Xiao Jing must take these things to class today.

Masamune whispered in the girl's ear.

The voice was very soft, but extremely firm.

Because Shizuka Hiratsuka still had to go to class, Masamune's main concern was the amount, not the time.

Seeing Hiratsuka Shizuka's tangled and cautious way of walking past like a lady, Masamune's mood improved a lot.

The successive shadows have been alleviated by a series of coincidences. Masamune is in a good mood and plans to show some mercy after Izumi Takatsuki finds the mastermind behind the scenes.

Instead of sinking everything into Tokyo Bay, all the limbs need to be broken off.

Thinking like this, seeing that get out of class ended in ten minutes, Zhengzong, who didn't want to join in the middle for the moment, was wandering in the corridor.

Unconsciously, he walked to Yukinoshita's classroom. Standing outside the door, Masamune noticed Yukinoshita Yukino sitting in the third row at first sight.

It's not a protagonist.

The protagonist seat is a very popular joke here in District 11.

But the location is pretty good.

Rarely, Yukinoshita Yukino did not continue to read like her literary girl, but seriously raised her head and looked at the blackboard.

The slender neck, under the sunlight, was like ivory, shining with dazzling light.

Being able to be number one in the school in the previous school year and second in the following school year.

Yukinoshita Yukino naturally has her own efforts.

The girl was studying so seriously at this moment, which made Zhengzong feel very fresh.

I decided, let’s go to Yukinoshita’s house to play role-playing with Yukino today.

Zhengzong suddenly had such a decision in his mind.

It seemed that he felt someone's too dazzling gaze. Confused that something was wrong with her body, Yukinoshita Yukino turned her head in confusion, and then saw a guy looking at her by the window.

The cell phone rings suddenly.

Interrupting Masamune's thoughts of continuing eye contact with Yukino, he took out his cell phone, looked at the number on it, and hung up with disgust on his face.

The caller was Yukinoshita Harano.

Such a perfect timing made Masamune wonder if this guy was monitoring his classmate Yukino.

[If you don’t answer the phone, you will be responsible for the consequences! 】

A text message from Yukinoshita Harano came immediately after.

Masamune didn't do anything, but looked at Yukino who was still confused in the classroom, then took a photo of the girl who was winking at him at the moment, and sent it to Yukinoshita Haruno.

Well, I accidentally posted a picture of Yukino and Yui facing each other coyly in a hotel.

Zhengzong said that it was really not an accident.

But he really wanted to piss off a certain guy.

This bastard!

Just outside Sobu High School, in a black car.

A rare thing for Yukinoshita Harano, she neither continued to network at school nor met other family partners with her mother. Instead, she sat alone in the driving seat and threw her cell phone aside angrily.

For a girl lover, it is already very distressing to see her girl looking so shy. The most important thing is that her girl is still with another girl.

This can no longer be explained by adding fuel to the fire. It was originally a good flame, but now it has become a real fire with three flavors.

Just let this guy die on his own.

She was furious and wanted to do this, but when she saw another picture, Yukinoshita Yukino was studying seriously in the classroom, Yangno felt soft in her heart.

He took the phone and sent a message to another person.

On the other side, when Zhengzong was doing nothing, get out of class was finally over.

He walked leisurely towards the classroom.

But you still have to go, otherwise it would be bad for Miura Yui's side to worry.

Just after returning to the classroom, Zhengzong was about to take a rest, but found that it was dark in front of him.

When he raised his head, he found that it was not Miura or Yui, but an unfamiliar figure.

Sagami Minami-kun?

Zhengzong looked at the guy in front of him, and it was really strange. There should be no contact between the two parties.

I'm just worried about Izumi-san. After all, I suddenly didn't have a class today.

With a big smile.

She can be considered a pretty girl, not too big nor too small.

It's nothing, it's just something that happened suddenly. It's been resolved.

Seeing this guy actively approaching his table, and then looking like he was already quarreling towards the corner of the table, Zhengzong said with some disgust.

There was no way, there were several pairs of eyes staring at him at the same time, Miura on the left, Ebina behind, and Yui not far away.

I don’t know what Sagami Minami thinks.

Masamune himself didn't come to the last class, so his presence in the class is relatively high now, and Sagami Minami didn't hide it when he spoke, and his voice was not quiet.

Under such circumstances, Zhengzong immediately attracted a lot of attention.

It's just that these sights are very uncomfortable.

The sudden atmosphere made the class become quiet.

Many people suddenly realized that the original center of the active group had gradually moved closer to Masamune from Hayama Hayato.

And some guys who have played too many strategy games have noticed the difference.

Some unlucky guys have even begun to quietly stay away from here.

I just feel that this guy Zhengzong is really terrible.

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