Let's, let's go to the bedroom, Masamune.

She is a normal girl. Now that her heart is really moving, she will naturally not refuse. However, Nanami still remembers the importance of some things.

Okay, but you want to call me Xianyi, or call me...

Masamune said with a smirk as he held the girl in his arms like a princess.

I know, I know.

He stuttered, and this time his Kansai accent came out due to nervousness, but neither Masamune nor Nanami had the time to care about such a harmless thing.

Everyone is in a very good mood today.


Zhu Xi stared at the shiny watermelon hair style and quietly ran out from the side, looking at the manuscript that the two people had thrown to the ground and ignored.


The little cutie, who is only in first grade, still has very little literacy and can only recognize a few individual words.

He looked at the other side of the room with some confusion.

I don’t understand what game my authentic brother is playing.

The gunfight game he played with his sister Wu Geng Ruri seemed to be a little different, but why was that Nanami sister crying so hard.

Zhu Xi, who was nestled in the corner, was thinking doubtfully in his heart.

The little hand, however, has unconsciously clenched the informant.

Okay! You two guys, don't you know how to lie down? Lie down! Give me the third-level head and the third-level armor and so on, and then just be a ghost, isn't it?

Wu Geng Liuli's frantic and angry voice sounded.

Even if she adheres to the weakest aesthetics, she is just facing her own problems and pursuing as high a difficulty as possible to pass the level.

Instead of humiliating yourself in the face of a completely unwinnable game.

As a game in which a three-person team can only consider winning with perfect cooperation, no matter how strong Wu Geng Liuli is, it is difficult for him to defeat six hands with two fists, or even ten hands that may exist.

Because her teammates will reveal her information if they run around, and if they accidentally drop the grenade, they will be accidentally injured!

Because he has always liked playing games, Liuli's points in the game are much higher than those of Zhengzong.

If Zhengzong is considered a master who has been transferred to bronze, then Liuli is really a king who has been transferred to bronze.

Under the effect of the matching mechanism, the other enemies Liuli encountered were terrifying.

If it weren't for the uncertainty about what was going on with the girls in the third row of the authentic ones, Wu Geng Liuli at this moment could completely spray these two guys into oblivion.

As the former fallen holy black cat of Chiba, Zhengzong once had a headache and was poisonous.

If they really want to start complaining, the five scumbag Eiri, who has always been suppressed by Kasumigaoka Shiyu, and the scumbag Gabaili on the other side, will definitely be miserable.

Huh, you two, please calm down for a while. You are going to win, but you lose to a bunch of trash like that. Don't you feel uncomfortable? Calm down for the rest of the time.

Liuli tried to calm down her mood. As a self-confessed expert, she was extremely unwilling to lose like this. She must win today.

After standing up and stretching her muscles, Liuli realized that Zhu Xi could not be found on this side.

Juxi, where are you?

Confused, he walked outside and saw Zhu Xi, who was swinging her little feet back and forth alone in the living room, looking up words and studying at the same time.

I was still in a bad mood because of the two blond noobs, but now I felt relieved in an instant.

Sister, sister.

Zhu Xi noticed Ruri coming out for the first time and waved her arms to say hello.

My little cutie, what are you studying? Do you want my sister to teach you?

Liuli, whose soul seemed to have been purified, walked slowly to Zhuxi, picked her up directly, and saw the manuscript on her lap.

Haruka? Great, continue?

She silently recited the lines above, and the more she recited them, the redder Wu Geng Liuli's face became.

Look at the signature Izumi Masamune below.

Little did he know that this was the pen name of his contracted boyfriend.

Okay, he actually showed this to Zhu Xi! Where is your authentic brother?

Wu Geng Liuli only felt that the whole world had great malice towards her. First of all, the two rookie teammates on this side, who were supposed to win the game, had no choice but to lose because of this.

Now in reality, my boyfriend actually started reading these books to my sister.

Keeping her mind calm, Liuli asked, careful not to scare her sister.


Zhuxi clapped,

Just like Sister Liuli, playing sex games.

Damn it, how old is Zhuxi now?

Wu Geng Liuli was dissatisfied and walked up the stairs with annoyance.

Zhuxi watched her sister leave. Zhuxi, who didn't know what happened, took out the other manuscript from the side and continued to study seriously.

Liuli, who didn't know about her sister, had already arrived in the bedroom on the second floor. When she heard the voice, she sneered.

Liuli's heart was filled with anger, and there was an unspeakable sourness in her heart. She had obviously compromised like that, but just now she still helped Zhengzong to deal with the two novice girls.

As a result, Masamune on this side actually had Kung Fu and Qingshan Nanami to play games and wanted to leave this annoying guy directly.

Sure enough, men are all big pigs, and they can't relax at all.

At this time, she heard Nanami's voice inside, suddenly changing into a tone that she was extremely familiar with, and it turned out to be the voice of the Night Demon Queen.

Then not long after, the Merulu voice of Kirino Kosaka, who had become his friend and old enemy, came again.

Although Nanami's own skills have not yet reached the level, she has been training for a good period of time after all, and now she sounds like she has a good voice. Most people really can't tell the difference between the two. .

But it's fresh enough for authenticity.

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