In addition to the countless part-time jobs, part-time jobs, and part-time jobs, Nanami Aoyama's youth story also has a pink color called love this time. Obviously, the girl is very fond of this color.

It was clear that Zhengzong had hurried over and arrived ten minutes early according to the agreed time, but the girl was still sitting there.

You can know when it came here.

Sorry, I'm late this time.

I noticed the man sitting on the chair, still looking at his phone. The dubbing practice script on it was already halfway through.

Even in the current situation, the girl is practicing hard.

It's really scary, Nanami-chan.

It's okay, I didn't delay long.

With that bright smile, the girl put away her mobile phone and fell in love, worked and studied.

This girl, who is more mature and stronger than Liuli, knows very well how to distinguish these three points instead of confusing them.

Okay, let's go to the aquarium then.

Seeing the girl who had been here for a long time and couldn't help but sweat even because of the shadow, Zhengzong directly made an invitation.

This is the best developed entertainment center near the Izumi family.

In addition to the shopping mall, there is also an aquarium. By the way, it can be staggered with Wu Geng Liuli on the other side, which can be said to be the most suitable place.

Inside the aquarium.

In the dark blue environment, there are high-strength glasses that successfully isolate the seawater and marine life in it.

Holding Nanami's arm, the two of them walked along the corridor together, as if they were in the real ocean. Watching those beautiful sea creatures floating around makes people feel so happy.

In summer, it’s best to come to a place like the aquarium to feel comfortable.

When he thought of the terrible flow of people when he and Liuli were in the mall just now, Zhengzong sighed sincerely.

Nanami was in a very good mood at the moment, with her arms spread out as if she was swimming in the ocean. From time to time, she pointed at one of the creatures to Masamune, introduced what it was, and then took photos with Masamune.

Ling Zhengzong didn't expect that the girl had so much knowledge about marine life.

We also need to dub animals, so the teacher has specially taught them.

Being stared at by Masamune as if he had discovered a new world, Nanami also explained to Masamune with pride.

It's really hard work for voice actors.

Zhengzong sighed in his heart.

I will learn more about dubbing female characters in the future.

Pulling the girl into his arms, looking at her reddish cheeks, he spoke in her ear.

I thought about it again, when I was playing with Nanami and listening to her gasping in different sounds.

Keep walking forward.

There were many people in the corridor, including couples and families of three. People crowded in front of those beautiful unknown creatures.

After taking the photo, Zhengzong directly pulled the girl forward. When passing by one of the shark pools, Zhengzong unexpectedly spotted two small figures.

One of them is very familiar. Her short legs are wearing white stockings. They are not as bright as when Kato Megumi wore them, but they look more delicate and cute. The long hair on her head is tied into braids, which is equally beautiful and beautiful. With eyes that were darker blue and brighter than the sea water, he was staring at the shark pool with blinking eyes.



The blue-eyed young dragon, who was looking at the shark in front of him, turned around and saw Zhengzong, with a smile on his little face.

I like authenticity very much, I like authenticity the most.

You can always eat a lot of good things when you follow Zhengzong.

There is also that comfortable feeling after getting close, and you don't want to let go no matter what.

Why, are you coming out to play? Why haven't you seen Sister Xiaolin?

You walked forward, picked up the baby dragon with one hand, and then rubbed your chubby little face.

Only children are the most comfortable when they are so chubby. A little older, like Hinata's age, they will not be cute once they are slightly overweight, so Masamune cherishes Kangna in this state very much.

And she is also very lucky. According to the growth cycle of the dragon family, Kangna will continue to be a legal loli for a long time. Although it looks like this, it is a pity that the time for Zhengzong to be able to eat the young dragons will be delayed.

Master Xiaolin is still at work. Today he and Caichuan went out to play.

Although it is already summer vacation, and even the most rigorous Somu High School, which includes admission to higher schools, is on holiday, Xiaolin, a social programmer, still has to continue working.

Although 996 is not mentioned here, with countless seniors working, poor Xiaolin also works a lot of hours.

Zhengzong seemed to be able to imagine that a certain maid Long stayed in the room pitifully, and then wiped the table from time to time, enduring the loneliness of being alone in the room, and could never wait until she could come back and turn into the look of Wangzushi. , Zhengzong wanted to laugh when he thought of this.

Because of the previous misunderstanding, I don't have any good feelings towards Thor Masamune.

I just want to be able to slam her into the wall anytime.

Kang Na looked at Zheng Zong who was distracted at the moment, wondering what was going on.

You, who are you? Let go of Kangna-chan quickly.

Next to him, another figure following Kangna also stood up.

He knocked on Zhengzong's leg with his little hand, trying to make Zhengzong leave. His forehead was so smooth and bright that it could even be a big light bulb at this moment.

Fortunately, Masamune and Nanami don't look like bad people. Otherwise, some kind people would have come up to question them by now.

I am Kang Na's brother, and he, Nanami Aoyama, is my girlfriend.

Masamune waved to Nanami who was smiling at the scene beside him, and the girl responded with a friendly smile.

Hu, nonsense, I am Caichuan, Kangna's classmate. Kangna clearly introduced herself as coming from abroad with silver hair. Why do you have black hair? This is unscientific.

The little Loli said stubbornly, just staring at Zhengzong's palms, because at this moment, one of Zhengzong's hands was placed on Kangna's chubby little buttocks, and the other was caressing her back, which was almost The corner of Zhengzong's mouth twitched with overflowing envy.

This guy is definitely a miniature Thor.

Zhengzong made a conclusion about this guy in his heart.

Don't worry, besides, brother and sister have to have the same hair since then. Didn't you see that Kangna didn't refuse?

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