Noticing Masamune's admiring and expectant eyes, Yui gently caressed her head, imitating the way her dachshund Sabrei would please her.

Okay, Xiaoxue, don't worry.

With gentle and gentle eyes, Yui couldn't help but think that not long ago, Mrs. Yuigahama taught her the same way, but at this moment, she was the one teaching Yukinoshita.

A sense of sacredness, as if passed down from generation to generation, made Yui's mood change in an instant.


Looking at Yuigahama Yui, whose demeanor suddenly changed at this moment, and who looked inexplicably looking forward to it, Yukino couldn't say any words of rejection.

Sighing, Yukino glanced at the satisfied Masamune with a resentful look and continued the relay silently.

Outside the door, Sagami Minami was leaning against the wall.

Whether it was Yui or Yukinoshita, the cooperation between the two at this moment completely broke his original luck and doubts. Was what Masamune told him at that time true?

When she thought of such a thing, an inexplicable fear suddenly arose in the girl's heart.

For Minami Sagami, who has always been a good girl, it was really too exciting.

Hearing the footsteps coming from nearby, he dared not stop and ran away in a hurry.

Yui, who was completely immersed in teaching Xiaoxue, suddenly turned around and started singing, feeling excited. At this moment, she wanted to teach well.

And Yukino, who was dazed and completely immersed in Yui's rhythm at the moment, kept insisting in the bottom of her heart at this moment, unwilling to be thrown away by the two of them, and forcibly accommodated the greatness that she could not tolerate. The two of them did not notice at all, the person outside the door. The sound of footsteps suddenly spread.

As for Zhengzong, although he was probably aware of the presence outside from the beginning and knew that there were girls outside.

However, when I found out that there was no such thing as a candid photo, it was just an ordinary kiss with Yukino, so I didn't pay much attention to it.

What followed was a reminder that I originally wanted, but after seeing Yui taking the initiative to pull Yukino over like this, I canceled them all.

With such a beautiful scene and a rare opportunity, Zhengzong would not let it go.

The two beautiful girls are just in front of you, blinking with bright big eyes, and they look like (Zhengzong's gaze) hoping that you can wave the gun and feed them, how can Zhengzong refuse.

Of course, you have to work hard first.

The two of them cooperated with each other perfectly, and they worked together perfectly to challenge Masamune. This scene was really great.

If we work harder, what was interrupted by Yukinoshita Haruno at that time can be successful today.

I said what are you three guys doing?!

Shizuka Hiratsuka walked in and saw Masamune sitting on the chair like a great master.

And at this moment, Yui and Yukino, who were lying on the ground in front of Masamune, looked as pitiful as two concubines from the old era.

The originally energetic voice was somewhat deformed at this moment.

As the nominal responsible teacher of the service department, faced with the fact that the members of the club that I am responsible for are all members of the club, they do not do their activities properly. As a result, a club that helps others has turned into this really bad and absurd place.

As Zheng Zhong's other girlfriend, I watched my boyfriend do the splits, and she found two of them in an instant.

No matter from any angle, Shizuka Hiratsuka could not help but be filled with anger at this moment.

The palms were clenched now.

The door was closed with a bang, and the violent sound echoed in the corridor. .

The bones in his head were cracking and he was thinking wildly, and the obvious fluctuations in front of his body were all indicating Hiratsuka Shizuka's current mood.

Seeing Shizuka Hiratsuka's anger level rising from a happy zero point, and looking like she was coming to engage in a full martial arts show with him, Masamune pushed Yui Ubihama and Yukino away, and chose the most direct way to help Shizuka Hiratsuka. to cool down.


You're capable, Izumi Masamune.

Sitting on the chair, he took the tissue from Yuigahama Yui and wiped his hair and face while glaring at Masamune.

As for Yukino, she was already squatting in the corner.

I don’t even want to read my favorite book anymore.

A good literary girl, an iceberg girl. No matter what the evaluation is, he belongs to the type that should be very quiet and noble, but in the end, he did such a thing under the command of Yuigahama Yui in a confused situation.

I thought that this kind of thing was seen by the teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka.

Yukinoshita Yukino fell directly into the lowest point of life at this moment, and her whole person seemed to have lost all color.

Free love, teacher, you don't have the qualifications to organize something like this, right? Instead, you just came in without knocking on the door. Don't you think it's very bad? My teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka.

Seeing that this woman was still unwilling to give up, Zhengzong emphasized the word teacher.

Hiratsuka Shizuka, whose weakness was poked, was speechless.

Yuigahama Yui watched the interaction between the two people and snickered secretly.

Hiratsuka Shizuka, who has always been full of momentum, seems to be restricted in every way when facing Masamune.

Such an interesting look made Yui secretly happy.

Masamune didn't continue teasing Hiratsuka Shizu.

Because what happened between the student and the teacher was too unbelievable, even if it was just now, Yui just regarded it as an accident and never really thought about what would happen between the two.

But if we continue, it will not be good until Yukinoshita Yukino, the intellectual responsible person on the other side, discovers the problem.

Things have to be done step by step. At least before the service department student combination is truly unlocked, other combinations still have to be revealed slowly.

Just like Mrs. Yuigahama's matter, if Yukino knew about it, at least Harino's side would be unlikely to achieve it.

Then what did you want to do here today?

Zhengzong looked over curiously.

Shizuka Hiratsuka's character comes from how to save trouble. She always stays in the office by herself on weekdays. Unless it involves students, she won't come over.

It's not because of you, kid, otherwise I would have come over?

Shizuka Hiratsuka was in a very bad mood at the moment. As an older young woman, she actually felt very guilty when encountering such a thing.

If it hadn't been for her good friend who said she had something urgent to do about Zhengzong, she wouldn't have changed at all.

Azong, what's wrong with him?

Yuigahama Yui was watching silently at first, but when she heard Hiratsuka Shizuka's words, she was shocked and couldn't care about anything else.

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