Qianju Cunzheng's body trembled, and he seemed to have finally recovered from the state of being affected by Zhengzong.

Rather than letting you think about imprisoning me all the time, it would be nice to imprison you as my exclusive possession.

He grabbed Qianju Cunzheng's hair with his palm and leaned forward, so that the two of them looked at each other.

The girl felt the pain caused by her hair being torn and pulled up. It was obviously a very bad experience, but her body felt as if there was an electric current passing through her body, densely packed.

Looking at Zhengzong who was so close at this moment, she found that it seemed that all the pain could be ignored.

Sure enough, only the world with Teacher Izumi Masamune is complete.

Only with Zhengzong, just by being with him, can you feel the redemption in your heart.

The emotion in her heart was also intertwined with the body that the girl didn't know existed, which caused her body to become increasingly uncomfortable due to the influence.

The greater the pain in her head, the more comfortable she felt in her body, as if her body was suddenly complete.

Tick-tick-tick, the girl was excited, and her voice was very distinct in the basement.

Zhengzong saw excitement and anticipation, but not fear.

It's really, really bad.

Looking at this woman, Zhengzong's mood at the moment was quite strange.

In fact, he has always been quite concerned about these 'destined' harems.

When I didn't know that the world was a mash-up of comics, I thought about various ways to meet each other and then worked hard to move from the original single girl line to the harem ending.

Even if he found out later, he has always had a unique attitude towards these guys.

In the end, he first treated the Yamada Fairy well, and was finished by himself who couldn't afford to offend the Fairy.

The only one who looks like Yamato Nadeshiko and belongs to the authentic expectation, Senjumura Sei, has the same hopeless expression at the moment.

The best way to kimono girls is to be the type of writer who is yandere-y about novels and would pull out his nails because he didn't meet the deadline when writing a novel.

Now she has turned into a completely yandere girl.

By the way, when he said this, he couldn't help but think of Sakano City.

In the past, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to carry the hatchet, so I didn't go there. Now it seems that I can consider it. There are several good pairs of mother-daughter sisters there, as well as Fuyuki City on the other side.

He felt that his strength was strong enough, and Zhengzong suddenly wanted to go for a swim.

‘Well, forget it, just let Bronze Tree kill all the men in the Zeyue family. Let’s talk about other things later. ’

Putting away those unnecessary thoughts in his mind, Masamune came back to his senses.

I found that at this moment, Qian Shou Cun Zheng was still trying hard to raise his head, trying to get closer to Zhengzong.

It's really Sao, you terrible pervert.

With a bad smile, he looked at Qianju Cunzheng. Masamune was not a good person. He saw that the girl had changed because of her changes, so he tried to find a way to help her correct it.

Since you want it so much, then just enjoy it for me.

He wrapped his arms around the girl's waist and picked her up. Under Takatsuki Izumi's envious eyes, the blood stains burst.


Qianshou Cunzheng raised his neck and let out a long, comfortable sigh.

In the basement, the slightly gloomy atmosphere that was originally caused by the dim environment had long since disappeared without a trace.

In addition to Senjumura Sei, who no longer needed to stand at this moment and was leaning closely against Masamune, letting him carry him, there was also Takatsuki Izumi on the other side, who had quietly taken off his clothes in envy.


This woman who was once decisive in killing, but now enjoying life and authentic joy, looked towards the corner.

Although she no longer needs ordinary food, she still feels the smell of humans clearly.

Not to mention a certain guy who was originally the target of protection by the female ghouls.

Being able to come here is just because of its own special status.

Why don't you come out yet? It would be nice for everyone to play together.

Izumi Takatsuki, who looks down on other women, but already regards Masamune's will as the highest, doesn't mind showing kindness to her at this moment.

‘Death, death, death. ’

Yamada Fairy, real name is Emily Granger.

I almost cried at this moment, hoping that I could borrow an invisibility cloak like a guy with the same surname.

If she could regret it, she would definitely choose to call the police instead of doing anything else when she glanced randomly today.

It's a pity that there is no if. The Yamada fairy who followed him in a daze at this moment felt that his palms were sweating.

Because Masamune's identity had been notified on the protection list before, even if the Yamada Fairy was discovered early in the morning, Takatsuki Izumi did not take action.

As a result, this guy easily took everything in, including Takatsuki Izumi's appearance.

Although ghouls became a legend long ago because of angel healing.

Coupled with the efforts of various countries, almost no one knows.

But this definitely does not include the Yamada Fairy.

As a chuunibyou patient, and his novels are also fantasy-themed, the Yamada Fairy is very curious about these ghouls.

So after seeing this scene at this moment, she knew that she was going to fall.

‘Calm down, calm down, the other person might just be talking nonsense. ’

Realizing that Izumi Takatsuki was not approaching, he mistook the opponent's lack of daring to attack the person he was protecting as a bluff. The Yamada Fairy had an ostrich mentality at the moment.

‘Bless me, protect me, the other party doesn’t notice anything. God, Buddha, Lord Mori, must protect your believers. ’

Yamada Fairy, who had already risked his life, kept praying in his heart.

I even saw a mysterious magician who wrote the Dark Scripture and began to pray for it in my heart.

Takatsuki Quan glanced at Masamune who was still trying to attack Qianju Village next to him, and didn't know what to do.

Just when the entire basement fell into silence, the only sound was the applause of Zhengzong and Senjumura Sei.

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