Geniuses always have privileges, don't they? I also ranked first in the whole grade in this academic test, and I paid every tuition fee as usual, didn't I?

Because this guy was sitting, Zhengzong lowered his head at this moment and could just see the light on the other person's head. It was very dazzling and made Zhengzong a little impatient.

Your attitude is very bad. I think the only way is for you to drop out of school temporarily and calm down.

No, there is no need to drop out of school. I think we actually have a lot of room for communication, or wouldn't it be nice to tell me the people behind it?

Zhengzong, who was worried about where to find clues, looked at the class teacher who appeared at this moment and said with a smile.

Even the flashing light bulb looks much more pleasing to the eye now.

No, kid, you don't understand.

The man's views on orthodoxy are actually very good, but it's a pity that he offended people he shouldn't have offended.

Shaking his head, he felt that the best thing to do now was to let Zhengzong drop out of school as soon as possible and change to a suitable school, which would be a good thing.

A man who knows that this society is far crueler than imagined, tries to use his kindness to help Zheng Zong.

I understand, because we have mutual friends, so you will tell me.

No, you don't understand!

You will understand.

A piece of Fukuzawa Yukichi was placed in front of the man.

He could feel the goodwill of the other party, so Zhengzong gave up the idea of ​​letting the ghoul come out to cause trouble for him.

Good teachers are rare. Although they are bald, they don't have much bad feelings.

Seeing the banknotes in front of him, the man was stunned for a moment, and then became angry!

In District 11, teachers are still very respected.

Especially with the declining birthrate, it is not that easy to successfully become a teacher and then teach normally.

The status is just a little lower than that of lawyers and doctors.

By the way, it must be mentioned that according to surveys, his professional ranking is much higher than that of an Ivy actor.

That's why Hiratsuka Shizuka felt very troubled about what happened between herself and Masamune.

At this moment, the head teacher, the great educator Yukichi Fukuzawa, who was wearing a loose robe and a solemn face, felt that his dignity as a hard-working gardener had been trampled on.

Tsk, the small face value is indeed trouble.

With that said, Masamune threw down ten more cards.

Not to mention anything else, even his own royalties are worth hundreds of millions.

I'm telling you, this is wrong.


There was a sudden weight on his shiny head. The man guaranteed with his usual integrity that there were definitely as many as a hundred pictures in this part.


Without saying a word, Fukuzawa Yukichi looked like a devil's smile or an angel waving in front of the class teacher.

His eyes looked towards Zhengzong full of expectation.

It's not good to be too greedy. Especially, you have to understand that your own value is just a thing. Don't misunderstand yourself.

As he said that, Zhengzong tried to take back the hundred pictures on his head, and slapped people in the face with money. It was really a great experience.

Okay, okay, I'm convinced. It's a loan company. The other party suddenly said that if I drop you out of school, my loan will not charge interest. I didn't mean it, it's just that the loan here is too big. So I.

He spoke in a tangled tone, nagging, and then put away Fukuzawa Yukichi in front of him.

Although it's not too much, it's like giving it away for free.

A loan company? Do you owe us a loan shark? How dare you borrow such a thing.

The inexplicable thing made Zhengzong feel a little bit confused and couldn't help but ask.

You don't have a job yet, so you don't know how tiring it is to work, especially when you have a wife at home nagging you all day long, and you have friends socializing outside. It's super troublesome. You don't know how tiring I am to work here. , Young people, you are spending your parents’ money now, and you have no idea how tiring it is to make money, and money is not that easy to make!”

It seems that the pressure is very high, and the poor class teacher Mediterranean keeps complaining to Masamune.

Yes, money is not that easy to make.

Zhengzong nodded knowingly.

The money is super easy to make.

If you just borrow a few books, you will have lovely readers to support the purchase. Even if you can't make money, as long as you are willing to go back, it is not easy to inherit a family fortune with a market value of trillions.

This is no longer blowing by strong winds, but by tornadoes.

Anyway, someone came to look for you. Is that why this side came to trouble me?

Masamune asked, and the man nodded knowingly.

The other party has a very deep background. He has branches all over the country. He seems to be connected with the Security Bureau. He also has a lot of strength in this city. And he also cooperates with the hive of * Dao forces. We ordinary people don't dare to Resist.”

Mediterranean explained, his expression also full of exhaustion.

You don't need to worry about these things. You just need to tell me the other person's name.

Waving his hand, Zhengzong said that the biggest Taoist power BOSS is still his subordinate, and these things are nothing at all.

Okay, you should be careful anyway.

The Mediterranean Sea is also open at the moment.

Well, by the way, do you want to pay off the loan directly?

Masamune asked as he thought of something.


With a pile of Fukuzawa Yukichi in hand, he successfully obtained a permanent leave application form for the next two years.

Show it and use it anytime, anywhere.

As long as the Mediterranean Sea doesn't leave, Masamune can take a leave of absence.

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