No wonder Masamune obviously never fed Mrs. Yuigahama blood, as a normal type would be affected by himself.

Mrs. Yuigahama rarely takes the initiative to contact her. This is the key to how feelings can solve everything.

This is relying on videos to see things and think about people. This is much better than Sagiri Ruri's previous actions of stealing her own clothes and Yukino taking her own water cup.

To be honest, Masamune doesn't care about this.

It is even much better than my wife going to see other Chinese quintessences.


But it definitely does not include being seen by Yui from this side.

It was also Yui's sudden and uncharacteristic cuteness just now that made Zhengzong feel a little moved, but he didn't even listen to what the other lady was looking at.

Now that this kind of thing has come out, it is really a bit troublesome.

You, how could you!

Yui's face turned red with anger as she stammered.

He is obviously in a good mood, he obviously has an authentic ring, and he is obviously in such a happy and perfect situation.

But at this moment, he was directly interrupted by Zhengzong.

Big bad.

Zhengzong also has some troubles in his heart, but facing such a situation at this moment, he cannot hesitate, otherwise it will really be over this time.


Masamune directly hugged Yui and sat on the sofa. Mrs. Yuigahama on the other side also hugged her at the moment.

It can be felt that Mrs. Yuigahama's cold body at this moment should be the happiest time, but it is so cold at this moment. You can know the bad condition of Mrs. Yuigahama at this moment.

Yui, your mother and I have been like this a long time ago. We were just afraid that you would be sad, so we didn't say anything.

One on the left and one on the right, each holding one in his arms.

Masamune felt that he had to be decisive at this time, and slightly changed the time when the two met according to Yui's character.

Yui, we are not.

It seemed that she had finally come to her senses. Looking at her daughter who was being held tightly on the other side, Mrs. Nishi Yuigahama felt her heart beat rapidly.

She has always been hiding things, and she usually carries the huge pressure by herself. When she was discovered just now, she felt her daughter's scrutinizing eyes. She was already discouraged. The appearance of Masamune at this moment gave her some relief. come over.

Don't be so afraid. Although I know you want to make Yui happy, you can't sacrifice yourself like this. I don't want to let go of either of you.

Masamune looked at Mrs. Yuigahama with a clear look, You have to work hard.

Yu, Yui, I also like Masamune. Can you forgive mom? Today is Yui's birthday. The three of us are together. I am really happy. I feel that I finally have the warmth of home.

Mrs. Yuigahama covered her heart and spoke sincerely.

Zhengzong will only marry you in the future. I am much older than you. When I leave, you two will only be able to rely on each other. I am just too tired now and I am alone at home. Then He is your husband, Yui, and I hope he is my support.

That can't be like this!

Looking at Mrs. Yuigahama who was caught by Masamune on the other side.

The person you like the most, and the person who likes you the most.

Each other occupied their own positions.

It was hard for Yui to explain clearly what she was jealous of at the moment.

She had obviously accepted Xiaoyue, but she didn't expect to encounter a situation like Mrs. Yuigahama's.

My wife and I were older than you, Yui, but in the end we fell in love with you uncontrollably, Yui. If you must say it, Yui, I...

Naturally, it is impossible for the wife to do the hard work alone, so Zhengzong can only say.

You're such a bastard! Big bastard!

Yui's little fist beat Masamune's heart.

It's not that it was different from the fight when he was angry. Yui really used her strength at this moment.

But the older he got, the more distressed he became, and in the end, only tears were left in Zheng Zong's heart.

Yui, Mrs. Yuigahama is also a woman, and she also hopes to have a hug. After knowing about you and me, she has decided to withdraw, but I have been insisting on not letting her go. Are you willing to let her be alone? Instead of having another family at home. There is one more stranger to get acquainted with, why not let us stay together.

Zhengzong held the girl's face and explained in a gentle voice.

So it turns out that the first time I was in the corridor, you two already knew each other?

Yui asked.

Well, we met by accident a long time ago, but I didn't expect that it would be such a coincidence.

Mrs. Nishikino Yuigahama, who remained silent next to her, also had mixed feelings in her heart.

I thought of the scene I saw Masamune and Yuigahama Yui together.

After seeing the size, I was already attracted by it.

Seeing Zhengzong's calm expression now, although her thoughts were strange, she could only lament when she saw hope, pretending to agree, hoping to get Yui's approval.

She had already resigned herself to her fate, but now she suddenly felt hope.

Now, we leave everything to you, Yui, to decide. Whether you approve it or not, it's up to you to decide.

Mrs. Yuigahama herself said that it was inconvenient, and there was still Yukino's matter on Masamune's side, so it was not easy to talk about it, so she could only force Yui.

Yui was extremely confused, looking at Masamune and the terrified wife next to him.

This was the first time I saw that strong wife showing such an expression.

Of course, I know that it is not easy for the wife in front of me, but some things are not meant to be like that.

Yui looked at Masamune and gritted her teeth.

The ring on her hand still reminds her of Zhengzong's inhuman physical strength. Although it sometimes makes people have a headache, it is indeed very happy. My wife is so tired, if it is possible.

I, I don't care!

Yui looked at Masamune angrily and left a mark on his shoulder.

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