When I opened it, it was an unknown number.

[I will take away the lady from Nishikino Hospital first. I happened to have met her socially before. 】

Needless to say, it was Harano's number, and at the same time, there was an apologetic message from Mizumi Nishikino.

He said that he met the daughter of an acquaintance and was embarrassed to continue waiting for him.

Masamune-kun, what's wrong?

Yui looked at Masamune in confusion.


Shaking his head, it was naturally impossible to tell Yui such a thing.

Are you still feeling regretful? I didn't expect that Xiaoxue's sister would come over.

Yui said apologetically.

After all, this time Zhengzong's gift made him very satisfied, but he really failed to fulfill his promise to Zhengzong.

It's okay, Yui has done a great job.

He comforted the girl, but Yui was obviously not yet able to feel at ease.

How about going to my house.

She whispered to Masamune with a blushing face. She had played with Masamune too much, and Yui also knew how to make men feel satisfied.

Since the perfect threesome cannot continue, let's start having a happy family.

I believe that in this environment, this big bad guy will definitely be satisfied.

After getting the ring, Yui was in a very happy mood and decided to give Masamune a good feedback.

‘Mother probably won’t have any objections. After all, you have already given me that kind of thing. As long as you are careful, even if you are discovered, you will ignore it silently. ’

Thinking of the little umbrella her mother gave her at that time, Yui made a decision.

The originally good hotel trip came to an end, and Masamune followed Yui to Yuigahama's house.

The girl opened the door with the key and made a shushing gesture towards Zhengzong.

He carefully put the shoes aside, then came in front of him and helped Zheng Zong put down the shoes.

So, do you want to eat me first? Or do you want to eat first?

Yui said with a smile, but then she took the initiative to kneel in front of Masamune.

Actually, he was directly in the corridor of this shoe cabinet. He tried his best to keep quiet and started to prepare.


Masamune really didn't expect that Yui would bring him such a surprise today.

The sound sounded intermittently.

Hey, it's a little loud.

Masamune looked at Yui in confusion and whispered, although Mrs. Yuigahama already knew the matter, Yui would probably die of embarrassment if she was discovered like this.

But at this moment, Yui also raised her head and put aside her hair. It can be seen that the girl clearly did not make a sound at this moment.

The two looked at each other, and then looked at the right turn ahead, which was the living room of Yuigahama's house.

Yui's expression turned strange.

Could it be that his mother was watching something strange.

Although this kind of thing actually happened, it didn't matter. My mother raised her alone as a person.

I was used to watching various TV series from the beginning, and I was worried that a so-called stepfather would come to take away my mother's love or abuse me.

Later, Yui became sensible and gradually began to accept this kind of thing, and even actively suggested that her mother find a man.

It's just that Mrs. Yuigahama was used to being alone, so she didn't accept it.

Under such circumstances, it is not impossible to think about the possibility that my mother might take advantage of her to stop causing trouble.

That naughty smile appeared on Yui's face at this moment.

The girl who got the ring today is obviously extra bold.

After gesturing to Masamune and telling him to stay here and not move, Yui tiptoed towards the living room alone.

Today, she, Yuigahama Yui, is going to have her legs broken.

Zhengzong raised his hand, trying to stop Yui, but Yui had already ran over, and Zhengzong had no choice.


Yui's voice was drawn out and had a naughty tone, but the tone didn't last long before it changed shape.

When he got here, Zhengzong was also shocked, and he hurried over without caring about anything else.

Masamune-kun, us.


Masamune turned around. At this moment, Mrs. Yuigahama was sitting alone on the sofa, her hands not knowing where to put them. It was obvious that she was having an adult night life on her daughter's birthday.

When she saw Masamune coming in, Mrs. Yuigahama didn't do anything to cover it up. Her hands froze, as if there was no life left.

Yuigahama Yui stared at the TV blankly and made no move.

Zhengzong looked at the screen, dumbfounded.

On the TV screen, there was exactly that very normal content.

It's just that the hero and heroine in it are not teachers, but him and Mrs. Yuigahama.

Masamune usually likes to play with Mrs. Yuigahama very much. When he plays too much, he sometimes wants to leave a video to do it.

This was fully demonstrated by Mrs. Ubihama, who was as calm as an adult, and even actively cooperated with Masamune in recording various scenes.

After Masamune took a copy and put it on the mobile hard drive for backup, Mrs. Yuigahama blushed and asked for one.

Zhengzong didn't expect that his wife would actually use it for such a thing.

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