports, her tunics that looked curvier than any girl became her real goal.

He couldn't bear it and fainted directly, which made people feel pitiful just looking at him.

Sakurajima Mai suddenly thought of her previous experience.

If you think about it carefully, compared with the tragic situation like Kousaka Kirino, I was only caught and bullied by Masamune because of a late night raid, which was actually a very good thing.

Shaking her head, Mai Sakurajima felt that she was already thinking in a strange direction and felt that she needed to calm down.

You showed up.

A long time ago, Sakurajima Mai's tricks just didn't work on Masamune.

Of course it is still the same now, but just now Sakurajima Mai looked like she didn't want to see anyone, and Masamune didn't interfere.

Come here and help me deal with this guy.

Now that it's out, it's natural to arrange the tasks properly.

What's the meaning?

Mai somewhat pitifully helped Kosaka Kirino put on her clothes.

Aren't you an angel in the same organization now? You should know how to set up restrictions and so on. Take care of it. I don't want any trouble in the future.


Since you're afraid of trouble, don't do anything, but now you suddenly do these things.

She complained in her heart, but Sakurajima Mai still took action obediently.

When training in Heaven, the first skill you learn is forbidden skills.

After all, Heaven has always insisted that ordinary people cannot detect or leak the existence of extraordinary power.

After seeing Mai Sakurajima sweating and trying her best to put a restraint on Kirino Kousaka so that she could not leak the news, Masamune also somewhat understood the power of a useless angel who only thinks about playing games all day long. , the other party’s so-called chief student in the heaven is really not a joke.

Or is Sakurajima Mai actually a bad student? Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to attend college properly and pursue idol activities instead of studying.

Aren't these so-called idols just ordinary academic scumbags, and then the occasional top academics are formed by falsifying papers?

Okay, no problem. The other party will have the memory, but they will not be able to leak the information through any writing gestures or other methods.

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