I just want to be able to continue to taste more of that kind of comfort.

The arms that were tightly wrapped around him to resist the distance between him and Zheng Zong were now let go, and instead they were wrapped around Zheng Zong's body.

The small room has gradually become warmer.

Being held by a girl like this all the time, Zhengzong naturally would not ignore her charm, and naturally made the most correct reaction.


The voice was trembling, turning over and over again.

Saori Makishima wanted to say something.

Jingle Bell!

Suddenly, the phone rang.

The eyes that were originally filled with glistening water suddenly seemed to be hit by a weight of tens of thousands of tons, shattering them with the rippling water.

Zhengzong's expression changed. He looked at the cell phone that suddenly came out. Instead of panicking, he calmly and decisively lowered his voice slowly.

It's okay, it's just Liuli who came to make a call. I've muted it.

Looking at his mobile phone, Masamune did not forget to comfort Makishima Saori.

‘But something’s wrong with me. ’

At this moment, the entire weight of the person seemed to be hanging on Zheng Zong's body.

Just now, the person who was in agitated mood and almost couldn't help but want to take the initiative, under the sudden ringtone, felt guilty in his heart, as well as the excitement of betraying his friend, all kinds of emotions surged out at the same time, but The limit has been reached again.

The only thing I should be thankful for is that I haven't put on the underwear I just bought yet? So you don’t need to buy anymore?

With her head buried directly in Masamune's clothes, Makishima Saori really wanted to faint at this moment.

At the very least, after fainting, there is no need to worry about how to face Masamune when he is so embarrassed.

It's okay. Do you need me to get you some tissues?

He has already seen various situations with the girls in the house. Zheng Zong will not dislike anything. This is all his influence.

No, no need.

If you still need your help for something like this, it's like a public execution.

Although what is happening now is actually a public execution.

Silently lamenting in his heart, after experiencing all kinds of things, Makishima Saori relaxed.

The two came out again and Zhengzong recruited the shopping guide lady.

Please drag it inside.

Saori Makishima covered her face with her hands, not wanting to see anyone.

Don't worry, nothing will happen. Girls are made of water, I understand.

He whispered in the girl's ear, and was greeted by Makishima Saori's eyes that looked like anger.

Seeing this, Zhengzong just hugged her tightly and had another good time.

Masamune-kun and Saori went to buy drinks, but they didn't see us when they returned to the game hall.

Putting away the text message on her phone, Liuli waved her phone to Kousaka Kirino next to her.

Kosaka Kirino hesitated and held Wu Geng Ruri's arm to prevent her from going up.

What's wrong? Do you have any questions you want to tell me?

Looking at Kousaka Kirino in confusion, Liuli spread her hands and said directly.

Haven't you ever thought about it? As for Izumi Masamune, he might betray you and suddenly leave with Saori. Of course, I don't doubt Saori, but it's like the one I met last time who looks very similar to you. Women, his situation is really... men are like this, they like women, they like men, anyway, they always like to act according to their own thoughts.

Kosaka Kirino hesitated, and then counted carefully, obviously thinking of something nasty.

What's wrong with this? He's my boyfriend. How could there be another woman? Don't think too much.

Kousaka Kirino said, and then yesterday at home, the three of them rotated with each other at first, and finally they were tossing around in various ways after they were deeply in love. When thinking of this, Liuli's face turned red quickly, especially this time To other women, she still wanted to deliberately show off her boyfriend.

Okay, I understand. After all, trust is necessary, but you have to pay attention. After all, sometimes men make decisions that are a little abrupt, and it's not impossible for them to make any ridiculous moves.

Seeing Wu Geng Liuli's serious attitude, Kosaka Kirino nodded knowingly and stopped raising any objections.

I always feel like what are you actually implying by being like this? Have you encountered anything recently?

After being fooled and relieved, Liuli touched her chin and began to look at Kosaka Kirino attentively.

No, it's nothing. Let's go up.

He said in a panic, but when he thought of something, Kosaka Kirino couldn't help but his face bulged with anger, and he was worried.

However, Liuli, who was also feeling guilty, did not ask any further questions. Instead, the two of them maintained a tacit understanding at the same time.

Came upstairs again.

What he saw was Masamune and Saori Makishima who were already staying there. They kept their distance, but there was no problem.

Is this what you did when you went out? Did you buy milk tea?

Kosaka Kirino raised her eyebrows and took the drink.

Yes, I originally wanted to go to the vending machine, but when I saw there was a milk tea shop, I lined up specially.

The milk tea in District 11 actually originated from the ancient country and is very popular among girls.

I had just been shopping for clothes, so I didn't have time to queue up, but I couldn't resist being rich, so Fukuzawa Yukichi, a good friend of everyone, cleared the way and got the seat easily.

When you are playing outside, you must pay attention to replenishing water. Otherwise, you may become dehydrated and have an accident at any time in the summer.

Glancing at Saori Makishima, Masamune hinted that the girl had choked and coughed after half-drinking the milk tea. Looking at Masamune, she only felt that there was something wrong with the newly bought jeans. It seemed that they were just like Masamune. It's normal to meet yourself.

The date with Wu Geng Liuli didn't last long.

After all, four people came out, and time passed very quickly. Zhengzong and Liuli looked at each other knowingly, and Zhengzong took out his mobile phone, then pretended to have something to do, said something to the other two people, and left in a hurry.

Coming outside, the next step was Nanami Aoyama’s date.

The girl had obviously started preparing early.

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