It's just a promise to Teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka. Are you right?

Pulling the dizzy Yui over, Masamune showed his colors to Hiratsuka Shizuka.

Haha, this is it.

Out of respect for the teacher, even Yukinoshita Yukino did not question Shizuka Hiratsuka.

So at this moment Masamune was directly pulled out by Hiratsuka Shizuka.

I said, you actually come to these places?

Sitting in Shizuka Hiratsuka's supercar, he was swerving around.

There were no hotels or ramen shops that we had guessed, but we came to a very busy street, where there is the Angle Ladder on the top floor of the hotel.

This sounds like it has a lot to do with angels, which makes Zhengzong a little cautious, but in fact it is just a name randomly chosen by a group of people to pretend to be more powerful.

Looking at the guys who were all wearing formal clothes, Masamune lowered his head, glanced at the clothes he was wearing at the moment, hesitated, and then glanced at Shizuka Hiratsuka.

She is naturally beautiful and has a beautiful appearance.

But the long hair that was spread out randomly, with some wrinkles on the side, was the professional white skirt that couldn't be completely cleaned just now.

She didn't show what a beauty should be at all, and Zhengzong suddenly felt a lot better.

Hey, what's your look like?

Feeling awkward being stared at by Masamune, Shizuka Hiratsuka said dissatisfiedly.

Forget about other guys, you are my boyfriend. Let’s forget about the thing about being cooled down by being paste just now. Now you still look down on her?

No, no, no, I just think that the two of us are not used to our style here. Well, that means temperament and demeanor. For example, it would be better to go to places where young people go, such as fast food restaurants.

Masamune suggested.

Although it’s not like I’ve never been to these places, my authentic personality doesn’t really like it here.

Eh? Is that so? Haha, indeed, we are suitable for places where young people go.

Shizuka Hiratsuka, who was still a little angry at first, suddenly became full of smiles.

These three words are very strong for young people.


Zhengzong looked at Xiaojing until he felt uncomfortable all over.

What's wrong with me?

It's nothing, I just think you are really cute, Xiao Jing. Really, I don't have any bias or intention to please you, Xiao Jing is super cute.

Although she is already at the level of Ben San's aunt, she can still show the cuteness and innocence of this girl from time to time, which really makes Zhengzong feel like she has earned it.

Stupid, stupid, you are talking nonsense. Even so, don't think that I can forgive you easily. Regarding today's matters in the service department.

Surprised by Zhengzong's sudden praise, Xiaojing's face had a rare blush at this moment, and the charm flowing between her eyebrows was so heart-warming at this moment.

If we exclude the foot that is lightly stamping on the ground at this moment.

Every exchange with these girls can continuously promote the changes in Zheng Zong's body, but at the same time, the girls will also improve at different levels, and Hiratsuka Shizuka is undoubtedly at an extremely high level at this moment.

Just because of the shame of stepping on the ground, the dark marble floor, which was smooth and bright and looked expensive to make, had obvious cracks at this moment.

And Xiaojing's fists have even been squeezed together.

It seems that the next step is to shamelessly step forward to show off your shame to Zhengzong, such as hitting your chest with a small fist, but it seems that they understand the gap between them, so they do not take this step after all.

Masamune's corner twitched, and he didn't know what to say. It was fortunate that he had a man like himself to accept Hiratsuka Shizu.

It's really a unique taste. I've thought about countless ways that Xiaojing might be expressed love, but this, um, cuteness is really amazing.

The sound came from inside the hall.

Masamune raised his eyebrows, it's you, the troublemaker, Yukinoshita Harano!

Yukinoshita Harano, who had just ruined the threesome plan of the authentic service club student group over the weekend, walked out at this moment.

Compared to her usual formal attire, Yukinoshita Harano was wearing an evening dress at this moment.

A dark red dress perfectly showed off her exquisite body. She changed from the sunny and energetic style of the past. Her hair was tied up high, leaving only two strands of hair on the temples. Her makeup was also quite soft, lacking her usual capable aura. , but it looks more elegant, temperamental and refined.

Her face, which does not require any additional modifications, is as beautiful as the person in the painting. She is not short either, and when she wears high heels, she has already reached a good height.

And it was this girl who many wanted to approach but were intimidated by. When she saw Masamune and Hiratsuka Shizuka, she smiled and hurried up to greet her.

Because of the presence of Yukinoshita Harano, Hiratsuka Shizuka finally calmed down and glanced at Yukinoshita Harano with an indifferent look. It was obvious that what happened this time was deliberate.

Yukinoshita Harano had obviously made arrangements a long time ago. Even though Masamune and Hiratsuka Shizu's clothes did not conform to the rules here, he still walked in easily.

In the center of the hotel, the scene is unobstructed at this moment. In the center, there is a black-haired girl playing the piano gently. The melodious tunes are swirling in the hall, which is ethereal, light and intoxicating.

In the place specially arranged by Yukinoshita Harano, Yukinoshita Harano sat on one side, while Hiratsuka Shizuka and Masamune sat side by side on the other side.

What do you want to do this time?

He asked Yukinoshita Harano. Fortunately, he thought it was Hiratsuka Shizu suddenly enlightened. After doing this for a long time, something happened to Yukinoshita Harano in front of him. He took a sip of the drink in front of him and smacked her. Masamune I found that I was really not used to this kind of thing.

Guys who drink are accustomed to wanting to get drunk, but for Zhengzong, with the current physical condition, it is thousands of times easier to get drunk directly, and there is no reaction at all.

There's nothing I can do about it. Zhengzong-kun, you are so heartless. Even though people took the initiative to call you, you just ignored me and ignored me even when I sent text messages.

Seeing Masamune drinking such expensive wine directly, Yukinoshita Yono felt heartbroken in her heart, and she regretted suddenly choosing such an expensive place.

Although I could afford it, I still felt uncomfortable having the man in front of me like this.

Sorry, I have to be responsible for Xiaojing, so I must reject any evil thoughts from the source.

Pouring himself another glass, Yukinoshita Yono's little move that he thought was very hidden was clearly visible to Masamune.

Yukinoshita Yono is unhappy, which means Masamune is comfortable.

Ahem, Harno, if you want to say something, just say it quickly. Izumi is still in trouble.

Although he was being manipulated by Masamune behind his back, this kind of direct face-saving behavior made Shizuka Hiratsuka feel secretly happy.

At this moment, I couldn’t care less about my best friend’s teacher-student relationship.


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