With the help of the top student's aloofness and the fact that he beat the football team, he successfully insulated the basic friendship.

It’s really the so-called “I have few friends, but I have many harem” example!

And this Sagami Minami who took the initiative to put himself in the wave is really brave.

However, Sagami Minami obviously does not belong to such a winking existence.

A girl with low abilities doesn't have Yui's ability to observe words and emotions at all.

Feeling the gazes around him at this moment, Sagami Minami's eyes actually flashed with a hint of pride.

I even felt that my previous plan of focusing on joining the live deposit team to achieve my goals was really stupid. The center of attention in the class should actually be authentic.

At this moment, he suddenly became the center of the class, which made Sagami Minami very comfortable.

What she likes is this sense of superiority that attracts attention.

My matters are relatively personal, so I don't think I necessarily need to tell Sagami Minami-san.

Some headache.

Zhengzong has already seen the disadvantages of rabbits eating grass beside their nests.

At this moment, one girl after another can only treat this guy coldly as quickly as possible.

No, aren't I worried about Izumi-san? As Yui's friend, I also want to ask.

Sagami Minami said, feeling more and more eyes around him and feeling very good.

No, why.

The girl suddenly realized something was wrong.

‘Isn’t this guy just observing me secretly? ’

Sagami Minami's enthusiasm made Masamune speculate at this moment.

Just when he thought of this, his vision felt a little weird.

Others cannot see Sagami Minami's appearance at this moment from a distance, but Masamune can see it if he is so close.

This guy was facing the corner of the table and shaking his body slightly.

Goodbye, my poor table.

Masamune's mood at the moment was strange.

I have seen many interesting investigations before.

For example, how do you feel about a girl sitting on your desk?

What choice would you make.

Then Zhengzong silently clicked on the blue option among a bunch of red options such as licking and banging.

As an extremely normal person who doesn’t change at all, she likes to compare and find differences at most. Look at the difference between Yui and Mrs. Yuigahama’s ancestral fish. For example, she likes to make her cute senior girl look OZ wearing only black si. of.

But those are just normal pleasant activities between boyfriend and girlfriend.

No matter what, he wouldn't be interested in something like that that was just a prank.

Seeing what Sagami Minami was doing at this moment, Masamune's mood was really extremely complicated.

I still remember that the first problem I had with my chair was the chair.

It was later discovered that the culprit was Yuigahama Yui.

But Yui-chan just did that. What is this guy Sagami Minami doing now? !


Just before things were about to get out of hand, Masamune shouted loudly, and then he just pulled Sagami Minami and walked outside.

The girls next to him looked at the scene in front of them and hesitated for a long time. Finally, they were unable to save face and follow him out together.

After all, if you watch in the classroom, you can still cover your ears, but if you go out, you will have to avoid exposing yourself.


He pressed his palm directly against the wall.

The huge power caused the wall to start collecting dust at this moment. You can imagine the force on it.

Masamune looked at Sagami Minami with cold eyes.

Sagami Minami, I don't think we have any contact on weekdays. Why did you come here this time? Or are you used to observing, but you can't help it at this moment?

The tone is not very good.

Sagami Minami's performance at this moment made him think of a bad chi woman word, especially when he was suspected of being the guy who was observing him.

Sensing Masamune's relentless questioning tone at this moment, Sagami Minami felt a little embarrassed.

After being invited to Yuigahama Yui's birthday party and seeing the gift Masamune gave Yui, Sagami Minami began to really pay attention to Masamune.

As an ordinary person, he has no foreign ancestry, no childhood sweetheart, and no expertise in novels and paintings.

Even for an ordinary beautiful girl like Kato Megumi who doesn't have the ability to eliminate divine auras, Sagami Minami has always been very expressive and longs for the feeling of being in the spotlight.

Sagami Minami has always been working towards this.

I want to join the live deposit group, but I don’t even have a plan of action. I have always been in the consideration period.

If you want to become a top scholar and be admired, you will soon be out of your mind just by looking at the books above.

If you want to be a star in sports, you will be out of breath and exhausted after running 800 meters.

He has a desire for expression, but his ability is very poor and he can't do anything.

This is the life Sagami Minami has always had.

And after seeing the dazzling Yui at that time, Sagami Minami finally noticed that at the time, he thought that as an isolated academic master from outside, he could only live like a salted fish without being noticed by others. Izumi Masamune, who has finished his high school life, is actually surprisingly good.

No matter in terms of financial resources or handsomeness.

If you get close to Zhengzong, you will definitely be able to shine relatively brightly, or you can directly follow Zhengzong to have a relationship with benefits.

Such thoughts cannot be said to be good, but they can also be said to be bad.

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