Now he didn't even have to address him as Jun, so he just greeted Masamune happily.

Then, like a bird fluttering into his arms, he felt the warmth of the person in front of him.


These have become the natural talents of authentic women.

It’s so bad that now every morning and every time I go out, I have to take a good shower.

Then I bought a mint-flavored shower gel. After every sour taste, I finally suppressed all the weird smells on my body.

Yui, I think we should pay attention to the situation.

Masamune held the girl's shoulders and whispered.

Everything that Izumi Kyoka told him last night proved that someone was actually observing him secretly.

Although when doing interesting things, Zhengzong will look around the situation very carefully to prevent problems from happening.

But manpower will eventually be exhausted, and in ordinary life, Zhengzong does not have that kind of skill.

You should take your communication with the girls around you seriously.

However, when she was suddenly pushed away, Yui's body seemed to have fallen into a low-pressure mode.

The head that was originally raised energetically like a bird chirping in the morning is now lowered and the shoulders are shrugged.

I just unlocked all the combination skills and solo cheese here with Mrs. Yuigahama in Masamune.

Then not a day later, Zhengzong suddenly told him to keep his distance.

Poor Yui, for a moment, a bunch of words came to mind, including starting chaos and finally giving up, getting tired of playing, and so on.

I thought of how my mother and I depended on each other. Because we were used to the authentic sizes, the largest eggplants were not enough, so we could only hug each other to keep warm.

Hey, what are you thinking about.

Seeing this guy suddenly burst into tears, Zhengzong was also panicked.

No, it's nothing. There are tears there, but I just can't control them.

Obviously one moment, Yui was still telling herself to be strong, but the next moment, she could no longer restrain herself.

It's really terrible to be able to see such a scene when we first met. I couldn't suppress my terrible desire, and in the early morning when the weather was comfortable, I did something terrible to a female high school student and made her cry. Izumi-kun, as expected Are you still at the police station on your way home?

The cold voice did not hide his disdain.

Masamune turned his head and saw Yukinoshita Yukino's figure.

I actually happened to meet this guy today.

The two hands faced Zhengzong, and the posture they had just started had an awe-inspiring aura.

He remembered that Yukinoshita seemed to have learned something called Aikido.

Hey, Yukinoshita, do you know that in Aikido, even when faced with the most evil people, they try their best to avoid killing and hurting them and strive to subdue them? What do you mean by this?

After encountering Yukinoshita in such a state for a long time, Masamune was quite speechless. Did he misunderstand himself?

Yukino, if one day, Yui and I fall into the water at the same time, who will you save?

Yukinoshita Yukino, who originally thought he had seen a heartless man who looked like a righteous superman, fell into a daze at this moment.

Okay, you don't have to come, you come just in time, I have business.

Pulling a guy who for no apparent reason scared him to tears, Masamune was in the middle.

Yui, you may have misunderstood something. I just told you because I found that someone may be observing us secretly.

Is someone observing us?

Yui, who originally looked defeated by her own delusions, breathed a sigh of relief at this moment.

The girl who knew she had misunderstood smiled sheepishly, and then immediately jumped up, as if there was something scary around her.

As for Yukinoshita Yukino, she was deep in thought at the moment.

Zhengzong, who had been paying attention to the two people's reactions, felt that he had found a clue.

Of course Yukinoshita Yukino knew the suspect. The various photos her sister gave her some time ago all showed such things, but the girl didn't want Masamune to know.

He doesn't want to allow conflict between his two relatives.

Yukinoshita Yukino didn't want to see this kind of thing at all.

The thing that can get you, Masamune-kun, is undoubtedly the school, or even the people in your class. Let's pay attention to it on weekdays.

Yukino hesitated for a moment, but in the end he still didn't say the name, but in his opinion, as long as he could find the target of the candid photo, that's all.

The ones who were able to get the authentic photos were undoubtedly the few closest to them.

Yukinoshita, who is extremely decisive, is also entangled in the struggle between two close beings to herself.

I will pay attention to this.

Yukinoshita was not forced. To be honest, this incident had no impact on Masamune at all.

After completing this agreement, the three of them continued walking towards the school.

Yukino and Yui were both a little wary, but they were made angry or laughing by Masamune, who was still trying to get them closer.

The rather awkward atmosphere has relaxed a lot.

Originally, Zhengzong thought that the matter would not be too urgent for the time being, but he obviously thought too much. As soon as he arrived at the school, he was pulled into the office by the head teacher.

The head teacher is a bald man.

A guy whose name I still can't remember.

The shining head indicates the subject taught by the other party.


Classmate Masamune, I have some concerns about the fact that you have been asking for leave recently.

The head teacher said to Lin Mu, as if he wanted to pretend to be a bad person, but unfortunately his acting skills were not very good. The tone that had just risen fell down the next moment.

It makes people want to laugh.

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