Just like the AI ​​face-changing video industry that is very popular on the Internet right now, even if they know that the avatar made by Scarlett in front of them is fake, there are still a lot of people who are fascinated by it.

Zhengzong feels like this at the moment.

His angry movements suddenly stopped.

Nanami, whom she considered her biggest enemy, actually used such despicable methods.

As a semi-otaku, Wu Geng Liuli naturally knows how attractive this kind of thing is to a man.

Push the door open slightly.

Then I saw Nanami, who was covering her head with a pillow and humming like an ostrich.


Seeing that this woman who I thought was the biggest threat is still shy at this moment. If you are shy, just use your voice!

Liuli was in a very bad mood, but she wanted to say something to Qihai, but she couldn't find any suitable reason.


She whispered something, but still didn't have the courage to break in. Liuli turned around and left in shame.

That was that just now?

Nanami said in a sullen voice.

It's a good thing that he has been with Zhengzong for a long time, otherwise, just the possibility of being discovered would make him so embarrassed that he would never want to see anyone again.

Just an angry kitten.


...Okay, just rest and drink more water. It's not good for your throat to be hoarse.

With Nanami staring at him, Masamune could only raise his hands in surrender.

Hey, long-winded.

He casually picked up a shirt and put it on. Looking at the stuttering Xiao Nanami, Masamune didn't do anything else, but turned around and went to the room on the other side.

[Hey, Hei Bu Liu Qiu, are you okay? Did you take the wrong medicine? 】

On this side, Yingli, who was re-adjusting and planning to temporarily cooperate with Gabriel and have chicken together, looked at the man with confusion at the moment after regrouping, without saying a word, just like the Bushido, he followed angrily. A man with a bayonet.

So angry that you turned off the language?

Yinglili and Gabriel thought this at the same time.


The two of them were a little shy.

[Liu Li, are you still angry? 】

The sound was very soft, and because it came from outside, it was also somewhat distorted at the moment.

Ying Lili, who was searching for her backpack, had her hands shaking.

Hey, it's pitch dark, but your voice channel is still on in the queue, not off.

I think we should turn off the language channel now, otherwise the next thing will become very dirty.

Yingli, who was wearing headphones and playing with the mouse and keyboard, was talking to herself.

As an old driver, a guy named Ying Thomas Lili, at this moment, in his mind, the little train started to run. .

As for the guy named Chiba's Fallen Holy Black Cat, Eirili currently only knows that he should be about the same age as them.

After all, he was just introduced by Zhengzong to play games with her.

What is the situation of the other party, where does he live, whether he is in Chiba, whether he is a man or a woman, and whether he uses a voice changer are all two different things.

At this moment, she suddenly heard another man's voice coming from the black cat. The next moment, in an instant, she understood.

Because it was just across the headset, and Masamune had just been in contact with Nanami, the girl's Kansai accent was still echoing in his mind, and Eiri had never thought that Masamune would be with the black cat, and for a moment Eiri didn't When I realized it, this voice turned out to be authentic.

Should I remind that guy?

Yingli thought, then controlled her character and looked at another character controlled by Gabriel, the Holy Angel Gabriel.

This guy actually looked at himself at the same time.

Although the game is not so sophisticated that there are any specific expressions, it is as if the two of them can see each other through the characters at this moment.

Obviously a moment ago, the two people had reluctantly reconciled, and there was still a lot of anger, but now they have a very tacit understanding of each other.

Let's deal with this guy who just sprayed both of us so badly.

I didn't hear anything.

Although she was talking, Yinglili on this side had actively avoided the headset, and even moved the wheatwind next to the headset to one side without stopping.

In this way, you can only hear the voice of Wu Geng Liuli, but none of your own voices can pass through.

I didn't mean to trick you. If you don't pay attention and insist on showing affection, then I can only listen to you with mercy.

Talking to herself, Yinglili was a little shy. It was really a bit shy to deliberately eavesdrop on other people's conversations.

But I still want to hear it.

Especially the love relationship on my side has always been problematic.

So far there has been no progress at all.

Even though the once biggest enemy no longer competes with her, and there is only a girl with no sense of presence who occasionally participates in activities, but in the end there is still no progress, which really makes Yinglili feel a little anxious.

Yinglili, who vaguely wondered if she had made a mistake, now wanted to hear how the black cat got along with her boyfriend.


Compared to Yinglili on the other side who was still making excuses for her behavior, Gabrielle was much more casual.

At this moment, he is not shy at all, but has changed to a more comfortable angle.

With Vinay stopping him, he couldn't tell those guys about the danger of offending Holy Angel, but it would definitely be very interesting to leave the other party's dark history behind.

On this side, Zhengzong didn't know that his affairs had already been paid attention to by two evil-minded guys. Liuli didn't stop him, so he never thought that such a situation would exist.

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